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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. those will be added later I'm sure . I can hardly wait to see all the halloween costumes done by will . "Sorry but apple bobbing might mess your electronics dear, why don't you show your friends your working missles instead" congrats w
  2. super sweet link. I just explored further. Sticker and box thumbnails rock. . all hail Robert D for posting something usefull while most of us post stupid questions
  3. sweet link. 1 more to go confirmed. 1/144 scale anyways
  4. heh. my immediate concern was for your macross collection as well... the fact that they were waving around swords at each other was really secondary... hey, hey, hey, easy there, you might get blood on my valkyrie! 416910[/snapback] for sure... only I am allowed to bleed on my toys! Which reminds me I should have a disclaimer everytime I sell something that says the item "may potentially be considered crime scene evidence" if ever exposed to a black light . It's only my blood so you won't get charged as long as I am alive. Thats how I make sure nobody who has bought stuff from me doesn't rob me . I can just see matlock saying "notice that there is no blood on the vf in vf mode BUT once it is placed in battroid mode the victems dying message is scrawwled across the toy in his own blood and it says you did it"
  5. ... most people who walk into my "room" don't really notice the shelves upon shelves of boxed macross stuff. The idiots always grab the first sword they see and staqrt handling it improperly . Two friends are banned from the room entirely after I cought them doing blade on blade sparring surrounded by my macross goodies . As a rule the comments I get are "wow" and "you should sell that stuff on ebay"... neither of which is usefull
  6. so all I need is the 1s? thank god I'm almost done with one collection . Then again I can buy a 1/55 for the price of that 1/144 1s so it will probably be a long time coming.
  7. kanata67

    My 1/55 Bandai Vt

    Shortly after I purchased my elint to finish my collection I thought I had a hemorroid, turns out it was just the stinging from taking up the arse still bothering me. I know where you're coming from. 415012[/snapback] Ha ha ha ha ..... 415638[/snapback] all I need to have all the boxed 1/55 vf's ever is the matsu 1j cib frenchy cib [complete in box] taka max cib taka milla cib to complete my collection however [i want 1 of every boxed vf complete in box, and while I have many cool valks many are loose and/or have resin accessories] I need the above plus box for the taka gbp giftset + instruction manual everything but the ve-1 valk itself to complete my seeker [or a mib one ] everything but the vt-1 valk itself to complete my ostrich [or a mib one ] everything but the bandai 1990 super but the valk itself [or a mib one ] box, instructions, and insert for my "galaxy defender" or a mib one Aside from that I think I'm there, though I might be forgetting something as I am prone to do. So all you guys complaining about how bad you got "stuck" can take glee knowing how mch I will suffer . Over 90% of the way there and the remaining 10% is gonna cost as much if not more than the first 90% pretty soon I will be trying to trade all my double, triple, several's, etc and extras in general to try and complete this obsession of mine. So much going on at the moment else I would already be closer
  8. was there a 1a?
  9. I haven't seen the spanish one [or itallian] but I always thought the taiwanese was a good quality bootleg. Slightly beeter than joon's quality and more metal. I didn't however realize until I recieved a bandai 1990 that the taiwan is not a boot of it but of an earlier 1s. I got confused and had to ask for confirmation but the 1990 bandai does not have triggers for the landing gear or even slots where they would go. If you look at the taiwanese it clearely does. Still not a bad to and the armor wasn't bad. We need more bootleg f/p's! Itallian... I have the itallian strike valk. the one that came packaged in half a strike box with no f/p's. It's a bootleg though and definately wasn't a specially packaged bandai. You should search out the old 1/55's revisited thread and see if there is anything of use there.
  10. taka went under. matsushiro bought the 1/55 molds and released a 1j branded matsushiro in the uk. Matsushiro made a deal with hasbro to make a "jetfire" transformer that met us saftey standards. Matsushiro sold the molds AND the contract to bandai, which bandai then fulfilled. To be honest I suspect that matsushiro was in no posistion to make the transition from small runs to large runs and made a quick buck of opportunity by selling a contract they couldn't fulfill and then selling the company/molds for a lot more than they paid using the new contract as "expected income". Either way we got jetfire and us american kids were happy enough. Bandai should so do a reissue for takara
  11. Just wondering what the complete taka die-cast small line up was. I know of the monster 1/240 scale phalanx 1/144 tomahawk 1/144 defender 1/144 vf-1j 1/144 scale and I just picked up a Spartan 1/144 scale. I know there is a 1s 1/144 scale I don't have but are there any others I'm forgetting about?
  12. I have 2 hcm's. both loose and messed up... kinda. One came with the 1/100 hase seeker bits and head, the other has a damaged hand. less than $50 for both of them shipped thanks to a friendly monkey. Once I finish a hcm seeker conversion kit he gets dibs on the first recast.
  13. son of a bee's wax b!te me A$$munch who the f_ck do you think u r? what the f_ck is your issue? r u 2 fukkin stupid 2 figure out how to show contemp to a pompous a$$h0le who attempts 2 ? the judgement of those in control? We are here because they allow it... and the occasional bribe f_ck u I won't do what you tell me f_ck u I won't do what you tell me f_ck u I won't do what you tell me f_ck u I won't do what you tell me A$$ H0le F_cker B!tch Wh0re sI_ut Sh!t etc. be better than the rest and use descriptive's like... may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your genitals you son of a pompous prick you mother was a goat and your father smelled of elderberries go take an ariel copulation do you believe in premariatl interdigitation? I held hands before marriage. Don't fight the box... either work for discord whithin it or build a bigger one anybody tried swear words in their sig yet? MAybe an avatar with text? Not that I'm trying to promote such activity. Why would somebvody with a desade quote in his sig promote anti estamblishmentarianisom as for baaaad terms... who knows what a donkey punch is? maybe a dirty sanchezz? bronko ride? If you don't... don't ask. I'm still trying to kill those particular brain cells
  14. I know nothing if people want selfbooting images of m3 for dreamcast pm me I have two saturns, one with magic cart, but to be honest haven't even tried either of them. Heck... I don't even have a controller or power cord for my jaguar. I was into getting every game for a some time but grew tired after a while so don't ask for anything newer than psx1 or dreamcast. Granted, a few folk around here know just how much psx1 and dc stuff I managed to aquire before I got bored . Heck... hopefully one of them pops their head in and offers up as they copied my entire collection.
  15. has anybody read the harlan ellison synapse of superman? Very interesting. He can outfly a bullet... so when he shots a load does it kill the poor girl? I might scan the 70's article if enough people nag me via pm
  16. When you say driving music I think of songs that make my foot go deeper on the gas pedal subconciosly... songs that make me want to go on a pursuit chase either as pursuer or pursuee... jesus built my hot rod - ministry wish- Nine Inch Nails nevermind, the entire album - nirvana it's the end of the world -REM bands include... NIN ogre NIN project pitchfork NIN orgy NIN leatherstrip NIN big black NIN black flag NIN manson NIN minute men NIN infected mushroom NIN akira soundtrack NIN gravity kills NIN primus NIN tool NIN I'll stop now... I am in a dark place at the moment "{don't you worry they won't find my ashes I wan't you to know I found peace in a better world don't keep digging I wan't you to leave back away from the place where my ashes are buried}" and if anybody wants to hear some of this stuff I got stuck supplying my favorite dj with tracks and as such I have a vicarious radio spot that gets recorded... Hopefully nobody here at mw is as twisted as me... so pm me to maintain your facade
  17. My dad just died so I'm kinda out of it but if you pm me in a week or so... I have a 2 part epoxy compound we use for fixing cracks in concrete pools. I have yet to find something it won't stick to. The problem is it is often harder than the item it is applied to so finishing might be a pain in the a$$. Case in point... We were refurbing a residential inground and when using a core drill to reset the handrail we cut through a return line. Patched it with said substance, but not properly. As such I had to use a jackhammer to remove the patch and replumb. Chipping hammer went through the concrete just fine but didn't scratch the epoxy compound! I've been stockpiling some of the stuff to use for recasting for when I finally get around to casting stuff. Yeah... I'm an idiot but I can't help but think resin ve armor that is stronger than kevlar could be cool granted I will have to melt the molds off it and hope it needs little finishing. Have you tried bondo?
  18. I want a 1/60 19a ... with f/p 1/48 someday...
  19. sweet color match, might just have to pic up two kits I don't have to paint the ones I have . PM sent
  20. I keep all my boxed toys on bookshelves in a dedicated room. it's only the piles of loose stuff I keep in tupperware I occasionally have to move out to the carport when I need some inside space... like when mom decides to have a family gathering at my house without letting me know that everybody will be staying at my house . Tomorrow is going to be fun . you can buy large cans of desicant at grocery stores and some flower shops. You use it for drying herbs, mushrooms, meat, etc. If you are concerned about moisture you can also use a silica packet and vacume seal it inside tupperware. One it's vacume sealed moisture can't get in. Excessive heat could still be a problem though.
  21. I always thought the hovertank was kinda lame.
  22. If you want to see a Milia Taka up close I have one that needs to have its feet replaced. Do you have spare clean takatoku feet with the knowledge of how to replace them? I just need to replace the the part that the toy actually stands on in battloid mode as I bought one MIB from eBay... and I'm sure you know how that goes. If you think you might be able to help let me know and I'll post pics later. 404649[/snapback] just the feet/thrusters themselves? those have been damn near identical throughout the mold transitions with the only change being if washers/spacers were used and the color of the washers. Jetfire feet would work as would any other bandai/taka/matsu mold. Joon's would probably work but would be of inferior quality. As for replacing them... the only hard part is getting the damn landing gear in the right position as you reassemble it... stupid springs. It's not hard so much as time consuming and you usually have to dry fit it, add screws, remove screws, adjust, add screws, remove screws, adjust, etc till you get it right. probably easier for somebody with steadier hands than mine. pm me your addy and I'll send you a set of jetfire legs so you can dismantle them to get the parts you need and you will know what you will need to do as you reverse the processon your taka. The one part I have to many of... vf legs. just send back what you don't use and a trinket of some sort . While I still haven't made my "refurbing a 1/55" web page I believe I have all the pics already on my hard drive for the procedure and I can walk you through it. Not that I have resurected a few 1/55's or anything wait... I mean you can't do a thing and you should give me one of the few 1/55's I still need . Trade maybe
  23. damn... snooze. All I want is some seeker arm attach thingies to experiment with
  24. and I scolded my wife when she was about to try and pry them out with her fingernails . Then again she did transform one of my officers pods... which I have yet to fix . Figures... 5 1/55's I don't have and one of them is an odd ball. I assume the taka max n milla are just like the other taka's so the only ones I have to wonder about are the matsu 1j and the damn frenchy which I only have parts to. Granted I need closer to ten mib to complete my collection but I have the ve and vt valks loose with resin so at least I'm familiar with the valks themselves. Thanks for the info guys. as always you guys are a wealth of information about vf's . so who's gonna sell me a frenchy boxed
  25. so the chinese bootleg super was closer to the taka molds than the bandai???
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