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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. the <$15 bootlegs are near identical to the bandai's for all intents and purposes. I have had boot's, originals, and re-issues and the originals and boot's are the best for me... primarily because the reissue instructions start you off in the opposite mode than the fighter is in... retards at bandai I'll tell you what, they should all be...@#%!)#$^!@#*%^)@#%&!#%&)*)&~@#$()~@$^*)*)~@$^*)@#$^*)~)*&~*)~&*)~&*)&~*) not that I had problems transforming my first 19 which was a reissue honestly though... and you will never hear me say such a thing again ever so pay attention... buy the yammie 19 and not the bandai . it might be 15x the cost of a bootleg but it is sooooo worth it. At the very least buy a bootleg and not a bandai as I've never noticed a difference. Wait... buy my bandai
  2. what parts are you still missing? I might have the resin pieces around here and I could use a really abused box and armor insert
  3. you didn't say that about my non-cannon paint schemes... or was that because half the toy was spawn parts I like the green... I might have to do that to a few of my toys now... plagerism is the highest form of flattery
  4. just blame it on all the pork eating white devils like most of the world. Damn whitey keeping the white man down... wait a second
  5. did you see the drawn together where foxy demonstrates how to use a lightsabre
  6. depends on how long you wait and how many people play with their mpc's [thus breaking them]. The super definately will [especially if you got it for $40 ] and the max and milla already sell for more than retail. Then again I've been picking up taka's pretty cheap over the past year so it might be more than a few years tillwe see pre-yammie prices on our 1/55's as for the yammies... the 1/60's are already cheaper than retail excepting the rare ones because of the 1/48. But lord knows the low-viz went up a lot more in value than any bandai in the same time period. The mac plus valks have all gone waaaay up but for the 21. Depends on the scarcity of the model. I'll bet the vf-0 goes way up as it's cool, unlike the konig monster apparently . If yammie makes a 1/48 seeker, bandai's seeker values will drop severly and the yammie version will no doubt climb greatly in value as more robotechers discover the world of macross and want something so cool. I hope it happens so I can get both so I guess the answer to your question is no. Not in the near future... but a few years after that. Pressed for time? I know it won't be worth selling my pokemon collection [shudders] for another 10-20 years and my spawn might not be worth selling till after I'm dead
  7. While looking at my boxes for the joon's story and space fighter story I noticed my joon's style 1/100 and my robotic jet have identical box backs. The fact that the back was the transforming directions from jet to giant moth makes me think they were released similar to the space fighter and the joon's. Did joon's aquire their 1/55 and 1/100 molds from a different korean company? How many korean valk producing companies were their?
  8. now I want to see the directions for this thing. How many pages would that be? sweet friggin at-at oh yeah... thats the way to surmise help feed the homeless... don't neuter/spay your pets remember... if you live in a state with a bottle/can deposit every bootle/can you throw out the window of your car is potential income for these unfortunate types. And unlike wellfare they actually contribute to society by cleaning it up to make their money. Sometimes your litter can help out in states that don't have a deposit law like florida. littering was the cause of 7+ days of employment for a team of day labor mexicans and a bobcat operator cleaning up the empty beer bottles from the lot they were developing behind my apartment . Not that I had anything to do with those bottle being there .
  9. I was wrong, it wasn't the space gandam. All the joon's say the same thing, the gandam is in a foriegn language and my other boots have no story... except the non-matsushiro space fighter... which was also made in korea vf-1j variable space fighter " Hardes, who dispatched secretly in the earth from Sigmar Star in the galactic system for the peace of the universe, herads that earthian is crual and war-like creature and it will be dangerous for the peace of the universe unless the earth is destroyed. On July 1999. Uraneus, the emperor of Sigma Star, sends a boy, Dicke who has hard-headed judgement to the earth again. Dicke, who entered into the inside of Tan who fell a prey to a shark by becoming a light, begins to work by lending Tom's body. After then, Dicke and Hardes who meet in a forest to avoid man's eyes claims that earthian's history is a series of gruesome war and if they are not destroy the earth to get rid of the cruel earthians, it is difficult to be ensured pe-ace and order of the universe. But Dicke tells a sto-ry of earthian who are endevoring for warm humanity and peace from many people near by Tan and claims that they should not spoil a great thing which is the destroy of the earth. Finally, the two earthians parts with by the conflict of opinions on the earth. Hardes makes to appear a monster used a gene, and Dicke confronts him with Space Fighter which is a transfigurating robot made of alloy. And then... " the stories are similar... maybe the space fighter was a pre-curser to joon's? I want to know just where the story came from. Did koreans do a lot of acid in the 80's? Now I want somebody to translate the bacl of the space gandam box and tell me what that says. The directions are also full of bad engrish... step 1 "to turn the tail and to erect it." step 2" To collect and put the fist by slipping the fist-switch to the backside" maybe one day I'll scan this stuff
  10. over 20k already. http://cgi.ebay.com/8-Ft-One-of-a-Kind-LEG...1QQcmdZViewItem 150 lbs of legos in one auction. Damn good thing shipping is included whats next... the at-at I can live in
  11. cool finds. Mods... please move this to the ha ha thread http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=16486&st=80
  12. If nobody has it handy I'll transcibe it later. I've actually been meaning to do it for all the bootlegs. The space gandam is just as funny.
  13. I really hope you meant to say stains . Just what bathroom are you hanging out in looking at veins
  14. Issue 4 of what? 352447[/snapback] prelued to shadow chronicles. I colored issue 4. 352451[/snapback] Robotech... Yeah I don't touch the stuff, it gives people a bleeding anus. 352452[/snapback] I heard the same thing about you agent one
  15. if you know what you are doing the original is fine. Many parts are screwed together so simply removing [and not losing] the screws is enough. Some parts have pressure tabs which just have to be squezzed. The most dangerous part is making the mold if you forget to use mold release agent.
  16. ha ha... sucker women marry men thinking they can change them men marry women thinking they will always stay the same agent1 won't marry till he can legally have a harem, or was it hairless mom... I forget which
  17. I agree that pretty much all combiners [excluding van dread] where pretty lame in concept as well as practice. Devestator was mildly cool as was voltron. I have an original so I'm not sure if I want a mpc version, especially at the price. I'll wait for reviews. So says somebody who was never spanked by a 50' mechanized monkey . Seriously... if you have the tech to beat them, might as well humiliate them as well by having a morphing panda whoop some ass .
  18. towely cough cough... wanna get high? sooooo many great episodes. Just when I think they pushed the envelope as far as they can... they push it farther. name the episode... "all hail the queen spider" "it's robert smith!" "Told you your mom was on the cover of crack whore magazine" "initiating smell sequence" " my precious, my precious" "Actually I ate chef's chili..."
  19. the wonderful world of the x-box 360 and x-mas . So many really funny auctions at absurd prices. http://search-completed.ebay.com/xbox-360-...ZQ2d1QQsbrsrtZl I love how almost all have 0 feedback winners. My favorite simply has to be this one though http://cgi.ebay.com/XBOX-360-Core-system-b...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. black light. The white toys look nice yeah... youv'e seen a valkyrie... but have you seen one on WEED? actually any fish tank light with proper bulb... IE a fishtank bulb in a flourecent fixture, should do nicely. Just make sure you don't buy a HEAT or FULL-SPECTRUM bulb. Heck... find a full spectrum a few years old and you will still be ok, though your reptiles wouldn't be. COme to think of it... I have a few bulbs that still work but are well past being full spectrum enough for my turtles... pay for shipping and you can have them.
  21. I still want a macross mod for command and conquer
  22. I might have the image stored on my other pc... I'll check if you can't find it elsewhere and remind [nag] me
  23. just wat size boot's does a car wear? damn brit reminds me I need to get my benny hill stuff out of storage where ever the heck in england it is now... who knows where "sarisbury green" southampton is? Could be a comission in it for you
  24. If you think $140 is steep you don't want to know how much my seeker conversion kit set me back
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