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Everything posted by ULessa

  1. Hmm, I thought the super parts add weight onto the rotating part. I could live without the SS because I do have other things I want to buy
  2. Do want the super parts but I don't want to put that much stress on the wings. :X tough luck for me
  3. I have completely forgotten about Black Friday! VALKS!
  4. I just love bandai's new matte finish and I hope they keep going on with it. They did it for the Metal Build Laevatein too and its great!
  5. Contemplating on dropping the cash on this birdy here.
  6. Guess we should just speculate on what kind of repaint we can expect coming up next.
  7. Want it! but $300 is abit much...
  8. Glad that you got your stuff! Its always nice to get a cheap Valk!
  9. Well, no harm in trying. If anything happens you'll get your money back anyway (fingers crossed) I did get a YF-29 30th Anniversary for $110 on Amazon so I'm damn happy with that (THINK its new, didn't transform to check joints)
  10. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00IP3H7S2/ref=sr_1_4_olp?ie=UTF8&qid=1408677996&sr=8-4&keywords=dx+chogokin&condition=new Cheap one has appeared. Go get it
  11. I guess I'll be transforming the one with the off centered fuselage into Battroid and hope my other copy has the part properly centered....
  12. Got mine and that finish is damn nice. The fuselage however seems to not be centered properly.
  13. Same situation as you and it hurts to not see them pretty birds. I have Valks beings shipped abroad and I dread the idea of hauling things back home... half way across the globe...
  14. URGH! mines sitting in the mailroom just waiting for me to pick it up... So much crap has happened these past 2 days I'm so damn burnt out.
  15. All these paint qc comments :X Feels so awkward after sitting through a thread about Fewture gokins and coming back here
  16. Booo for me. Package arrived today but the post office is closed for the next two days.
  17. Seeing your Ozma is making me contemplate whether or not to transform it into Battroid from Fighter!!! Really really want to get my 30!
  18. Getting a decal printed isn't too hard
  19. No stats on my order but everything should be shipped out in 2 days anyway.
  20. I think a Roy 30 would be a hard sell since the most logical change would just be the red stripes replaced with yellow. That change would be too small and make a lot of people call them out for repainting something so tiny. Ozma on the other hand would just create PO hell...
  21. You guys think this ones worth it (just to keep)? One of the local stores have it so I'm considering it (dno the price though).
  22. If it really bothers you its possible to get rid of it by sanding down the said part with really fine steel wool or sand paper. One you've done that you will have to clean it up with a buffer. To be safe you'll also have to mask off the parts will run through the buffer to avoid polishing off any unwanted parts. Alot of work for sure :X
  23. Micro fiber wipe if you wanna be 100% safe. EDIT: I wonder if the 171 armor parts would be worth it as an add-on (will get the 171 one day... one day...)
  24. I now want the new Macross series to come soon for more Valk goodness!
  25. I just love the neutral pose of the YF-30!
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