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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. I was watching that sellers 1/100 die-cast auctions. They went for a heck of a lot morethan I expected. Good deal you snagged though miks.
  2. Cool. Thanks guys. My best guess was around 7 1/2 inches as that's what my die-cast rx-178 is. I copied your answers into a reply so hopefully it helps the guy out. Mods can move/delete this any time they want now, seeing as nobody had input on what project I should do first.
  3. ??? Postman Pat... What be those??? I think I see an original O' with die-cast landing gear, but the missle spruce is throwing me off. Is the other a HCM? Again the missel spruce throws me off. A scan of the super o' directions would be appreciated though
  4. I thought monkey lovers were stooped over and had hairy palms I prefer being labeled a bandai lover myself LOL. I'd get them at that price but for the shipping. Is shipping cheaper to japan? As in... could I get a couple sent to monkey nugget and pay him to ship them to me along with the stuff I want from him?
  5. LOL... You guys got bent over I try real hard to never pay retail myself so I will base overpayment factorially.. as in I bought two "macress" figures in box for$11 and $9.50 plus $7 shipping off poorly decribed ebay auctions from one seller, figure $27 total. As these things aren't worth the plastic they are almost made of I'd say they are worth maybe $1 each. As such I paid 12 1/2 times what they were worth!!!!! I hang on to them so I don't get cocky again LOL. Other than that... I guess the absalutely worst thing I ever got involved in is the $1000+ I've spent for a jetfire complete in box, and it won't even be complete till I get a G1 catalog Granted... much of that money was spent buying additional jetfire lot's that had components I need so while I still have not completed the first... the second, a matshu, only needs the catalog as well, the next two in re-issue super boxes also only need the catalog, the next two [ in super boxes] after that only need the catalog and the tech spec decoder, and from there we go down the line to one needing a leg clip plus stuff mentioned before, one needing both leg clips, the gun clip, and everything afore-mentioned, to a few that are only worth doing spawn customs on. In hindsight, I soooo should have just spent the $200 and got one complete in box at the get go LOL.
  6. Hey all. I know this is macrossworld, but I also know that many of you have built gundam. I have a quick question that a seller asked me... that I don't know the answer to and I hope some-one here can answer. here is the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=49210&rd=1 It's for two HG gundam 1/100 scale, the wing gundan, and the wing gundam 0 . The potential buyer wants to know how big these are assembled and I haven't a clue as I never built them. The only gundam comparison I can make is to the 1/144 HCM's I have [ as I didn't have to build them LOL] All I can figure is that they should be bigger, but I don't know how much. Can anyone who has built one of these, or a 1/100 gundam kit in general, tell me approximately how tall they would be in robot mode when assembled. Mods can obviously delete this, preferably tomorrow after I have an answer Just to throw some macross related stuff in here... I finally got the box of abused mecha I've been waiting on so I get to start some new projects. What would you guys like to see first... 1. Custom scout pod head attachments for the matchbox tactical pod, eventually recasted and Easy install for the benifit of others. 2. Step by step attempt to make the big crappy vf-1s matchbox transformable 3. Step by step spawn glaug custom. [yes... eventually there will be spawn variations of every macross toy ]
  7. as much as I like sithlord's stands... It usually ends up with me buying another valk or two with the money I put aside in anticipation. My displays consists of pointing at a stack of boxes and saying "those boxes there have crap in them" LOL. Once I get a house my "office" will double as my display room. Most stuff will still have to be stacked in a closet as how do you realistically display 100+ spawn figs on card and a ton of macross stuff in only one room? Big O had a cool set up in his old place consisting of shelving running around the entire place at display level and the simpsons figs on card as kitchen wallpaper
  8. I watch a lot of stuff. DYRL was good, as were many others. I actually preffered the mckinny books myself . I learned a long time ago that I CHOSE what I watch. If I don't enjoy it I simply move on with my life. Focusing on why I didn't like it takes more effort than crappy TV merits. What can I say but I have read novels so much better than most anime/cartoon plots that it makes me wonder just how much PCP the writers of Pokemon do on an average day. Anime is a visual media. For me it's all about the mecha and the corresponding toys. Really... who watched GI JOE for the plot rather than the cool gear? C'mon... America's elite vs the worlds best terrorist organization and niether could hit the broad side of a barn from the inside with an AK-47. Dusty got a concussion ONCE and there was no death till the movie came out. GI JOE is the reason blood starved adolecent Americans turned to macross. Companies do serial plots for increased exposure and occasionally because the story justifies it. Zoids the chaotic century was a serial with a continous plot that I personally could get into, where-as the regular zoids was the typical half-hour meet them and beat them kinda of marketing gimmick plot I've seen to many times already. If they wanted to do that to macross it would be easy enough to "borrow" voltron lion force's plot of " uh oh, time to go beat the alien monster again". As long asthey don't do a power ranger's live action version or a "thunderbirds are a go" puppet thing... and the cool toys keep coming, I'm happy. stupid internet connection... hope this isn't a double post
  9. When they go on clearence for less than $20, feel free to pick me up a couple rob
  10. I've seen it. Normally $20 BIN on ebay when it comes up. It's always the same guy selling them out of New York so I'm sure they are cheaper somewhere else. I'd spend $10 + shipping for one just out of stupidity LOL.
  11. kanata67


    Now that I have a digital camera that isn't geriatric, I've been taking photos of everything I'm working on step by step. From painting a 1/144 power armor [an endevor I lost motivation to finish after seeing I had nothing to offer compared to a cockpit!], to the 1/100 variables and toy repair walk throughs. I figure I can post em on my in dire need of content site and put links here. Granted... I'm actually gonna have to finish something first LOL. I wouldn't mind if Kid did a walkthrough the next time he makes removable armor for the 1/100 die-casts, a project that stumped me at the arm armor And while there have been many painting tips and guides, I just love when I find a walkthrough that partially matches a color scheme I wanted to do.
  12. kanata67

    I got my VE-1

    Ditto. Now all I have to do is find something to use as a stand so I can display it in flight with the radar array on the bottom fully deployed. I know someone around here [sithlord maybe] sells really cool stands periodically that work great displaying complex things off the ground. GO throuh the "for sale" section a few pages and I'm sure you will find it. I need to get one myself as it's the only way I'll ever be able to display my violator valk in fighter mode LOL.
  13. that is some detail . He won't let you keep it??? Need someone to snipe the bid for you? LOL Looking at that level of detail got me thinking... I've seen people write names on a grain of rice for next to nothing, I bet somebody could make some mad money selling Hand detailed canopies and other tid bits if they had access to the right cheap labor
  14. kanata67


    water transfers? I always found a steady hand and a really good set of tweesers helped. Clear coat after the fact keeps them in place.
  15. kanata67


    For simple panel lines... I recommend using a fine point mechanical pencil. You never have to sharpen it and you can get really amazing effect with little effort and no chance of error [unless you are prone to stabbing yourself with pencils that is ] I've been meaning to take pics. I still do the slow painful meathod of prime, base coat, upper coat, wash, detail coat, wash, touch up, wash, touch up, wash, touch up, wash... LOL. I highly recomend getting a cheap 7" destroid, naming him bob, and experimenting on him over and over. Usually you can good depth using an appropriate colored ink in repeated washes. Make sure you wash all "modes" if what ever you are painting transforms else it will look odd. Here is a pic of a destroid that has been primed and drybrushed a few times. In this picture I had only given the lower half a brown ink wash to give it that "stomping through swamplands" kinda grimey look. I later inked the whole thing but this picture illustrates the difference.
  16. kanata67

    I got my VE-1

  17. Let's see... I bought my camaro off a show room floor. They were asking $10k for an all original 327 1967' SS. I crawled under the car and copied down the VIN, went home and did some checking. I countered with $4k and demanded a 30 day frame and engine block warrenty. After a while of me pointing out just what was and wasn't original they accepted my counter as long as I paid sales tax. They had to pay the welder who fixed the rotted sub fram bolts and the salesman was no longer working there a week later . 67' SS , although jsarclight is probably the only person who will get that LOL. I've got lots of crap around here, as greenguy will attest, but I try real hard not to spend actual money on it. Most I have paid for a single toy to date [not counting trade value] is $90 for a super nice shape matshusiro jetfire with armor in a re-issue box. The kind seller threw in an armada jetfire free! Not that I haven't shelled out some cash for multiple toys...
  18. At least I didn't get tagged with that one LOL. I do have a life... just not much of one I would like to see 1/60 scale destroids that were based off the old taka 1/100 conversion kit. Besides having an exo-skelaton packaged with each "body", I find it quite fun to mix and match parts. Nothing looks quite like a raider x chassis with a tomahawk cannon on one side and a spartan missle bay on the other. Including some "damaged" parts that could be changed out would be cool to, like the gi joe rattler. I still want glaug.
  19. First I must wish a birthday of booze and strippers for our beloved monkey nugget. second I must mock all those who spank their monkeys, socked or other-wise, using the "it was evil" excuse. Now some elaboration or pointless babbling depending on your perspective. My most prized toy is my wife. Of course now that we are married... I get to play with her a lot less often . Second most prized toy is my 67 camaro. Like my wife it's beautiful, tempermental, moody, and a source of much grief . Unlike jsarclight I'm at the before stages of a restoration. My most prized possesion... [ie what would I grab first if the place was on fire and the wife and cats were already safe (I'm realistic and see little chance in wasting time trying to rescue fish tanks that weigh more than me) besides my writing notebooks not in the fire-proof safe] ... would be a toss up between a 5 foot piece of wood or a british hat. I'll explain firther. A bo staff given by my sensai in england that can, and has, gone through a car door, or a silk british [pop-up] opera hat from the 1890s significant as it was one of the few gifts given to me by my father. Might give you guys some insight into my world when I tell you it's worth a fair bit of money and my dad was homeless at the time. :asian: You learn to prioratize when everthing you own must be carried on your back for a while
  20. Jetfire/any 1/55 die-cast valk followed by my matchbox glaugs
  21. I spend more time fixing toys than breaking them myself. I find great pleasure in repairing the main cannons on a 1/3000 sdf-1 I picked up for $10. I do occasionally mis-place screw, but as thats been an ongoing problem I can usually find a suitible replacement in my jug o' screws. As I kid I spent more time destroying than breaking. I don't consider my rocketry and pyrotechnic escapades with GI Joes breaking so much as "sacraficing for science". Last thing that broke in my hands was a spawn figure before I learned to not expose them to air or sunlight. I say manufacturing flaw but who knows. Only thing I can think of is I managed to break the head cannon off one of my matchbox glaugs while trying to repair a partial break, and promptly lost the little piece that broke . I have been meaning to pick up a real cheap broken 11b that I could glue in fighter mode... This might be a good thread to drop hints LOL.
  22. first macross kit I did was the SD seeker. Polycaps make it nice and movable. In hindsight I should have painted it on the spruce, or primed it at the very least. Looks good shiney white with the decals though. I paid about $35 shipped for my first one and got another in a trade.
  23. wings... Not this time around. I do have a pair of conversion wings but they came with the ostrich kit you sent back in the day. Are they the same? Guess pile number 3 gets started LOL. I'm trying to find out when my distributor will be getting airsoft re-stocked.
  24. euro's are worth more than the dollar?!? Sucks 2 be american at the moment . Still well worth the money for robs quality. I now know why nobody want's to deal with the seeker recast... way to many parts. Now I'm gonna have to figure out the air soft to gbp ratio Oh yeah... What was the really cool improved style super head? Had that nice inserted eye piece and neck pivoting action. R U gonna make more strike cannons rob? Oh yeah... here's a pic so you all can drool over rob's skills
  25. I wouldn't mind one or two myself
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