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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. I'd take that. I'd take anything at this point to get my final episode fix. I'll just go to sleep instead since that's the only way to stop me bouncing off the walls.
  2. As I mentioned before they seem to be suffering some system failures. Probably from everyone overloading their feeds. They don't seem to be even releasing stuff on their IRC bots.
  3. Man his is annoying. Not only does many of the streams crashed, HorribleRaws suffered some failures of their own, as a result no raws from them or atleast not yet. I was so psyched for it too.
  4. Right. Time for our resident translators to share with us the translation of that post.
  5. Cool. Thanks Graham. *sigh* Looks like I'd be making another depressing trip in to the city for it then, though I won't be surprised if they're all sold out already. It's the very reason I haven't picked up vol 1 of the manga yet. They were wiped out in a matter of seconds of hitting the shelves.
  6. Got the street date for that issue of Hobby Japan? Got to make a note of it since any mag issues with Macross in it tends to disappear really quickly from my local Japanese bookstore.
  7. This can never happen. SK was crushed to death by a Zentran Power Armor while trying to get Minmei's autograph in the SDF-1's concert green room, remember?
  8. *sniff* [wipes tear....] Well now we know. Bring on the final episode. "Dear SK. Please don't screw this up. Please don't screw this up. Please...."
  9. Leon was being played from the very start, it's only his ego that was preventing him from seeing that. So it's only natural his big play will end the way it does. The only question now is who'll get to snuff him in the end. Cathy being the most obvious choice. "My name is Cathy Glass. You killed my father. Prepare to die." People keep forgetting that the VFs has an automated eject system. So long as he survives the shot, the system will automatically initiate ejection before the plane goes critical. As for Frontier getting a dose of irony, I said it before, I'll be cheering for those who delivers the song and they do it so spectacularly. Fear indeed for the final episode thread. Making any plans to deal with the massive barrage it'll receive once the final epiosde is out?
  10. ... and thus this show just became even more awesome!
  11. That was exactly my thoughts. I know you're anxious Keith but that's like flagging to the company that there's fansubs of their series out there. Totally to the detriment to us all.
  12. Not necessarily. What he did with some of his series(Ideon his most famous non-Gundam series for example) were so infamous that it is now part of the anime lexicon.
  13. Oh well, trolled or not, the seeds of doubt has now been planted in our heads. Fun two weeks ahead indeed....
  14. Never, never speak of 7chan... I'm just going to sit here and pretend it doesn't exist, it's all rumors and heresay I tell ya...
  15. You've clicked on the b/ thread didn't you? Never go there. The stories I've heard about it makes me wary of even approaching 4chan itself.
  16. No, it's probably just you. That and I think you've been watching too much EVA. The thing is that there's never been anything of the nature of an alternate universe or "happy fold space" even explored or broached within the whole series so if it goes, it's all gone.
  17. Not to mention that that's a sure fire way of killing sales of the DVD/BR and merchandises dead. That's what I'm likely to do if true. Kawamori is not that pessimistic. Otherwise he'd actually be a hard drinking, heavy smoker. Not a nature loving vegetarian he currently is.
  18. I come to realise that Leon's plan is destined to failure due to the fact that the Varja already knows about the Dimension bombs when they used it in ep.21. Damn Frontier is so screwed.
  19. Well I don't see it listed on Animesuki in their anime licenced database. They're usually quite prompt. And what the hell is this Crunchyroll any way? Visited their site and it doesn't make much sense and from other sites I see that it's supposed to be a online distributor? Whatever that is. Checked the series around the site some more and they had DYRL listed as licenced as well. First I've ever heard of it.
  20. Wait, you mean control of the Varja by the end of this episode? Doesn't look it.
  21. Actually it's potentially much more messier than that. Add in Macross "Arrr, we be pirates!" Quarter into that mix and you have a really convoluted battlefield. And is Leon really thinking of dragging the entire civilian colony cluster into battle as well? That's not only insane I can't see many within the NUNs itself would agree to that. It'll probably ignite open revolt.
  22. Yes. Yes they do. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes anyone? Yeah, we don't want to go there...
  23. I personally prefer that they re-introduce the Galaxy fleet and resolve the series with them with atleast two episodes but the spoilers haven't given anything like that away or even on the last episode so I'm willing to give the series the benefit of doubt and watch the story reveal itself the way the writers want it to. As for remaking the old series, there really is no need unless they tell it from a different angle or even focus on different characters. In other words, bring on the Destroids: SDF's Cannonfodder...
  24. I'm not surprised actually. Participation tend to be encouraged at these events. For instance at the TAF performance of Don't be late, she got the audience to shout "MOTTEKE!" with her during the chorus and seeing the crowd punching the air in unison with her. It's a really fun feeling to feel you're a part of performance rather than just watching it.
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