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Everything posted by SpoonieG2010

  1. Man Yeti has been doing some awesome work!!!
  2. Sweet!!!
  3. Yep...ya got me!! Well whenever you get the 1/48 adapter together I'm definitely in for three more!!
  4. Damn it...well with no 1/48 adapters I would need 2...damn. Really need some stands for my 1/48's!
  5. Did I miss it?? I'm looking for where we go to order them?? I need to be able to see how much it will be in addition to the $62 for international shipping... I'm gonna need at least 5....I hate it when I don't check this daily but it's been a busy time for me...sorry to be a pain guys!! Another dumb question as I didn't see it. How well do the 1/48's with strike parts fair on the stands??
  6. Looks pretty freakin awesome!!!
  7. Thanks guys!! I live near Yokohama and the rain is already hitting us hard!!
  8. Damn...thanks CoreyD. Saved me as I was going to order that. Well I guess I have to find some type of display.
  9. How well do the universal base stands work? It says 1/60 for Gundam, but it looks like it should work pretty well for a YF-19. Thanks for any help and or advise.
  10. Well I know where I'll be headed to on the 27th!! Hopefully they have alot...that place is always doing some type of car show or convention.
  11. Most recent additions to the family: Optimus Prime MP-10, Rodimus Prime, Soundwave with all four minions, Megatron. All from the Masterpiece Collections. Waiting for the following pre-orders to finally come in: VF-29 Ozma Colors and his Super Parts, VF-30 Chronos, Tornado Parts for my VF-25G Renewal. Finally I pulled the trigger on the SDF-1 DYRL from Mandrake....my wife's gonna kill me!! But I'll die happy. Tried to get the 1/48 Max and Millia from Yahoo...something glitched up and said I couldn't bid on it... . Oh well in a month or so I will be on the hunt for those again. Gotta let the wallet catch it's breath!!
  12. I know you guys have said it before but I would love either Arcadia to do an SDF-1 DYRL reiisue or an SDF-1 TV version. The prices for that thing is ridiculous!! I have been into collecting now for about 3 years actively, and I have a solid collection but I have a few more I am (lusting) looking at but my personal pinnacle would that one....
  13. Just so you guys know eBay now has a listing up for $286.00 and shipping is $26. I know that's a dramatic price hike but just putting the info out there...
  14. Got my preorder in...NY is active now!!
  15. Geez this is a painful process...I have email notifications on this but I'm out of the country so it's painful to lock it down but I will!! Thanks for the updates guys!
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