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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. bandai... that the smooth shiney red one? Wash it in soapy water and rinse well. Let it air dry a day or two and then give it a coat of spray primer. If the primer flakes off, which I highly doubt, you can rough up the surfaces slightly with fine sandpaper and then prime it, but I don't think sanding it will be neccessary. I recommend "citadel colour" spray primer myself as I have yet to have a problem with it, although others have differing opinions due to their own experience. If you do get a can of citadel colour primer, availible in white or black at your local gaming store, read the directions on the can. Pay close attention to #3... "shake the can vigorously for a FULL minute before doing any spraying and shake periodically between sprays" and you will come to love the product as much as I do
  2. "Similar figures go for hundreds of dollars." Heh. Wonder why there's so many bids on it? ... and it has a reserve no less here's one. Misleading auction title or what??? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6&category=4696 Here is one worth a laugh for all you customizers out there. I prefer the spawn customs, even of these figures LOL. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=44071
  3. it always comes down to personal preference. I recently got to see a 1/48 up close thanks to greenguy42 and as always, yamato's level of detail amazes me. Wheter they are the best is still a matter of conjecture. The 1/60's ahve amazing detail but many steer clear of removable legs. The 1/48's have even more amazing detail but seem fragile [i watched greenguy misplace a horizontal stabalize and searhch for it for a few minutes, granted my place tends to absorb stuff quickly.] The bandai's are no-where near as detailed as the yammie's but have enough die-cast and structural integritry to bludgeon a small child into submission. The only things I can say with certainty is that yamato makes the best mac plus toys on the planet and bandai/takatoku makes the best GBP-1s , though it's possible this might change in the future... like all things.
  4. bondo?!?!?!?
  5. hey orguss01... What exactly is wrong with the landing gear door? Is it the wheel itself that pops down or is it the little plastic door that clips into the wheel when closed? You mentioned having another taka... what one? I have a taka 1s that might be the same grey as the 1j you just picked up. It's missing an arm [which I can fix] and has a broken back plate and is missing the tail assembly [this must be replaced, not fixed]. I was thinking it might be my next spawn custom, but I am still finishing my first and already have a second in the works so if parts might be of use, I am sure we can work something out.
  6. As I've never owned one factory fresh... I can't say. I am familier with all the typical problems associated with played with toys 15 plus years old. Re-issues are a great source of minor parts.
  7. kanata67

    Toy ID

    a precursor to the alpha??? the head looks dang near identical... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...8&category=1193
  8. LOL... Speakers... Stuff gets buried around here. Back when I worked electronics sales I amassed quite a sound system at far less than retail. 17 speakers and 1240 watts and I listen to my wireless headphones so I don't scare the fish . You spent over 5 grand?!? I don't want to know how loud it can get as I can't crank mine past 1/3rd volume or toys fall off the walls I think pat was refering to the fact that the egyptians actually had a few written languages. Heiroglyphs were mainly royal decoration. I'm sure cuniform had an influence
  9. Oh yeah... how did I forget about the ton of weapons lying around Anybondy need a highlander sword?
  10. hello all. I was just wondering what other things people take to far. I know many have a few toys and others are obsessed to the point where they would dedicated display rooms if they could [i need a house on a side note ]. I've seen some nice airsoft collections here, and I know jsarclight has a bitch'in camaro to took a bit of money and passion. What other stuff do you guys spend more time on than the average guy? As for myself..., I work, plan on restoring my camaro which is nowhere near as nice as jsarclight's, fix broken toys, and have way to many fish tanks in a one bedroom apt. I also have six cats in the same apt, imagine my fun . Thankfully a few fish and turtles can take care of themselves. Here's a pic from my recent ebay 7" destroid auction... catfish not included
  11. just wondering where it got moved. I figured toy reviews but I guess I was wrong. I assume it was moved as I wasn't drunk and ranting when I posted it so I wouldn't think it was deleated
  12. scales of the matchbox destroids as we know them so far. Other scales/measurements of other toys are most welcome as every toy is slightly different. This is copied from my original post on the old boards which was copied to robotech.com and copied back so all non HG approved data was lost. If anyone wants to go back and grab the missing data, I wouldn't mind at all . This is intended to be used for reference whether for having display shelves of respective scales or up-sizing part for customs properly... anyways... "real" height / actual height = scale Mech in cm "real height" PHALANX aka Spartan 7" 17.8 12.05 m scale= 67.696629 spartan aka Gadiator [head antennas] 7" 17.8 11.31 m scale= 63.539325 tomahawk aka Excalibur MkVI [head] 6 1/2" 16.5 12.7 m [rt shoulder missle bay] 7" 17.8 maybe? 1270/17.8 scale= 71.348314 defender aka Raider X [head antenna] 6 11/16" 17.0 11.27 m scale= 66.294117 Zentraedi power armor Botaru [head] 6 7/8" 17.5 16.8 m scale= 96 Same for Quadrono Invid scout 6 3/8" 16.2 2.5 m scale= 15.432098 ??? invid shock trooper head in level position [head] 8 1/4" 21.0 5.4 m scale= 25.714285 ??? Zen officers pod [head] 9 3/4" 24.8 54' / 16.55m [top of head cannon] 11" 28.8 18.1 m 1655/24.8 scale= 66.73387 Zen tactical pod [head] 10 3/4" 27.3 15.2 m scale= 55.677655 oh yeah... I hope this is the correct forum. If not, I am sure the mods will relocate it as required. I just prefer to do it right the first time
  13. kanata67

    Toy ID

    does this mean guppy has boxes to trade??????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? to many question marks ????? Glad blackaces stepped up and clarified the alpha thing. Whats this model??? The seller hasn't answered the question about how big it was so I can't justify bidding, but maybee... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=36568&rd=1
  14. I paid $110 for the re-issue super when it first came out but sold it a week later for $100 and a bass amp I sold for another $150. $90 for a loose complete matshu jetfire with all acessories shipped in a re-issue super box is the most for a toy I still have. $67 for an incomplete jetfire in box is second. As for trade value... lets just say I'll probably be into the thousands with rob beers over the next few years
  15. kanata67

    Toy ID

    Woohoo, Want to trade something worth about $5 for the valk? I thought it might have been some weird 1/55 bootleg I could rebuild but all I really wanted was the Legioss. R it's a possablility... I have a few 1/100 kits I've been using for parts to make removable super armor for the 1/100's, and plan on doing the strike armor after I work out the glitches on my first attempt. Looting legs from a kit wouldn't be as hard as figuring out how to mount them LOL. Kidkorrupt did all three armors a while back, and plans on doing them again better at some point in the future. I am practicing my skills so that when I decide to kitbash one with my 1/100 seeker resin I don't waste a rare kit Shoot me a PM when you recieve it and I'm sure we could work something out.
  16. kanata67

    Toy ID

    The only three mode alpha's I was aware of were the really big one and the small cheap one. I had the two mode die-cast one and I couldn't get it into the pose in the pic. Maybe I didn't try hard enough or maybe it's different. Every die-cast one I ever saw also said "mars base" on it. as for the 1/100... I went through my small collection of 1/100's consisting of a bandai 1a, a taka lisa hayes cannon 1a, a joons style 1j, and to my surprise a joons style 1s in a joons style 1j box?!, plus the die-cast feet one I have loose. The die-cast feet one is the one that came with the really odd gun to my knowledge. anyways... as for how I made my educated guess about it. For starters, it looks just like the one I am holding in my hands at the moment. What distinguishes this one from the other ones I have is... 1. the ruddy brownish canopy as all the ones besides the die-cast feet KO I have seen are either red or black with the exception of the takatoku cannon fodder which is a brown valk so this obviously isn't it. 2. the lack of eye-piece sticker or paint on the head. 3. the notches on the head antennas 4. the fact that it says vf-1j on the wing [i don't think ANY of the 1/100's had the vf-? on the wing except this particular bootleg, though I would need more 1/100's to be sure] 5. how the macross symbol on the other wing looks kinda squished 6. stickers rather than paint on the chest plate All this is in hind sight mind you. My original comment was based entirely on the fact that it looked identical to the one I have but for the missing legs does that help?
  17. kanata67

    Toy ID

    you beat my max bid of $5.01 LOL. Here is what you got for your extra money... go-bot small version leader one a helicopter I assume is also go-bot the alpha is the smaller three mode non-diecast one. The one that supposedly was designed to atach to the never made beta. Jwinges can tell you more but you probably don't want to hear it. Fun in a poorly made sort of way. As for the legless valk. That was actually the reason I wanted the auction. Like the bandai and takatoku 1/100's, this one featured die-cast. Unfortunately, all the die cast was in the legs except for the chest plate. This version is, in my opinion, the best of the bootleg 1/100's. The shoulders weren't prone to breakage as much as the plastic one and the die-cast feet were kinda cool. The main problem was the non-secure hip bar that is prone to working itself loose and disappearing, as you can tell. The poorly designed hip bar means that the bar from a bandai or taka won't work, nor will the joons style plastic 1/100's. I was thinking something might be done with a 1/100 model kit in this case which is why I thought about getting it till it went up in price. To give you an idea of what they look like with legs, here is a pic from the auction the one I won came from. It's next to a 1/55 joons for size comparison and cause I got both in the deal. As it's the only 1/100 I have loose it now serves as the test dummy for removable 1/100 fast packs.
  18. same quality my ass I should take my "macress" figures out of the box and sell them http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=19198 interesting... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467
  19. the MPC is better than the 1/48 because..... it's funner to watch the box mely around the batroid form in the fireplace you don't mind when the dog chews it. you save money making a valk really fly by gluing rockets to it hey... free watch batteries...
  20. thats another part of it. I lived in the sticks during the mid eighties and the nearest KB toys was over an hour drive away. Malls were magical places to my toy deprived hick ass. I got jetfire and some cool g1 transformers while we lived in cape cod but in the sticks all I could find was the occasional GI Joe toy at k-mart that somebody else hadn't snagged. Living in the boons also made me severly deprived of quality tv. Cable didn't exist and only one broadcast channel did cartoons any day besides saturday. After years of joe inspired playing with explosives, I was flipping stations one day and the one that was kinda pbs like, and fuzzy, was playing cartoons. Robotech was on but at seemed like a soap opera cartoon so I flipped back to thundercats or whatever on the other channel. Eventually I flipped again and saw giant robots and blood. I was hooked. I got to watch a number of episodes from all three series, but never got to see them all in sequence or the final episodes of any of them. I managed to get some robotech toys at the local k-mart type store including a tactical pod, a hover tank, a bioroid hovercraft, a non-transforming cyclone, and a few of the 3" destroids. Action figures were way lame. I was jaded at the time and though everything pretty lame but the 3". Come to think of it, I still think the stuff pretty lame compared to all the other really cool stuff availible. Anyhow... The channel that was playing the cartoons got sold to some religious network and there went my exposure to anime for a while. I called the station and managed to get transfered to the vault operator who informed me that the unfortunately couldn't see me the tapes as they had all been recorded over already. But I tried damn'it. So I read the books. All of them including the sentinals saga were my primary introduction to the world of macross, although not quite a proper one. The toys are literally things I dreamed about as a child now easily shipped to my door, how could I not get them?
  21. HUGE LOT OF MID 80'S PLANES & TRUCKS NR ... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...egory=2468&rd=1 All I wanted was the raven landing gear but I went to $42
  22. yeah... you need "video in" on your computer. RCA or S=Video is better if it's an option, but you can do it with a tv tuner card if neccesary. I'm still to lazy to connect my sound card to my old genisis and sample the sound effects.
  23. $71.00 for a 3" henshin?!?!?!? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=36568&rd=1 slightly cheaper us version http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=36568&rd=1 accurate description LOL... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...tegory=753&rd=1 lost this by 50 cents http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=36568&rd=1 cheap???? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=19198&rd=1 Geeze guys... I missed out on this but check out the description... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...gory=16467&rd=1
  24. My childhood toys, like my childhood, faded away in the journey we call life. When I stopped traveling the world with all I owned on my back, I found myelf in Florida. A co-worker at radio shack showed me that it was possible to have cool toys [spawn primarily] and still get laid, so I started collecting spawn. Eventually the same friend ended up in a bad spot and "pawned" his jetfire to me. I spent a while searching Ebay for the missing leg clips, arm armor, and gun clip for a while till I saw a jetfire auction use the keyword "macross". I did a macross search and low and behold there was a re-issue out. I did some more research and found this wonderful place. 8 jetfires and a ton of misc macross stuff later I am still here. I plan on making the transition to having my hobby sometimes pay for itself like jesse and rob at some point in the future so I can justify getting the expensive toys
  25. kanata67

    God Help Me

    I toned down my drinking to free up some funds My father would be so ashamed not that I don't try to be as high as the valkyries fly... seriously, I need to get another car so I can shop for a home that has a garage so I can fix up my car. It eats into the toy budget badly but jsarclight understands Flying somewhere to buy stuff is fine, but you have to remember that if you exceed the alloted luggage size you must pay out the a$$.
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