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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. Copy that. Imagine a Low Viz VF-0? 367245[/snapback] OMG, I just wet myself.... VF-OS Lov Viz would be super kick@ss!!! edited: misspelling 367260[/snapback] with ghost
  2. I don't see how there was more evidence for Kaifun+Minmay, vs. Hikaru+Minmay... or maybe I just didn't want to see the evidence 366312[/snapback] who read the books? wasn't their son to become zor prime? rick married lisa. Got to love bad endings that try to cover everything
  3. uhm... gravity well... never understood why they just didn't push a huge ass rock into the planet and be done with it. Great... you have a cannon on the moon... the moon is now fragmented and plunging towards the earth... I'd say inbreeding more than anything else
  4. I do have to say why didn't zim get picked up instead or whatever the heck 12oz mouse is supposed to be. Yeah I know most of the viewers of cartoon network at the 12-4am slot are drunk, stoned, trippin, or some combination of the three. I've been all three plus some other stuff I won't go into detail about and 12oz mouse still sucks. If I hadn't been so f@cked up I would have changed the channel megas though... that was a pretty funny show. The episode where coop's friend was trying to impress a girl and controlling the megas remotely without knowing it had me launch milk from my nose for the first time since grade school
  5. hurin and haterist are funny I've dealt with both of them with no issues but the two of them in the same room reminds me of my family reunions . Just needs to be open bar and I'd feel right at home. hurin... port athority cops do suck ass compared to metro, my grandpa was one. If you have to arrest a gabore and then deal with snot nosed kids you'd have a short fuse to. Haterist... I've slept in central park a few times and i've damn near seen everything nyc has to offer except the chud [even my crazy ass never went into manhatten sewers ] I might buy 20 punk ass kids consisting of 8 bangers and 12 twerps who just wanted to jump on somebody... but 50 is a bit high. Yeah... I know when you are getting smacked around from all sides it's real easy to lose count and 5 seals went to 20 when I told the story for the days they let me limp before doing it again. After that I had numbers, names, and addys... which didn't help at all . Nothing like being a willing punching bag or getting a dishonerable. Got my honorable and more than a few brusies... but after that nobody but a seal called me their bitch... and they only did it when some-one was guarding the door so I couldn't run for my life on topic... it looks like this will be my first and only 1/48... unless anybody has heard anything about a 1/48 ve what should I be aware of as a 1/48 newbie? I asked the same thing here before I tried to transform my 19a or my 21 and I should have before dealing with the 1/60's horrible instruction manual but didn't. I sold that 1/60 before some-one told me that you were supposed to push that little piece on the leg
  6. I want the msrp to look cheaper
  7. kanata67


    I'd comment but nobody else seems into making customs that involve blood and gore splattered around the inside of a canopy so I won't
  8. need a bunch of leg sets to try out additional mods? Unless I figure out a four legged spawn custom beast, and make a few of them, I will always have more 1/55 legs than I need
  9. hey phat... I might be willing to part with one of my beers sets for you... so nobody else ask. oh yeah... bryan_f_davis@yahoo.com ... 1. I'm still looking for that friggin sdf arm I know is around here somewhere so I can help you out with a complete one. Still not sure if I ant to part with a pod or a 19a though 2. If you don't either add "snap" to your sig or stop using it I'm gonna pull a cartman on the boards and start using "hella" every other hella word so help me hella because I'm hella sick of it!!!!!
  10. Hi, The difference is the lenght of the forarms. The reissue have them a bit longer then the originals. i will post some more pics of the to. 365261[/snapback] yep. the only part silver will have to recast extra/differently is the forearm armor. it's actually pretty nice that it's just that part as he could even offer up sets with both types for people who wanted to move the armor around.
  11. al11 made damn good money with his limited deluxe boxed evil jetfires. I think the last one to be sold went for well over $500. As it had been one of my jetfires I know he made a fair profit over what it cost him. still a lot of work to make something that pretty.
  12. original nascar, or whatever it was called back then, had certain requirements. I belive the one you are refering to is that for a car to enter it had to be a production model with at least 20,000 made and sold. Thats why there were 20k non-lemans gt-40's back in the day. 20k superbirds, 20k 427 vette's, etc. Trans-am series maybe...? camaro sold for a fair price. Most importantly it went to a good home. US air force c-130 gunner 3 years from retirement now a recruiter who has already restored a 57 chevy and a 69 firebird. He already had the freeze plug, trunk pan, and other bits lying around. I'll miss her but at least now she will get the attention she deserves. Hit me with a 2x4 and I might bruise, watching my camaro leave my yard on the back of a trailer had me in tears...
  13. why non-transformable? don't get me wrong as I plan on doing a few non-transforming 1/55 customs... primarily because I have a few 1/55's in such sorry shape only glue would keep them together
  14. I might be down for a cannon or two 363496[/snapback] A cannon or two??? You cheap son-of-a..., get at least ONE full strike set!!! (plus two cannons) 363570[/snapback] I already have a set of jesse's resin strike, two originals, and a few extra cannons from monkey and others. I really need to start recasting parts myself to justify any more I'm not that bad... I think bobe has 5+ strikes
  15. I might be down for a cannon or two
  16. 2003... talk about an old thread I re-added my first pic and here is a pic of something I did because I was bored
  17. if you passenger is gonna bleed on the seat or else... it's either that or an ejection seat... and only one of those two options might lead to a second date
  18. looking at what else the current high bidder of my camaro has won/sold and I stumbled across this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=10034
  19. I hoard my pain but I can probably supply you with a toy... where you at?
  20. Yup, a lighted match or cig butt thrown into a bucket of gasoline is almost guaranteed to light the bucket up. No explosions though. Thats Hollywood only. 361591[/snapback] a match... yeas, but a cigarette... no. Out of over 100 times throwing a cig into a cup, bucket, puddle, etc of gas and every time it has gone out. A spark works... thats why cars have spark plugs, but a cig doesn't. Anybody who doubts this can prove me wrong with a cup a gas in their back yard and a cigarrette. Not that you can't mix gas with certain chemicals so that a cigarrette is enough to cause ignition, but even 93 octane by itself won't light from a cig. I'd go into more detail but the last time I started talking about chemicals and how they burn the mods locked/deleted the whole thread . Let's just say if you use thermite to erode stream banks to find fossils quicker... 84 watchers and still no bids http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...TRK%3AMESE%3AIT and I keep getting messages from people who want to buy it outside of ebay. WTF... they don't pay the ebay fee's... I do
  21. I'm waiting for the day where some toy comes with forged instead of cast bits... 361269[/snapback] rob beers was almost done recasting the entire 1/55 vf..... I want to do it in aluminum rather than resin... the ultimate lawn dart!.. there can be only one
  22. lots of people work at Edwards AFB... should we call you gedunk biatch or maybe concession stand whore? Designated shrapnel recovery unit? jet fuel taste tester? ground target?
  23. you can flick cigarette's all day long into a bucket of gas and they will go out... I always hated that hollywood myth. Can do the same thing with jp-5 if your service and want to scare people . yep... can't pump your own gas even if you wanted to. I always found it funny watching people who have never pumped their own gas before try for the first time. One girl sat in her car for 15 minutes wondering where the guy who pumped her gas was . I've also seen the traditional "squint into the nozzle wondering why nothing is coming out" when the pump activates
  24. I want to know about the left hand. I've drilled through a couple from underneath so my horrible spawn custom vf's could hold two swords... but not a vf gun like that. Or did you mod the gun as well?
  25. comercial pool technician = glorified pool boy. No cool pool boy stories from me as I am the only night pool boy I know of because the university doesn't want to see me . Pay sucks but it's damn easy to take a 4 hour lunch at the bar when nobody's watching over your shoulder... as long as the work gets done.
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