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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Looks like they may just do it and resolve most of the questions raised in the few episodes left.
  2. "Good Job!" Recently I went and checked at my local Japanese bookstore and found a copy vol.3 on the shelves. This after telling me from a few months before that they're not going to carry the issues. Fustrating. Not that it matters now since I've ordered them from hmv jp. I am surprised at just how thin the issue is for the price though.
  3. Now, now Misaforever. We use that term in good humor and endearing, friendly ribbing. The same way the SF community uses the term for Harlan Ellison, an old loveable curmudgeon. Or a puma... Back to the subject, it's great to be a fan of Macross fan right now in that now on my part I have the disposable cash for it. I may have been a fan of Macross since the 80's but I've never even had access to Macross 7 until recently, let alone the cash for it. Nowadays we've got high quality toys from Yamato and Bandai and a celebration of the franchise in the form of the 25th annivesary series Frontier.
  4. MisaForever = curmudgeon But he's OUR curmudgeon, gosh darn it.
  5. Hope I'm not late to the party and this hasn't been posted here yet. Interview & live performance May'N on TV performing Northern Cross. If you want to miss the interview just fast foward to 3:43.
  6. *moved to the youtube thread which I just noticed To keep things relevant and not waste this post. The very fact people are complaining now about how they are going resolve the story with just 4-5 episodes left is something I've been asking as far back as ep.16-18 and to thus far I've been feeling that the story hasn't been moving fast enough. However though that's not to say that it can't be done within those few episodes left. After all just the remaining episodes' running time is equivalent to almost a movie length at 80 mins. Here's to hoping. I really just wish that the past 5 episodes is such a drag though.
  7. No kidding. I have friends who are into Gundam and every time they mention the new series that aren't even part of the original timeline they catch me sneering at them. It is somewhat unlikely that Macross will die. *fingers cross/hopes Kawamori really doesn't go off the deep end* If that happens I'll cancel all my subscriptions for the Chronicles myself. However this season of the series is coming to an end soon though. The question is what's next for it not that this series without question is a real hit.
  8. 7 pages already? Man, I've only just finished DLing and watching the HorribleRaws... This episode had nice moment of character development but are we really on the last stretch of the show? The story seems to be moving a little bit too slowly for me to be approching the end game. Also looking at the ads in the raws, looks like Gundam 00 will be replacing Frontier when it finishes. At least it looks like it, can't read for half a damn to save my life. If so then the 28 eps people here were hoping for for Frontier isn't likely.
  9. Wow. You liked the Eva TV ending as well? Welcome to the club. It's a very small club. The movie however is not canon with me. Back on topic, I'd very much prefer the TV series as canon until proven otherwise. In many cases it's not a good idea to mess around with the original unless you decide to revamp the series entirely. You just need to look at all the re-editing that's done by Spielberg and Lucas with their old classics to see what a bad idea it could be. It's jarring and only serves to alienate the old fans that made it popular in the first place. Gah! I've prepared a nice pineapple salad. Would you like some? Crisis is a good idea at the time since it's never been done before but ever since then DC has been pulling that trick every few years that's it's become a well known punchline even to someone like me who rarely to never read any DC stuff. Macross just really need to stick to a solid path, and for the love of god don't pull a Leiji Matsumoto....
  10. I beg to differ. Hot Destroid ACTION!! Then again maybe not. I mean we already have something call Gundam for that.... Unless we go the route of 08 MS then I'm all for it.
  11. I can't wait for the next episode now....
  12. Been done, though not with the use of BFG. Macross Plus. Not saved by an idol but defeating an idol via a pin point barrier kamikaze run.
  13. I can't read much of it but I think it's more for the Electronic Tag/Pass card for the freeway tolls.
  14. 8/10, or 10/8 depending how you like your dates written up as. It's good but barely edging out Mac+ since Frontier had more tracks. That said I haven't listen to all of the Mac7 ones but this is due mainly to the fact that access to the series back then was nowhere to be found where I was. As a result the series, therefore the music, never had a hold on me like the others. My favorite is still the DYRL though. And Macross: Rhapsody in Love OST is utterly sublime as a result since it mainly is a ochestra reworking of all the DYRL tracks.
  15. This of course if some episodes not being pre-empted by some live sports event. Don't we have some event at the moment with people running and jumping around? Sounded important....
  16. Any one has any ideas if the OST 2 have a first pressing gift like OST 1 did? I think I was a little late in ordering it and I don't see a First Pressing Avaliable logo on the one I just ordered. Does that either mean it does have it but sold out or there's no gift on this one?
  17. Great to have Horrible Raws back. For this episode; while it does advance the plot it's moving too slow for my liking. Though I understand it can't be helped, the story has to play out before it runs head long to it's conclusive third act.
  18. As far as I could tell from HLJ's website, they're not carrying Macross Chronicles. Is it some sort of special order or something?
  19. I originally wanted to get it from my local store since it'd be easier that way if they were carrying the issues but the added hassle of having to do individual orders and the over the top costs involved put the brakes on that. Especially now since I've factored in the other stuff I'd be getting for the rest of the year. The Frontier DVDs by themselves is going to cost a bundle, not to mention the other future Frontier merchandise. On top of that I'm also getting Rakkyo movies as well so in the end it's just as well I don't get the Chronicles. As much as I really want them.
  20. I talked to the people at my local Japanese store and looks like I won't be getting the Chronicles. Because they don't carry it I have to make a special order for each copy and special orders have an extra $10 cover charge. So all up the thing will come to be over x4 times the price of the original sale price. Four times! I thought I'll just get the binder if for nothing else I'll have this nice thing I have sit on my shelves. Nope, the damn thing will end up around $50. So it just ain't happening. So for those who think it's too much however you're getting your copy, you ain't got nothing on me.
  21. Damn. After watching ep17 raws I strongly suspect that Galaxy may be using the Frontier colony as a breeding coop for the Vajra for the sole purpose of harvesting the fold crystals in them. Hmm... From everything we've seen so far points to that.
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