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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. kanata67

    Custom 1/55

    I've got many of them saved but I'll let the original creators post the pics as I'm sure their pics are better. If they don't do it quickly I'll post my own picks of their work. I know al11 did some fantastic evil jetfire box art.
  2. pimpin yourself for takatoku goodness... smooth
  3. it's cold outside and there's no kind of atmosphere... red dwarf should be up there. so should space balls last starfighter dune... anyhow... You are versatile and diverse in your thinking. You have an open mind to that which seems highly unlikely and accept it with a bit of humor. Now if only aliens would stop trying to take over your body.< Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 94% SG-1 (Stargate) 94% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 88% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 88% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 88% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 88% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 88% Serenity (Firefly) 88% Moya (Farscape) 88% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 75% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 69% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 56% I'd prefer stargate to matrix any day of the week. Questions were kind of unanswerable for me. "would you join the military?"... hell no... not again. "are you good with computers?" yes... but I hate them sooooooo much Has potential to be a good quiz if the creator had a broader base to assign to. Starship troopers, blade runner, red dwarf, hitchhikers guide, dune, battlefield earth, etc. heck, even if only sitcoms where are my bellbottoms so I can hang with twiggy and buck rogers? Flash gordan perhaps? That girl {ming's daughter] in the red vinyl painted on pants would have me following her around like a puppy dog what about futurama? Who is a kiff around here? all I know is whatever ship I was on I'd probably be the only guy in a red shirt sent on every mission has anybody looked at the other quiz's they have http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=153117&first=yes had to be a brit who came up with that question... for more than just the spelling
  4. You sound like you speak from experience. 373146[/snapback] I'm afraid that is the truth. Is this the way you make your customs Kanata? Smashing your pile of toys with hammer and hoping for some kind of new combinations? 373152[/snapback] I wanted to blend spawn with macross... you mean I shouldn't have put the toys in a blender? dremel. I believe I have only used my flexi shaft attachment once while I have used my dremel to the point where the collet is stuck in place and I can no longer swap bits. I should track down my warrenty info and see if there is a lifetime warrenty or anything. The flexi-shaft is usefull in confines spaces.. like under a sink or car, but I didn't find much use for it working with models as I had room to work with. Maybe if I was working on a model under a sink...
  5. at least we have more "don't care"s than "i'm retarded's"... for the moment at least.
  6. I stumbled across one of these on ebay a while back... http://cgi.ebay.com/Transformers-G1-box-4-...1QQcmdZViewItem Transformers G1 box 4 DINOBOT 4 SOUNDWAVE 4 MIB LOT NR Item number: 6037588835 the seller said he was interested in doing other boxes for other transformers. As al11 made the sweetest decepticon jetfire box but still needed original inserts I've been trying to convince the seller to make recast inserts for the 1/55's. They would be plastic like the re-issue inserts but actually fit inside the vintage boxes which the re-issue inserts don't. I figure three insert molds would be all it would take to cover 90%+ of all the 1/55 vf's out there: armor insert [jetfire, taka super, bandai super, chinese super, bandai strike] fighter insert [jetfire, taka super, hi-metal super, chinese super] Battroid insert [every taka single, taka gbp giftset, bandai strike, joon's, italian strike, matsushiro, and every other company that made a 1/55 besides toynami that wasn't packaged in fighter mode.] I know I have at least 5 jetfire boxes that could keep my toys cat vomit free if I had inserts for them... but I refuse to spend $20+ on an original insert when I've gotten complete loose jetfires for the same price. Help me try and convince agentsmith7359 to make inserts. vote please so I can point out the potential of the market as the 1/55 was so prolific. I'd be happy if we can convince him to make inserts... but custom vf-1d boxes would be cool to
  7. you can buy a pin vice at your local radio shack now I believe... They also have a "helping hands" which consists of a weighted base sporting very adjustible arms ending in aligator clips with a magnifier and something else. It's designed for assisting those with unsteady hands do percision soldering but is a great help when gluing and painting pieces, holding small things steady, roach clip, etc. This thing is soooooo friggin useful I don't know how I survived without it. they also sell "nippy cuts" or "percision wire snips" which are mini tapered clips that make taking model parts off a spruce so quick and painless without fear of breaking an exacto blade or having to use a fret saw. I have three pair and love them. You should be able to buy a set of dental probes there... or at least I did a while back, probably depends on what old stock your local store has. needle files I got from radio shack are very useful. radio shack also has a liquid solder pen. It's designed for making simple traces and patches and works a lot like a paint pen. With it you can use surface mount led's and use the solder as panel lining to have electronic lights looking super sweet without drilling a bunch of holes to run wire through. there is an anti static camera lens cloth that is fabulous for dusting your models and toys, and tv screens and camera lenses... Can you tell I used to work there and had all sorts of "non-approved" uses for stuff they sold one thing I highly recommend is a "fret saw". It's bascally a mini hand saw bit for an exacto knife. They are soooooo useful and I have no idea where to find them. I stole one from a friend in highschool and since then I've had to make my own cutting a hacksaw blade into segments. and nobody mentioned a hammer. You definately need a hammer. When you take the crazy glue cap off with your mouth so you can use both hands to fit the piece and then glue your lips together when trying to put the cap back on, followed by the realization that while you were trying to unglue your lips your hand dried to the piece you were gluing and as you try to pull your hand off the pieces break still glued to individual fingers and the leaking tube falls from you lips onto your lap seaping through your pants and gluing your genitailia to your chair. As you try to stand up removing yourself from the chair you natuarally bump the desk holding all the unassemble model pieces and dumping them into your glue covered lap, along with the table lamp, your exacto knife, and whatever else you happened to have on the desk including your beer. Now beer soaked looking like you wet yourself with various modeling supplies stuck to you [some pointy], a hand useless due to model part gloves, and a crazy glue cap between your glued together lips you try to find help.. the hammer if for the person who askes how it's coming along... I recommend an estwing 28 ounce framing hammer
  8. I like the before better
  9. I always clean my valks with alcohol. After polishing off a bottle of captain I'm all about dusting my collection . never use acetone or acetate! discolors and weakens the plastic and can even melt it completely given enough time... which confused me as it came in a plastic bottle . Wait... I think it came in a can but smelled like something that came in a plastic bottle... nail polish remover. rubbing alcohol should be fine. grain alcohol would work, I'd avoid cordials, beers, and wines though
  10. to true. Just like the elintseeker packaged with jetfire armor. Some say it was a rare varient but I always believed an importer with way to many jetfires swapped out lots of armor sets for a personal collection and then sold vf's with jetfire armor to unsuspecting american kids. I bought my jetifre strike mib for $50 though so this seems pretty expensive to me.
  11. I swear I know that plane design from something besides ace combat. Don't know where though. Oh well. The plane stands out in my meneory, where I saw it does not. Guess the plane was cool and where I saw it was not. kinda similar to the cowboy beebop swordfish... but thats not what I'm thinking of.
  12. as I waste my 1/55 elintseeker savings on a 1/48 1s with f/p and a vf-0
  13. . i got my first "robotech purple bug thing" off ebay for $5 so I'll pass on this one after being outbid
  14. Actually they grabbed the molds from the old Imai molds whcih were 1/48 so what you have there is a 1/48 Legioss. The only part that's 1/55 is the pilot and the cyclone. A 1/100 alpha is not possible. 370993[/snapback] A 1/100 Legioss is possible. 3 inches tall 371154[/snapback] nice. I'll probably pick up at least 1 1/100 toynami vf to compare against my other 1/100's. At the least maybe I can use the box to hold a loose 1/100 taka safely away from cat vomit
  15. glue smells?!?!? Who can tell with all this pot smoke... cough cough . I normaly glue with crazy gel [like crazy glue but stays where you put it instead of running down your arm]. No problems with fumes there. My paints are mainly citadel water based acrylics so no problem there. I apply my spray can primers and clear coat outside, not so much because of the fumes as overspray. Priming the lawn is one thing, priming the kitchen table is another . Only thing that realy bothers me is acetone. The wife's nail polish remover and nail polish will have me playing in the yard for hours just to get away from the smell. for anybopdy who really has issues I suggest a pc case with a power supply, a useless motherboard, and a lot of fans. You can flip/mount fans to create a wind tunnel effect and vent the rear louvers to any ductwork or window you want. It's like a mini paint booth. I've only had to do it once for a friend making something he shouldn't have been with really toxic fumes.
  16. Actually it looks like a Skyfire. Jetfire was the name of the toy, but Skyfire was used in the cartoons and stuff.. 370063[/snapback] I just get a "this pic was stolen" link
  17. Oh no does that mean you wont send it outside the U.S.A or just that the price would be different for us non U.S types 368661[/snapback] Hi there, I do ship out side the USA but price for shipping will be different. I would have to have the addres its going to and i will give you the price that the post office charges no more no less. Thank SD 368663[/snapback] what about a price just for the canon and respective booster? I'll bet you will go through canon molds faster tan the other parts molds . I actually need the two pieces that connect and mount the cannon to the booster to replace the one from jesse's strike resin I didn't dry fit before gluing . Extra cannons are always cool as well... though I still have a number I haven't done anything with extras can't hurt
  18. nobody is bashing the question me3, just the fact that if you looked around you would have found http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=153 which is basically 57 pages answering your question. then there is three pages of the differences between robotech and macross http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=228. they don't mock because of your ignorance... just your blindness back on topic. I agree. Much as I love my jetfires... hg is the reason I didn't own a 1/55 vf as a kid what I have never understood is why hg and bandai didn't set up a proprietary distributorship back in the day. Sure you can sell japanese toys in america but hg gets to tack on 10% import fee and a hg sticker. Same in reverse would apply as well. I bet the bandai re-issues would have sold well enough state side and I know a re-issue jetfire would fly off the shelves. I also bet a bandai imported and tarriffed mpc alpha/beta combo would sell real well in japan. Nobody would lose money as those that want the toys simply import them anyways, with mad shipping prices. More product means more exposure means more demographic which means more sales... interpret the education level of hg board of directors as you will.
  19. Hahahahaha. Best post this week. 368299[/snapback] I'd say this month
  20. you want pics of customs we built, customs we own, or both? I need to take a few pics of my unholy customs but I've also aquired a few real nice non-spawn ones over the years off ebay.
  21. It would blow the 1/72 version away. I will throw out all my old 1/72 yammies if they do mac plus line of 1/60 with details of the 1/60 mac zero and 1/48 valks. Ah decent proportions for once. *looks at stubby yf21 nose* *vomits at sight of ugly screws under the vf11 in fighter mode* *tips yf19 upside down in battroid mode to show the top hlaf of the mech flop out* Also if possible try to make the battroid mode less chunky and more skinny without sacrificing the strength and durability of the toy. The skinny look makes the valk look much more agile and speedy, if a little delicate. 367728[/snapback] and I would happily dig through your trash not that I wouldn't pony up for a 1/60 19a with f/p for myself
  22. all I have to say is "do you know how mch my hopalong cassidy token is worth?!?!?" The market for howdy doody memorabilia might be smaller than 60 years ago but the prices you get are absurd if you ask me. GI joe has been around since before I was born, as was barbi, etch-a-sketch, potato head[now pipeless], and other stuff. I can't find an affordible set of "jarts" for the life of me though. think about it. grahm gets cryo for 1000 years... 1000 years from now somebodies buying macross stuff again just like fry driving a vw bus... macross will never die, just waxes and wanes. heck... in 1000 years grham might be able to buy him a 1/1 scale vf. unfortunately he will get it on clearence as there are cooler things availible at the time... like a 1/1 sdf perhaps...
  23. my camaro is in a btter home. Looking for trucks with thye wife and she believes every place that has flags and ballons is a car-dealership. Worse than garage sale shopping with her and mapquest directions . She did have me pull into a nice dealership with three xirge's out front. She didn't seem to understand that such a place wouldn't carry used cheap pick ups. Oh well... got to look at some loti . She wouldn't let me sell the house to buy one though
  24. That's like comparing batman to superman. Batman uses his mind, honed skill and training. Supes uses his powers. (he is an alien) 331906[/snapback] anybody else see the dark night two parter wher cerebrus took control of bruce wayne for his assets with nanites and superman went undercover in a batman costum to figure out what happened to bruce with robins help? sooooooooooo damn funny when the one guy [the wrestler whose name I'd remember sober] dropped a builing on batman... who then dusted himself off and whopped some ass
  25. I read an alternate history book... or 12. In one of them ghandi went up against the nazi's. Lets just say it ddn't work out anywhere near as well
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