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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. hcm pro vf? and we all know they should sooooooooo do it
  2. or pm me and pay for postage for a physical copy of vfx-1. I'm pretty sure the image is still on one of my hard drives but I'd have to check. If it's not and I have to dig through the binders expect sever time delay issues
  3. and your 21 is still being lovingly cared for I gomething else from you as well... didn't I? As for the cart. It's definately more of a collectible than a useful piece of software now-a-days. When I aquired more snes games than I knew existed in roms for my dreamcast I didn't sell my snes [as nothing beats the snes controller for mario cart] but it hasn't been used since. Heck, I still haven't tracked down a power supply and controller for my atari jaguar and people keep giving me systems that just get stacked on top ofthe snes in the closet. Yeah... a sega saturn was cool, but now I have two and I've never turned eaither on . Anybody want a sega genisis with cdrom? maybe an atari with a garbage bag full of games? . even as a collectible I'm not sure. At least your lucky in that it's a dual collectible... snes and macross... so while snes values drop in the digital age you still have macross and robotech fans to drool over it. I was amazed back in 1999 when I bought digital mission vfx1 for psx from a local store for what I thought was an outrageous price, "backed it up" a couple hundred times over a year, and then sold the original for more than I paid for it on ebay! I'm honestly more impressed with the games I have like "thrill kill" which was never released than the import games, but thats me. I'd say sell it if you need the cash, if you don't put it in a ziplock baggie and throw it in the closet for 20 years and see what it's worth then. If I had done that with all my 1986 x-mas gifts and been able to sell them mib today I would have a very nice vehicle indeed . oh... and for anybody interested in aquiring this from david... he takes really good care of his stuff. Really good.
  4. oh... thats a tough one. I'd say it's between "Red Sleigh Down" (season 6) and "Woodland Critter Christmas" (season . Jesus with a machine gun or satanic woodland creatures... I can't decide. "of course satan is our master... do you think god would have sex with a porcupine?!?" and graham asks if it's worth watching these... damnit graham... pm me your addy and I'll send you some early dvd's. Depending on how long you have been away from the f'ed up states of A some of the humor might be lost on you... but I doubt it. britiny spears vs mr slave whore off!!!!!! lemmywinks
  5. what about the rubber erasers in the for sale id thread? just as ugly and not as shiny . the multi colored boot sdf is pretty funny to.
  6. now scale it up and make it into a custom bowling ball.
  7. kanata67

    Valkyrie Girl

    you guys noticed monkey is selling this right? http://cgi.ebay.com/Gundam-Mecha-Girls-Ill...1QQcmdZViewItem just thought I'd give a heads up.
  8. don't remind me. I saw a joon's milla sell for over $200 I should have sold mine to the second highest bidder. The worst part is the few boot's I need are the really rare ones now so help me if I manage to complete my collection of originals before I finish with the bootlegs... I still want one of those heads
  9. thats ok... everytime I go slumming at rt.com I can't resist saying glaug at least once in every post would a hcm vf count?
  10. I thought this was kinda funny... http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Veritech-Figh...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/Robotech-Veritech-Figh...1QQcmdZViewItem is this systematically pretending something isn't a re-issue by selling it without the box?
  11. where can I get a red 1/55 Valkyrie head from Four Star's really silly Constructicons/Devastator bootleg???? and I wonder how many people just knew I'd be asking that whan I saw an ugly ass 1/55
  12. why do you want to know the weight? trying to smuggle it out thru illegal means? Or perhaps you have found one loose but locked away in some indigenous indian temple behind a series of booby traps and you must replace the VE-1 with a bag of sand otherwise a giant boulder will come crashing down upon you? 355523[/snapback] boulder schmoulder... for a ve I'd bring an extension cord and my hammer drill
  13. As i remember the one banpresto I owned was a smaller scale than my taka/bandai 1/100's... else I would have looted the fast-packs for horrible modifications before I gave the valk away
  14. I always thought that takatoku vinyl glaug was as ugly as it could get
  15. I have a space gandam so I suppose I should watch the original... or does that mean I need to watch mac+ or worse yet... robotech
  16. kanata67

    Jm Gbp Custom

  17. I remember those days... now that I'm married that waits till newyears as for what I'm getting for x-mas... not a clue. Probably something electronic from the iwfe. She had a really good idea of opening all the gifts from family on x-mas and exchanging gifts between eachother on newyears thus scoring all the sweet after x-mas sales. To bad strippers don't go on clearence... I'd just get yelled at anyways
  18. http://search.ebay.com/ws/search/SaleSearc...1&fcl=3&frpp=50 Don't know why your link didnt work out, so I reposted it. Yeah, thats a particularly fugly Takatoku toy. It came in two packages, this one painted in white and then in a double pack, painted in silver, packaged with a die-cast SDF-1. The die cast SDF-1 was also sold seperately. Even though its fugly, I own all 3 versions and they are some of my favorite toys I love this old Taka stuff 354440[/snapback] it looks even fuglier than the taka 1/76 gbp giftset one... or is it just the lighting? Does it have the little cockpit under the head?
  19. a Jetfire sequence? what would that be? Sooner or later I'll get around to hosting my step-by-step assembly/repair guide for the 1/55's if thats what you mean. As it's a banpresto and not a hcm I didn't miss out as the only part I could use is the jetfire arm. I don't know why I have so many leg pairs in my bitz box compared to other parts... just ended up that way. Once I figure out a four legged custom vf that looks ok or get around to using 1/55 legs on spawn figures I might need more legs . I think I've only seen one broken 1/55 leg ever and it has the little white stabalizer broken off. I'll probably use it for another bad spawn toy
  20. smooth-on without a doubt. The stuff that can be made with their products. The resin plinth on a plinth at trafagar square for instance . They have a starter pack you can buy once at a discounted price. I have one but haven't gotten around to any of the numerois projects I want to tackle yet. Heck, been in this house over a year and my stereo still isn't hooked up . anyhow... nimba creations in england uses smooth-on so perhaps they might sell it as well? www.nimbacreations.com nimbacreations@hotmail.com tel [44] 01271 343264 maybe that will help?
  21. Friends are great, but women are better 354593[/snapback] what... you can't be friends with a woman? Actualy... as I think about it... every one I thought was a good friend somehow ended up naked in my presence. Cool until I got married . I thought I was safe hanging out with a lesbian co-worker... damn was I wrong . Thank god that happened before I got married else I'd be divorced
  22. I know somebody made strike, seeker and o' customs of original ones but I forget who. Kinda annoys me as they said they would give me advice on doing my own and now that I have a jm begging to be a custom I can't remeber
  23. the horror... the horror don't suppose you saved the boxes... sniff? I did many a horrible thing to gi-joes and transformers... butthose were always the toys I traded for, not the ones I owned. Heck, I dusted my night raven nightly for three years and sold it mint with box for nothing when tring to get my first nintendo [if only I had known I would one day have every nintendo game ever made on one cd that played on a sega stystem ] In highschool playing batletech and 40k I started buying my friends basement crap for custom parts. They were into girls and were more than happy to trade me 15 lbs of gi joe vehicles for a bottle of captain morgan. I ammassed quite a collection then gave it all away when I joined the navy. It's kinda better collecting anew as you know what crap was pure crap from the first time around and don't have to get it a second time. for instance... the pull-back flippy transformers, all gobots, he-man stuff, pre-swivel arm gi-joe, tranzor-z, etc.[macress] lord knows I"m not about to bid $5 on a hovertank... llousey piece of !&*@)*%@) dipped in ^%!@#$^!$~$^ with !@@^~@$&~#& on top and a midget !^%^*#* a goat ^^#$@#%%& a hairy donkey^!!&!&!%&!&!& frshly shaved cat*$(@&&*((&!^ crowley @^@$^ .....
  24. any chance that while you have your set dis-assembled you could get CAD/CAM scans done and foward them to me... for no particular reason at all
  25. earlier this year... before he sold his 1/55's to me to buy 1/48's... golden age for both of us . Seriously... akabob is a great guy and he helped me out a lot. now I just want to see bandai re-issue the o and seeker... I would be so happy. How much do you want to bet that the week I spend 20k having a injection mold made is the same week they decide to re-issue them
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