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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. I just recieved what was supposedly a loose Bandai 1990 VF-1S. It's in fair condition, but missing the super armor, gunpod, and clear canopy (replaced with a stock amber canopy). I say supposedly as the inner backplate says bandai 1984. Anyways, it's a bandai for sure [if I can't tell by now I should be shot ] and has nice and tight joints, green head visor, no mis-matched or obviously replaced parts. It looks pretty damn near mint in fact. What has me absoluty confounded is the fact that there are no landing gear triggers on it. Not that the landing gear triggers are missing mind you, but that it never had them. It doesn't even have the cutout's in the nose or legs where they should be?!?!? Is this a fluke or some thing or was this how the bandai 1990 super was released? the 1990 super is one of the few remaining 1/55's I don't have boxed [damn me for not buying chowsers just so I could pay rent at the time] so I can't compare. I do know that every other 1/55 I have seen and/or own has at least the cut outs and every boxed taka, joons, bandai, and KO has the landing gear triggers. anybody have a clue? I'll take pics if I need to but it's just like the bandai reissue super but for the date on the backplate and the missing landing gear triggers.
  2. said many a woman about a married man
  3. how many times have you gotten informed "not to do that again" due to MW? "Don't mount stuff on your radar, no your car can't have fast packs, stop beheading the target dummies". me... I work diferent sites and use power tools. I just don't think I could mount a valk on my hammerdrill or cutsaw
  4. a hiku + f/p, a gbp from kev + a stealth with f/p from zilla... and I still haven't transformed either or opened the gbp. I'm sad. I watched a friend transform the hiku + f/p I got him as well as the stealth + f/p I got him and just watching him made me nervous . Just spoilt by die-cast lawn darts I guess . I sooo love how they look and being packaged in fighter I don't need to transform them to display them... unlike those first gen m7 valks. . I just want a 19a box packaged in fighter instead of batroid. I waited for the f/p version to be released so I could just mis-appropriate a box in vain
  5. can you take a picture of the building that can store that many live in a warehouse maybe?
  6. I only have a Hikaru VF-1S v1/48 but dig grab a f/p set and gbp set for it. I also have a stealth with f/p on the way. 2 1/48 and 50+ 1/55's... I'd suggest getting a dixon mpc for those who don't have a mpc yet. Yeah I prefer the bandai re-issues but at $20 a dixon isn't a bad toy. F/P for it aren't that bad so long as you don't go for a max or milla set . All I know is as soon as somebody is willing to trade me a boxed bandai seeker for my max and milla armor sets I am soo trading them
  7. yammie count... 1 1/48 1s + gbp set + f/p set 1 1/48 steakth on the way 3 19a 2 21 2 11b w f/p 1 11b non f/p one of the 11b f/p is for a frined once he has enough spare loot but I don't think I will be giving up any of my 19a blue goodness anytime soon
  8. dammit... make me go look... most of my breakdown is in the 1/55 revisited thread but here is a recap... 1 1/48 with f/p and gbp + a stealth f/p on the way, yammie 2 hcms 4 jm's 5 1/100 8 mpc's 3 19a yammie 2 21 yammie 2 11b f/p yammie 1 11b yammie 5 boxed jetfires 3 boxed strike 1 chinese super 1 each 1/65 19 and 17 29 non f/p 1/55's safely boxed 1 gbp in styro only 2 1/55 in styro only 17+ loose 1/55's and I still need A few more 1/55's to have them all I am sure I missed a few along the way as I am not willing to go through my tupperware at the moment or clean my "office"
  9. why does some fool always want me to count my jetfires??? as long as the wife thinks all 40+ 1/55's are the same one I keep messing with she doesn't notice the additional numbers. that and I am too lazy to count hey!!!! I'm beating godzilla at something on his list . and no... not the 1/48 by a long shot
  10. some of us have been trying to do this for years. Thats why we were lucky enough to get the reissues we have. Either we need an "in" or somebody willing to get cad/cam scans of the f/p parts and a group of us pay to get our own injection mold made. This to has been discussed before and will not be cheap. Even if scans are free the mold will be many $k. Once made though f/p could be spit out quickly and cheaply. I can buy a k/o g1 cassette tape from the phillipines for $2... how come nobody there is booting 1/55 f/p's? anybody want to give me $10k?
  11. praise the word! Chunkey reissues! More of them. Why hasn't bandai taken a clue from yammie and spat out everything under the sun in every color variation and an absurdly high price knowing some fools will pay it? Especially with the remaining f/p type sets. They could sell strike sets without a valk and make a killing before they even worried about the other ones. I can understand reluctance to recreate a seeker armor mold due to cost but they already did reissue super armor and adding a cannon is not that friggin hard!!!!! heck... how many people would buy straight up super armor sets if sold seperately at a fair price? If they made a "red" version with the old style arm armor [ie jetfire] I know I'd personally buy way to friggin many we need an in at bandai... somebody who can whisper good ideas in ears that listen... or pull out a gun and demand satisfaction
  12. kanata67


    don't forget the syupid pull back auto-transformers everybody hated. They transformed themselves though, so you'd just be a vouyer
  13. and they are 1/55 scale so they look good displayed with your other 1/55's.
  14. hmmmm... where did I put that galaxy defender... I'll take side by side shots when I recieve my stealth and locate the defender.
  15. kanata67

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    ... displayed it in the box till now... don't suppose you want to sell the box and inserts now that you are displaying it . Then you could brag about how you got a vt for free
  16. it should be pretty straightfoward. I've only had a couple 1/60's for brief intervals but I know my jetfires. Scan and resize lables accordingly. tkae a jetfire for comparison and paint the bits that need changing. It should be just changing the color of stripes and misc bits and overlaying decals... plus swapping to a 1s head of course There have been a few 1/60 as well as 1/48 jetfire conversions over the past few years... do a search .
  17. so the stealth is coming with strike cannon? I assumed it was going to be like the max n' milla with super parts only... thats a pleasent surprise as I'm getting one. [don't throw stuff... there haven't been any 1/55's I've needed availible for a while and I have to buy something ]
  18. Damn it. I was gonna say that. - C 394436[/snapback] ditto
  19. customizing a 1/48... take a 1/48 in batroid mode, take a 1/55 in batroid mode... proceed to play full contact "rock em' sock em' robots" while drunk in your backyard with an equally inebriated friend. Becareful of who is weilding the 1/55 as concusions can happen glue the pieces of your 1/48 together by applying glue to the broken-off part and trowing it at the "body" of the toy from 2 feet away. Again... while drunk. When you are done you have a truely unique custom and an intact and functional 1/55
  20. anybody want to buy half my workbench?!?!? So many good ideas and soo many projects started without the time to finish removable 1/100 ve-1 fast packs for the 1/100 taka/bandai toys removable strike f/p for the 1/100 taka/bandai toys removable regular f/p for the 1/100 taka/bandai toys removable gbp-1s for the 1/100 taka/bandai toys [sorry... I don't have a 1/100 ostrich kit to bastardize so don't hold your breath... finding a 1/100 seeker kit was expensive enough ] removable ve-1 f/p + conversion kit for the hcm vf's tactical to scout conversion kit for the matchbox tactical pod zen custom 1/3000 bandai sdf-1 1/55 removable musha armor refurbing lord knows how many 1/55's, some need only a canopy... some need everything but the legs properly repairing a yammie 11b with not broken but dislocated hips. I plan on using steel and lots of it. soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much stuff and sooooooooooooooo little time. Heck... If I ever finish unpacking I'm sure there is a lot more on the list as I know I had at least a dozen spawn/macross customs in progress and can only locate two at the moment heck... to be honest I need to clear a path to my workbench, then clear off my work bench, before I can really get to any of the projects I want to. even my non-projects, ie new stuff mib, just seems to get stacked somewhere. Thats how you hide expensive toys from the wife like 1/48 stuff which I finally aquired... hide them behind the pile of 1/55's in the spare bedroom and close the door
  21. I should show you my house
  22. chemical fire extinguisher. water damages toys, powder can be blown off. An ANSOL system would be cool... if I was godzilla and could justify it. as I think about it... as over insured as I am I should just let everything burn.
  23. my pets man... my pets. 7 cats, 4 turtles, lord knows how many fish. Plastic is replacable... even if I could never afford to replace it, it's still replacable. toy wise... 90% of my toys are stored in one room which has a water spigot right outside of the window [i use it to refill my fish tanks ]. With my 3" well I am pretty confident if a fire broke out I could save that room if not the entire house... provided I was home. Doesn't everybody have a fire-hose attachment to their wel connected to a butterfly valvel?
  24. t'was "ha ha look what I won" in the auctions thread. Go back a few months [within past 90 days as I saw it the other day]. When I first saw this thread though it sooooooo belonged there.
  25. oh yeah... ditto. I think bobe has 5 boxed
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