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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. you can find a bandai super for less than $200 so less than that. I turned down chowsers bandai for $100 a few years back since I was broke and had to spend an extra $20 to get one when I wasn't. I belive I paid around $80 for my taiwanese 5+ years ago. Quality wise besides the box are being different, the styrafoam being one piece instead of two, the only real problem I noticed was in the assembly... I had to back out a few screws and the retighten them once everything was properly aligned. I am not sure if it has the leg landing gear springs like taka's or the non spring of the original bandai super and really don't feel like dealing with hat room just to find out by looking. I know me my bootlegs pretty well and this was better than a joons... which was 80% original taka but for leg metal and gear joint plastic quality. The space gandam was 90% but for spring quality and decaling. Probibly the closest to being a taka/bandai I am aware of.... Then again I still need to get an israili vf... which is probably a reboxed taka, but until I have one I don't know.
  2. of all the simple recats to be done I always thought that the missle doors should have become more availible by now myself. The 7" toys were pretty cool and you could use them for custom parts as they were cheap as they got re-issued in "exosquad"
  3. once upon a time I miised a boxed 1/55 vt and boxed 1/55 ve for less than $500 on these very boards. I personally would recommend you getting the yammies... more banais for me. Yeah... I'm back from the dead and agent's collection kicks my butt.. but I run pretty close. and nobody pm me as I am still mostly dead and don't know when I will be back. Ecept for dragon, gain, and skull. chowser still around?
  4. sweet. Where is the blunted nose?!?! after all those years of fans making resin pointy noses to convert jetfire to vf's wil we now see a reverse trend for the 1/48?
  5. I was kinda proud of this lame custom. Now rob/monkey has it.
  6. I'd settle for a 1/48 single seater seeker and ostrich
  7. kanata67

    Takatoku VF1's

    I think it will be nice if/when bandai re-releases the seeker, ostrich, and strike. While my pile of strikes will be worth less at least I will be able to have a minty strike and ostrich. Not that I won't keep trying to find the parts I need to complete my original ostrich and seeker consider yourself lucky Taiphun, the taka max [and milla] are about the only 1/55's I still need and your halfway there.
  8. nice, as always
  9. sure there is... find a sucker in the states who misses table mountain and would happily trade for a suitible quantity of "malpetta" seeds
  10. hear that folks... thats the mating call of somebody about the get harpooned!!!
  11. the point everybody missed was the alps support pullout being the final nail... so know you just need to bribe him with alps parts and cartridges . Kinda like the old scary guy with an amiga who would trade you import bootlegs for ram
  12. gainsville/keystone work/home . I am UF's pool b1tch... I mean pool boy Greenguy lived in gainesville and I hung out with him a couple of times. haven't talked to him since I got in a fight with my old cell phone [i won ] and lost his number. I know there was a member near orlando I had to do a swap with [we each got the others item in a mw sale and t'was easier to meet and swap than ship stuff] but I forget his moniker. I'm always down for finding more people to sell stuff to... opps, I mean people who share my passion
  13. DAMN!!!! That's the first time I've seen or heard about that... one more impossible to find valk I have to add to my list
  14. hey now people. I better not be the 1/55 expert around here else who am I gonna ask questions anybody got pics of the arab vf? anybody have a 1/55 matsu 1j instruction manual they can scan? almost time to revisit the 1/55's revisited thread again
  15. did you finanlly figure out a four legged vf? I've been trying to figurer out something to do with my excess legs for a while now
  16. kanata67


    nice pieces. collection... crap... I really should clean that room soon . Maybe if I'm lucky I will find that elusive sdf-1 arm I haven't seen in 2 years. honestly I will probably just throw eliwiens matsu 1j on the growing pile in the center of the room and plant more citrus tree's and bamboo instead It's nice to have displayed toys but I love my collection enough not to trust it around my wife or pets. I never let the wife drive the camaro either... and she bought it for me
  17. hmmm... missles are always good. I need to start recasting stuff myself. anybody else doing 1/55 work is wonderful in my book. one day when I have some free time you will all get to see how disturing 1/55 custums can be long live the 1/55 only 4 to go
  18. I always wanted to upscale the paper monster plans and make it out of plywood big enough to use 2" pvc for the gun barrels. Shoot tennis balls at the neighbors from my weird yard sculpture... never
  19. what he said. how come hackers never use names that I don't have good memories of...
  20. ????? Pics please. If it's just a box varient, especially if it's like the itallian "stickered" taka boxes I might skip it but I would love to see what it looks like.
  21. So says somebody who takes good care of their toys. Every part you mentioned I have managed to misplace or lose at some point or another. Heck... I'm still looking for that friggin sdf arm I packed away in an "intelligent" place when I moved 2 years ago. At least my boxed sdf has both arms but the last thing a hippie needs is more stuff to misplace. I'm not saying that the mod isn't well designed and engineered, I'm not saying it doesn't make the vf look cooler, I'm just saying that I personally would lose bits and as there are way to many bits around here already I don't want to risk it. as for detachable... this is an old pic and the pile has grown xxx
  22. right... I recently won my first matsu 1j off ebay from a member here. I have both the stickered and painted jetfire matsu's but in my quest to have every 1/55 ever made I needed a matsu 1j. Arrived in beautiful condition with both decal sheets unapplied and all missles on spruce. Only thing missing was an instruction manual which I am sure somebody here will provide a copy of if I beg enough... hint hint my question is this... did matsushiro ever make their own vf-1j or did they just make a box to sell left over taka stuff? I ask as examining my birthday present I noticed it had a taka backplate. Is this how all the matsu 1j's were, or is this a true transition piece? Did I spend that much money just for a box? Not that I am complaining mind you but if I need to buy two boxed matsu 1j's because they had varients.... Any help would be appreciated. only three more to go... max taka, milla taka, and that damn frenchy... granted to have them all mib will take a bit longer
  23. it is in fact being made for the 1/48. At least it was in the process the last time I talked with beers... the stampy was his excuse for not making me more 1/55 resin at the time . He tries hard to keep a low profile as every time he pops his head up people like me start begging. www.robsthingies.com was his site though it's been a while since I've heard from him and I don't know how much progress he has made. Between him and fulcy though we have double the chances
  24. the beauty of the 1/55 was that nothing came off. Why make stuff that comes off [ie parts you can now lose?] . Fulcy's hip mod sure... but if he made the legs detachable
  25. tis why 1/55's are my passion.. they are done for now. I still have to ask questions often as stuff i didn't know existed cropped up [a spanish printed bandai 1/55] . But yammie is way boyond me. I scored the m+ stuff eventually and the 18a yammie is my favorite toy next to the 1/55 but the 1/48 escapes me. I have a hikkie _ gbp + f/p and a stealth with /fp and thats it. I am still tyying to complete my 1/55 colection. I worry because I do want a max and milla f/p set of 1/48's at some point in the future. If they are increasing in value faster then my army of jetfires I feel kinda stupid what about that max and milla marriage set??? The one I saw was a 1/55 custom by a member waaaaaaaay back when, but if yammie did that .
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