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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Saw that book at my local store a couple of times before I read here that it was hard to get. Of course it decided to disappear the moment I want to pick it up right then and there. Yeah, I'm pretty much letting the reprint turn up rather than go nuts over it. No biggie since I've still yet to see the last movie.
  2. Hmm... according to this new list the movie has been steadily dropping, although it's at a pretty normal rate. Pretty much all movies has the same steady drop like this, with the exception of the huge blockbusters of course.
  3. Ahh Tomino, that man never got over the fact that he has never been able to match or surpass his crowning critial achievement of the original gundam series and is totally bitter about it. While somewhat understandable he, however, has gone violently over the other end of the spectrum about it. A whole new generation of people now are beginning to know him only as bitter ranting man nowadays. Which is what you got, can't blame you for feeling that way after being what you went through beforehand. Btw, I'm not a Gundam fan though I certainly appreciate it for what it is though, especially it's designs. Well, some of them anyway. Still a big fan of the Sentinel series of designs though. Hajime Katoki, you rock. Well, Frontier 1 movie certainly has it's problems. The main one of which is that it's too middle heavy that could certainly be more economical with it's structure. Now, does Frontier 2 has the same problem? I think it'd be good to prepare of it beforehand for people like me who still haven't seen it yet. Well, it's not underperforming. It is doing as well as an anime movie can be expected though. The fact that it didn't drop over 50% in it's takings in the second week is a good indicator of it's popularity and staying power in the box office. The third week's takings was unfortunate but understandable under the circumstances, but the subsequent weeks after that showed that it certainly is still reasonably successful since it not only improved from the 3rd week takings but remained stable in ticket sales thereafter.
  4. Oh dear lord, he didn't watch the Gundam 00 movie did he? Probably the most un-Gundam-like movie ever. As for the theaters showing the Macross movies, I'm sure if you look around you'd still find some select cinemas still showing the movie for a while. I pretty much caught up with a couple of movies that supposedly ended it's run well over a year ago that way on my last two trips. That said, I probably won't get a chance to head back there till sometime next year so it doesn't look hopeful that I'll be checking the movie out in the cinemas though.
  5. Could have been a little better if it wasn't due to the very drastic 64% drop on week three but understandable due to the circumstances really. The fact the numbers rose a little back up and held steady on week 4 and 5 shows promise that the movie has legs for just a little while longer.
  6. Think viagra, except the symptoms are permanent.
  7. And so begins the one year wait for the rest of us... Dear lord... So compared to the other Macross movies, where does this one sit? (I don't care that I haven't seen it myself. Put it above DYRL and there will be blood words...)
  8. What is this Macross 7 backlash you mentioned(first I've ever heard of it) and does it have anything to do in context to cybernetics? Not that I can be there to ask it but I don't think I'd want to possibly embarrass anyone asking it be marked as that "otaku" geek.
  9. You're amazed that they had that *FEW* many screens for the movie. I'm amazed that they actually had that *many*. Anime movies, unless they're really massive franchises, and maybe not even then, end up with not that many cinemas showing it. (Ghibli & Pokemon excluded since they're actually a cultural phenomena)
  10. How many other cinemas are showing the movie anyway?
  11. The only problem is if there are any seats available as they could all be sold out due to it's popularity, limited screens and being so close to it's premier. Otherwise getting a ticket even though you can't speak Japanese shouldn't be too much of a problem. Availability is the problem here I'm afraid to say.
  12. Depends on whether they decide to do away with the original idea of having based the ship around the USS Arizona or not, as it was originally pitched over a decade ago(yes, it has been that long).
  13. I was here when the tv series ended and it must have been so traumatic that I've blocked it all out... That or I was too busy with work to check in as things really ramped up round that time. I prefer the former explanation. If things were that bad for the 00 when it was on, I can't imagine what it was like for the movie. Dear lord.... Atleast we can somewhat safely say that this second movie isn't to generate that much discourse. *Fingers crossed*
  14. Grace?? Quick someone get the tranqs ready before *you know who* finds out!!
  15. I take it this story is written in Japanese?
  16. I'm still not totally convinced to pick it up. I mean I already got one SDF1 from WAVE, not too sure how I can justify getting another one that's 3x the cost, even if it's 2x the size and a lot more detailed. I guess I'll think about it if hlj ever have the thing available again on their site.
  17. The very fact that recently someone got charged for recording the soundtrack for the 00 movie in the theater with his mobile because he liked the music(I don't understand this myself, you can buy the ost easily enough and get better quality) give you the idea how seriously they take this in Japan. And the less said about the 00 movie the better. With it's atrocious story it does not deserve the "Gundam" name in it whatsoever. It was worth it to wait for the DVD of the first Frontier, it really was too bad that it was so very long.... I was in Kyoto in October and had a chance to watch 00 in the cinemas. I made an excellent call in hindsight by going to see something else. For this second movie I'm going to end up having to wait for the dvd as well as I can't make it over there for it, as much as I would liked to. Still I'm sure those going will give us a heads up whether anything gets resolved or not in the movie. That's of most immediate importance for the rest of us right now.
  18. Ok. We can leave it alone if you want. It's not really like we're attacking you or something, if it seems that way I apologize for my part in it. We're merely trying to have a discussion into what exactly is the problem you had with the manga, mainly due to the fact that we're not really seeing it and trying to explore it from your point of view. edit: my use of "we" may be presumptuous I admit(sorry again guys!!) but MW has always been but friendly community to me so I really don't think anyone who replied had any ill will at all. Seriously, to me this community isn't really that kind of place.
  19. And I can say not everyone can draw as well as Mikimoto either. The art's fine for what it is, it works and is not too dissimilar to the series designs. Be thankful it's not worse. I have very little interest in drawing manga either but from what I know drawing manga is a lot harder than you think, just getting the framing right is half the battle. Seen that done wrong before and believe me, no matter how good your art is, it spoils everything. Just because she has her hair tied back and under a cap? Looks recognisable to me.
  20. Sounds like someone isn't familliar with the shoujo art style. Cos, you know, it is a shoujo manga after all... Agreed. Closest we got to a "Misa Type" is Cathy, and she's in a different triangle altogether.
  21. Hell, they might not even do much with the Galaxy angle if they're just that pressed for time.
  22. Well if that's the case then that is unfortunate. The tv series never concluded that part of the story. While a large portion of the Galaxy fleet were seen during the final battle; including the Galaxy fortress itself, the colony was nowhere to be seen. As a result of the end of the war, of the Galaxy cabal, Grace may be the only one that died(*OR DID SHE??!*). That part of the story was just left hanging there. Rule of storytelling: If you don't show me or even tell me, it didn't happen. Damn shame as a series of the war between Frontier and Galaxy would be quite interesting, showing while as dangerous as an external threat such as the Varjira's are, the most dangerous are always from your own side. A storytelling device that has been used to great effect for a while now. To some degree what made the original Gundam series so great. Sure they had the Leon coup in Frontier but that was something Galaxy had a part in, and so we end up at the start of the argument again. Well, we'll see in a couple of month's time. Maybe they'll pull it off and tie it all up properly with the 2nd movie. I sure hope so it they are going to do just that.
  23. Well, looking at the trailer and the news from Toshiro in the Scoop thread, I'm thinking that this movie isn't going to finish the Frontier vs. Galaxy story now. Or atleast do it adequately. With a possible new season however.... *Keeping fingers crossed*
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