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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Not only dead, unless it had a solid core in the first place the structural integrity of the planet has been severely compromised (planets form into an oval shape from a combination of gravity, heat and dust for a reason) and would eventually lead to it fracturing completely. So the only foreseeable future of Gallia 4 is either flung out of orbit and drift into space as an extremely large rock as stated before above, or shattering into an asteroid field not unlike the one we have in our solar system. And I think we're beginning to put too much thought into this and falling into the old factoring real world physics into an anime world trap. Me = Guilty as charged.
  2. This is true. Extras are usually only included in limited editions.
  3. I can't watch the whole thing in one sitting for only one good reason; I just don't have that much time to spare. Watching the entire 25 episodes would take close to half a day. 9 hours if you cut out the OP & EDs with no toilet or snack breaks. I'm just too busy to have any of my free time on my days off to have that much time wiped out by just watching the TV. As it is watching as the episodes comes out works best for me.
  4. Must. Beat. Geass.... Frontier atleast for this week has risen above the lowest 10 rated series. It may get the same numbers again next week but considering the last time the series had a battle episode they actually drop, that's the best we can hope for. Well the new Slayers debut has basically the same numbers as when Frontier started. We'll have to see from there.
  5. This could possibily explains why Hikaru is always getting shot down. Even in his magical flying bike in his dreams. You know your steak theory would have held water if Kakizaki actually ate his before getting vaporised but alas.
  6. You know people tend to forget Roy never even ate it before he went to Valhalla.
  7. Seriously guys, the "pineapple salad" thing is beginning to become like a bad meme round here.
  8. I don't know. I haven't have too much problems with the franchise of Macross. Well, not much anyway. I am enjoying Frontier thus far and being that it was a series I have waited for close to two decades for perhaps mean I have more invested in it. The saying about how time makes the heart grows fonder(sp?) applies here for me I guess. The one niggling retcon that kinda gets me though is how we never see the old designs from the original series. It's like they decided to utilise the designs from DYRL onwards as canon and quite frankly, I miss Daedalus and Prometheus...
  9. Damn. I suppose the writers think it's still to early to reveal anything about the 117th yet. Fair enough. I actually more curious about them than just what Grace's intentions are right now. Damn that was quick. I just checked 45 mins ago. Unfortunately I'm away from my primary machine so that's going to have to wait till I get back home.
  10. Things are currently in motion and the people involved aren't going to get a chance to take stock of what's happening until they could somehow gain some breathing space away from the massive engagement next episode. So I'm willing to let that pay out first though I'm currently more interested in whether Alto managed to pick anything up when he plugged into the ship's console. (watched the raws but haven't got the subs yet, waiting for Lunar)
  11. I said it before and I'll say it again, you people are too keen on seeing a main character die. Or are you all perhaps just trying to soften the blow when it comes by talking about it now? Well suck it in and have your heart torn out like the writers of Frontier intended, like when we old hands were with Fokker. You'd be a better person in the end, just like Hikaru...
  12. Damn. Sorry, double post. What is the itenary for the Namba event anyway?
  13. I didn't do exactly that but didn't work for me at TAF. I was only fortunate enough that they decided to have May'N have an unscheduled stop at the Satelight booth immediately after Frontier event for a quick live performance.
  14. In that case, Aimo probably could be the "shutdown switch" perhaps?
  15. Oh great, another Leiji Matsumoto.
  16. And that reason is why I harboured much hate for Macross II.
  17. Perhaps. It's a heck of a lot of investment just to build something that similar in design, though they did ultimately shelved the design. Or so we thought till WTF-1 happened.
  18. Talk about pulling a fast one. I believed it was the Macross because I really don't see the reason for the UN to build a ship that's the same as the original Macross. Afterall the SDF-1's configuration and design happened more by necessity than design, the ARMDs attached as an example. You would have thought they would have learnt by their experience on that ship to go build another ship that would look heck of a lot more different.
  19. The fact that everyone seemed to be down would mean that Frontier's drop is on par with everyone else that week. I'm kinda surprised that even the final episode of Library Wars dropped too, being the last episode and all. Just what was happening that week? Now let's just see how the numbers are for this week’s episode since it's possibly going to answer some of the questions raised from last week's episode. Judging from past trends with the series, my conservative estimates is that it'd only have a slight rise but not above 2.0%. Non conservative estimates up to 2.5%. 3% if the revels are of the "floor-dropped-from-below-you & this-is-not-the-Macross-you-knew-from-before" type of revelations, though unlikely since those high numbers have so far only been with episodes that have high comedy elements involving panties....
  20. I agree with you there, it sure looks like the SDF-1. Even if they did develop another, I don't see the reason to build an exact duplicate. It must have been pretty desperate if they needed to call an 50 year old ship back into service though.
  21. It'd be interesting to see what the rating numbers are like for this and the next episode is like due to this huge plot twist and the ensuing speculation to the reason behind it that is probably coming with the next episode. Especially since this literally reaches down to the very heart of Macross, the SDF-1. There also seems to be a sweet looking aerial battle too, so that's an added bonus.
  22. Looks fine to me. Granted I was watching Horrible Raws, so the picture quality isn't the best to judge with but the animation looks consistent and was on par to me with the Nara Animation's works. So I don't think people will have too many problems with this.
  23. Yes, I learn that from watching Japanese Game shows.
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