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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Rather than start up a new topic for this I though this will fit well here since it is Macross Frontier music related. A friend of mine, Anton, recently fell in love with the Frontier ED song Diamond Crevasse. So much so that he whipped out his guitar and worked out the chords for it. It'd probably make sense if you play a guitar, I don't so it's somewhat lost to me. I thought I'd copy & paste and share it with you all here: ______ anyway here's the chords according to me (which may/may not be correct but playing it last night seemed fine).... oh, this is the tv size version but the full version is virtually the same with a few minor changes in the middle but similar chords... 4/4 time approx 70 to 80 bpm Legend: | . . . . | = 1 bar with each "." as a beat (ie 4 beats per bar as this is 4/4 time) Rest = mute strings for that beat (ie no ringing of any strings etc) Verse: |D . . . |C . . . |G . . . |A . . . |G . . . |A . . . | Pre-Chorus: |D . G . |A . . . |D . G . |A . . . | |F# . G . |A . . . |C . . . |C D E rest|G G rest . | |optional rest another bar to allow finish of "twinkle" effect ^__^| Chorus: |Dm . C . |Bb . C . |G . A . |Bb . C . | x 2 That's all folks - nice and easy There shouldn't be problems as the rough timing is there already (you'll need to slightly offset the beat a little in bits of the chorus but if you play along with the song, you'll get it) If you've still got problems, let me know and i'll show ya ^__^ Anton ________ Hopefully that makes sense to the more musically inclined members here. To avoid any problems please credit it to Anton it you're going to use this composition anywhere else. Tell me if I should have created a new topic for this and I'll go ahead and copy and paste this there. I just dont want to clutter the forums is all.
  2. We wish, that'd atleast only last an hour or so resulting in a bump in timeslot rather than a preempt. It's a live broadcast from europe which is probably around midday at that time and they're probably showing several games back to back.
  3. Aw hell... This is bleeding me dry here...
  4. Yep, live broadcast of sports. Pretty much the bane of every anime fan in Japan or otherwise...
  5. I don't know about that. You're talking about the overall sales including the online stores. The OST sales in Akihabara alone was tremendous with stores running out of stock by the end of the release day date. Granted Akihabara stores tend to release their stuff for sale one day early of the set release date but you get the idea. You basically can't find a copy anywhere there by the end of the day. Now unless there was an invasion of western otaku tourists that day at Akihabara(Oh alright, so when is it not? But bear with me on this one...), that pretty much gives us an idea of the popularity of the show there at the moment. And I think the DVD sales will reflect that.
  6. Yeah, I pretty much expected that ep10 was going to be in that range being a character-centric episode and all ather than an action or humor-based one. The fact that TBS gets the show a full day after MBS also does help explain the number it gets, just take Library Wars for instance. It's only shown on one channel, Fuji TV and that is only avaliable in the Tokyo area. That show just about is in the top 5 rated shows every week with 3.0 as an average. You're also right about the sales of the DVDs for Frontier. If the singles and OST sales is anything to go by, it is very popular over there at the moment and we can expect the DVD will sell like crazy next month. That said we here probably like to rake over the ratings anyway since it's kinda fun and being fans would like to see it do well. If for nothing else but to celebrate everytime it beats CC.
  7. Does not surprise me. Their focus has always been all over the place.
  8. Considering the way the rollercoaster-like ratings for Frontier has been I really can't be surprised by the drop. However it is still quite a massive drop and one can't help but be awed by it. As it is, it'll be good if it gets back up to the 2.0 range during the run of next few episodes. It does beg the question of how much the gap created by the postponed broadcast of next week's episode is going to affect it when it finally returns the week after. It could quite possibly drop further as the break in schedule may cause people to forget about it that week but should be rectified by the week after that though.
  9. Actually earlier than that. NewType comes out on the 10th. So four days away.
  10. I knew it!! As far back as the first apperance of the thing I knew it was a matter of time before it caused some micron some mischief. Though I was expecting that it would be using Michael as a chew toy when it did...
  11. heh... Or atleast have the decency to look him in the eye when you shoot him.
  12. Awesome! Now if only they come in 7 colours....
  13. Actually, one of the members of Kat-tun is a self-confessed otaku so he probably contributed to the OST's ranking by getting a copy himself. Time to celebrate by playing the CD so loud I scare the neighbour's dogs. (The cats already run away...)
  14. I agree. Michael's 25 is a highly specialized configuration with different electronics and sensor suite for a specialized role. That's not to say that he can't engage an enemy with his sniper gun in a 'knife-out' dogfight, he just wouldn't be as effective due to the semi-auto fire nature of his gun. He's just better utilized engaging his targets at range and in cover with a link-up with Luca as his spotter. I actually still aren't sure about the 27's weapons suite. It is fairly unusual to see a weapon with a dual role in Macross and as such not too sure if that main gun used to take out the carrier was also used as an auto cannon against Klan.
  15. Really? Wow. First I've heard of it. Then again, not a gundam fan, unless you count the Sentinel. I suppose with the established franchise and the successes they had with the recent series (somewhat anyway, Destiny merchandise sales were much less than they were expecting) had convinced them to push thru with a planned 50 episode series. As for the second series for Frontier. As far as we know the 25 episodes was the plan for the whole series' story arc. Of course that doesn't mean they end up creating another series after it if proven successful enough. The aforementioned Seed --> Seed Destiny for example. What I really don't want is for the success forcing the production company to extend the run from the planned episode which could very well mean stretching the story and added filler episodes which ends up dragging the series. I think we can agree on that one. Perhaps it would be a better question to ask is, how many epsiodes was Macross 7 originally planned for? Anyone? ETA: damn, point beaten to the punch by darkrealmbahamut...
  16. Not a Gundam 00 fan but I do believe that the announcement of a second season came shortly after the end of 00, which was the same deal with Seed. By the virtue of it being a Gundam series the production would have left a opening for a second season. Seed Destiny is a good example which by all intent and purpose should have been done by the end of Seed(and according to many should left it there rather than end up with a fanfic-like story of Destiny).
  17. My copy of the OST won't reach me until the first Frontier DVD is released. I had both bundled into the same order. Until then I can wait since know when I get it I I'll be listening the hell out of that CD.
  18. Granted most BD releases at the moment are region free from I've been told, just how long before Sony and the other distributaion companies start locking their stuff up since that'll eventually bite into their region sale figures? That's what I'm worried about.
  19. Well 3.0 is a good number to build from but from what we've seen the pattern always have the numbers drop on average after a particular good rated episode for Frontier. Hopefully if the patterns continues it'll not drop further than a 2.7 though I'm all for it climbing over the 3.0 mark. Is it too much to hope that KK's fanbase will carry it thru for ep9?
  20. Huh. Within one episode Frontier managed to nearly doubled it's ratings and more importantly it managed to hit the giddy ceiling of 3.0 which I've always hoped it would as far back as 3-4 weeks ago before I got demoralised by the poor showing for episode 7. My prediction had always been for Frontier to hit the 3.0 ceiling by episode 8 but that was on the condition that episode 7 hit the highs of over 2.6 where that the viewership numbers could build from. This is.... erratic. Oh well, guess we can look foward to more of the panty loving limbless green mascot from now on... Seems to the only new thing that's been introduced lately which coincided with the ratings spike. *gah...*
  21. Same haircut and all...? It does make sense that SMS stands for that. I've always thought that part of the name was named after one of the Corporations that made the planes for the UN but since then it's been quashed by the fact that the company name that made the 25s starts with an L.
  22. Well the radar never picked the 27s up during the battle in ep7. The only way they knew about them was because Alto and Micheal had eyed one of them. If they had such stealth capabilites, I'm pretty sure they won't have any problem sneaking onto Frontier. Especially if they are people there already prepared to receive them. Leon perhaps?
  23. Lunar's translation has it as "...broke formation" during Galaxy's initial attack which could mean it was forced to separate from the fleet. It could meant it got cut off and trying to re-join would be too dangerous. After all, the Captain of the ship's primary responsibility is the safety of his crew and ship and in certain cases, at least in the US Navy, can disobey or refuse orders and directive if he/she deems that it endangers the safety of said crew and ship. That could be the very case here.
  24. Another thing about GG is that they continue to be somewhat of an unknown quantity to me. They have been known to pick up a series all the way to the end but are more likely seen jumping into a series already underway and taking it up from there, just like what they're doing for Frontier. This is fine for some series which some groups just decided to stop working on but for Frontier which has several groups working on it, it just leaves me mystified about just what they are doing.
  25. I suppose the Dulfim crews are still quarantined as there are a large number of them as opposed to Alto and Ranka, just two individuals that are easier to keep an eye on. This could mean that the V-virus may not be contagious but it's effects are of interest to whoever is manipulating events behind the scene. And it has to be Alto that Ranka is talking to Alto on the phone as there was mention of Luca and both of them are the only ones that were onboard the Vajra carrier and exposed to open space with the cockpit opened. They needed to be checked for this "V-virus" and possible space radiation sickness, an ever present danger in space. Everyone else was safely enclosed in their craft the whole time so there is no need for them to be checked. As of the moment the motivations of characters such as Leon and the President of SMS Harbere(sp?) are still shrouded in mystery. As it is I won't be surprised by the end of it we find that the Vajra end up being one of the elements we are sympathetic to and it's the human elements in the show that are antagonists. And yes, eat your carrots! Ranka says so.
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