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Everything posted by chris

  1. Graham, sure, you can use the pic. prometheum5, the image was done in Photoshop. There is no special trick to it, just a Wacom tablet and a lot of layers. Chris
  2. Thanks. I've been lurking on these boards for some time now so I thought I might finally post something... I actually wanted to do only the basic coloring, so that I could see what the GBP would look like when Yamato finishes it. But I had to do some real work today, so of course I started adding more and more detail to the image, as an exscuse to avoid doing it. So I have this really detailed Valkyrie image, and the work is still waiting... ah, well, tomorrow is another day. Here is the finished pic, with some markings and noseart (or is it legart in this case?) added. Chris
  3. GBP in color. Chris
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