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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. I always wondered why I don't see more badly painted jetfires on ebay. I am soo happy I got into macross again when I did. A friend pawned me a jetfire, I went looking for the missing armor on ebay, saw the macross toys on ebay, saw a $1000+ elintseeker and fell in love, found macross world looking for recast elintseeker armor, found rob beers and pestered and bribed him for two years to get him to squeeze 1 last cast out of his molds, stayed around and developed other interests . My first yamato was the 19a I traded a highlander katana to a guy on gundamworld. Still my favorite yammie. Didn't really like the 1/60 though I've had a few at various points. I do absolutely love yamato as a company though as they did create a golden age. Many can buy yammies and love them. Others can buy vintage stuff off people who want yammies. A takatoku brownie with unapplied decals sold for $400 on ebay when I first came here. For <$300 I got a boxed taka brownie and vf-1j, and a loose vf-1s + gbp-1s!!! The seller is a member here and I did end up buying a lot of stuff from him on ebay, but at prices I thought were so friggin fantastic my cheap ass was happy to pay, and he was happy because he got the 1/48 he wanted plus some extra loot. For less than $350 total I aquired 3 boxed bandai strikes . Everybody is happy, a truely golden age. Unless of course you are graham trying to sell a strike that cost him $1k
  2. 350702[/snapback] Katana, if you can afford that, Im going to drive down to FL and smack you for wanting to sell your Camaro 350729[/snapback] OMG If I could afford that I'd have two camaros first! looks very cool but the seller would have to lower the piece by 5990 for me to get it.
  3. marauder wastes them all marauder! marauder!! marauder!!! marauder!!!! nice weathering by the way. I am a big fan of inks myself. Really like the chains
  4. doont bee iliterate... lern to reed an rite props to promethuem5 for the file I got a few years back you damn noob's who don't read
  5. isn't there a place that will recast stuff for you so you can sell the "super rare original" as well as numerous "rare resin" kits thus making more money and allowing more people access? starshipmoddler or something... maybe?
  6. . I was one of two bidders with more than 1 feedback and the only bidder in triple digets... and still the cheapest sob bidder
  7. ask saverobotech... isn't that what he's doing for fun at the moment?
  8. I'd be interested in some parts if possible. I'd happily take as many of the arm attach points that don't come out nice enough to sell with a conversion kit plus a couple nice ones. I have some dastardly and horrific ideas for them but I'm not risking the resin kit I have and won't recst them myself till I get a seeker of my own.
  9. whats a dinoking and is it worth this much? http://cgi.ebay.com/Transformers-Dinoking-...1QQcmdZViewItem And I thought I had all but 1 of the g1 dinobots anybody know if they made color varients for g2 of any beasides grimlock, slag, and snarl? Just wondering as I've never seen a varient swoop and the only varient sludge I know of is the same color as g1 but with wings [bootleg I believe].
  10. I actually don't mind it. I've always had odd tastes though. I used to want a opal gt and/or a bug eyed sprite. Even though they were pieces of c I thought they looked cool. I need a pick up more than a cool looking car that can't make dump runs at the moment so it's moot regardless
  11. awwwww... you just don't want any competition
  12. "press the plunger between his legs and sparks come out of his face mask. yes it's the truth!!" http://cgi.ebay.com/EROTIC-vinyl-LOOK-popy...1QQcmdZViewItem
  13. be a great outfit to wear while haing his wisdom teeth pulled
  14. conversion kit would be the armor + parts required to convert a regular vf such as the wings, head, possibly the cockpit.
  15. those are the ones that make u look like a chipmunk..... 347048[/snapback] After I got my wisdom teeth pulled, Ilooked like a chipmunk and I've looked like one since. 347306[/snapback] That's a great way to cheer him up before he goes into the operation. 347398[/snapback] Cheer him up?!?! I could tell him how two guys with guns pulled me off a filing cabinet threatining to put me in jail if I didn't let the doctor "practice" . "we need to remove your wisdom teeth in case you are ever on a submarine for an extended tour". "I work on airplanes! WTF would I be doing on a sub?!? I was told to come for a cleaning, not this sh1t!" ... at which point I climbed on top of the filing cabinet and the dr called security while telling me about dishonorable discharges. to add insult to injury the bottom two had already grown all the way in without issue and the upper two had done nothing, ever have we gone off topic or what?
  16. yep. I kinda wanted an alpha to merge with some spawn but that ones to messed up even for me maybe if it was a little cheaper
  17. ahhh!!!!! i wish u a speedy recovery..... full of drugs and eating lotsa soupy things....haha 344338[/snapback] got back a while back... we ran into kidkorrupt by chance... lol 344385[/snapback] How many Pat? I got seven pulled out when I did it awhile ago. 346859[/snapback] you had seven wisdom teeth?!?! ouch
  18. why did they make the kits for kits rather than toys... why lots of money for the first guy to make a recastible set for the yammie's ... so who's it gonna be?
  19. Yes. Although isn't aren't Mazda6's a bit more than $20k? My Mom recently bought a 4cyl automatic hatchback Mazda6, and despite the anemic engine and wussbox transmission it's a great car. Gas milage isn't great, but it drives and looks a hell of a lot better than the competition. 346080[/snapback] My '99 Mitsubishi Montero Sport, got trashed in the hurricane Wilma, and I got a nice check for $7500 from the insurance and the car back, which I will probably trade in for a new car, but won't get that much since its kind of trashed. So I start my search for a new car, I like the Mazda6, i believe the Sports Sedan model is in the 19K-22K range, which can be a good option, altough I will probably lease it this time around, as I don't plain on keeping too long. But I dunno if there are better option available, I goto look around, but basically I'm looking for something with 4 doors. 346650[/snapback] know anybody with a water damage toyota extended cab pick-up for sale cheap
  20. Yeah somebody posts one of those every couple of years. Horrible little thing. I love how the hands can hold pencils I would love to get my hands on the original Takatoku Henkei Type Valkyie toys though. I have never even seen one on eBay still in the box. 346619[/snapback] whats a henkei? I've seen the ugly vinyl toys. are they henkei?
  21. anybody else think this guys estimates of value are just a litle bit off????? http://cgi.ebay.com/TRANSFORMERS-GENERATIO...1QQcmdZViewItem
  22. here's something I've never seen before... and hope to never see again http://cgi.ebay.com/VINTAGE-MACROSS-VALKYR...1QQcmdZViewItem
  23. recast anybody?
  24. kanata67

    Other 1/48's

    My 1/55 collecting but has yet to own a 1/48. Greenguy was nice enough to show me his, and it was impressive, but there are still 1/55's I need. I kinda want a max strike with the gbp on the side eventually but I know I would simply have to score a seeker irrespective of how many more 1/55's I need... or my mortgage for that matter
  25. just do what everybody else does... check ebay's completed auctions for what you want a value of and insure it at 20% above that.
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