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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Not if you did it before the bottom fell out of the global economy just last month. Heck I would have ordered the VF-25s too if they were released before then.
  2. The only minor quibble I have with Frontier was that it didn't really do what the original SDFM series did. That being blowing out of the gate with fresh ideas and concepts that still resonate within the anime scene today after 25 years. It's rather conventional in other words but thats fine as, wow, it's still quite a show for what it is. If for nothing else, personally this series has allowed me to live out one of my dreams of being in Japan for a Macross series when it started airing. Yeah, I have no life... Want to fight me for it? Eva was also special in that it did exactly what the original SDFM series did I mentioned before above. Unfortunately it's runaway success has meant that other people thought that they now have concepts they could cut and paste from into their own show if they wanted the same success. Too bad they didn't figure out that in Eva's case it was more of an exception rather than the rule due to the talented team they had working on it. That and a slightly unbalanced director.
  3. Unfortunately due to the current economic climate I can't even do that either. The currency rates have sent all ideas of that to hell. Personally my adversion to that getting that game is that I don't want to play such an action packed game on such a small screen. Takes a lot of the fun out of it.
  4. Now I hope that's just the rankings for this year. I'm pretty sure there's got to be examples of much sadder moments thru out the history of anime. Unless of course they're all Michael fans... WolfX, you got in and voted mutliple times didn't you?
  5. Yes! Take that Gundam! As a long suffering Macross fan any victory in any form over the long dominant Gundam franchise is greatly welcomed. Unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to play it since I'm adamant against owning a PSP. Especially since it'd ever only use it for one thing and that's that game only. Also playing it on such a small screen doesn't really work with me. Hmm... seems that they've developed them further since I've last read about them years ago. I'll like to PM you later to pick you brain about it if you don't mind d3v.
  6. Hmm... Those things actually exists you know. Compound bullets. Uses a normal shell casing except it's emptied of it's power charge. The propellant actually comes from the tiny primer charge. The actual bullet itself is made of wax so it splatters real well when it impacts on it's target. I read it's doesn't have any real range to it so it's mainly used in close quarter combat training with handguns mainly and some SMGs. To all accounts it still hurts like hell when it hits though, not unlike a paint-gun. Why the hell did I feel I need to tell you all that I'll never know...
  7. Why not head up to the anime fair in Singapore next month instead for her performance there? It'd certainly be cheaper for you just from the air fares alone.
  8. That is one way since the story is turning out somewhat different, atleast that's what I'm getting from the current chapter anyway. The story is either coming to a climax right now or it's just developing a dramatic tempo. It should be clearer by the next chapter.
  9. But that was meant as a biting satire though.
  10. Most probably. you're atleast going to need to re-watch it twice to get the same original effect. To be on the safe side probably want to throw in Plus and Zero to help pad it out.
  11. Isn't there supposed to be a final concert held for the series this week as well? Or is it next week?
  12. Personally I think all this is a direct result of Frontier withdrawal. We're well over an entire week without Frontier proper and people are starting to get unhinged and de-evolving into a quviering mass... Proof that Macross is indeed a drug... So, anyone know where to get more?
  13. One thing that I wished that they had showed was how effective was Luca's Ghosts were with the Judah system unleashed. We didn't see any of the Galaxy's Ghosts get destroyed with the exception of the two that Alto took out in one single pass. All we saw was the Ghosts engaging and flying off in a frantic dogfight. We could have had a more furious engagement spectacle surpassing Mac+'s Guld vs Ghost movie dogfight. Well, maybe in the Frontier movie then....
  14. Nice article there Duke. Not too sure if you'd actually want the Talkback function in AICN though. They have a really nasty reputation of having the most inane and pointless posts.
  15. That's it isn't it? That's what you wanted all along isn't it? Well I'm not going to be a part of your fantasies. You and your tuna....
  16. Damn that would have been even more awesome! All avant garde and all that artsy thingime... things... Thanks, guess that's what happens when you try to type as fast as you can think.
  17. And Lunar's out. This episode actually gets better with each viewing with me. So many great moments and scenes. - Like when the Macross Quarter is streaming forward on it's rescue mission with it's entire compilation of VF-25's flying in squadron formation around it. - The Varja shielding the colony ship from Grace's shot; - The shot of Sheryl singing on the bridge while the Varja are flying escort replacing the lost ships and fighters; - The aforementioned swarm of Varja forming a bubble shield around the colony ship; - The Monster on a damn near suicide run to deliver the Battle Galaxy a face full of Reactionary shells, effectively blinding it and allowing the Quarter to get in close enough to deliver the famous and beloved Macross attack. - The Macross attack itself and quickly followed up with the Battle Frontier delivering a punch so powerful it split the Galaxy in half. - Just the shot of Alto's VF-25 holding Micheal's gunpod in one had and his own gunpod in the other while in Gerwalk mode - While flying full tilt towards the Queen/Grace with Alto, Brera tackling another VF-27 before pushing it off and killing it with a shot - The spinning burst of fire delivered by Alto and Brera - The Varja flying up from the planet with Aimo being sung in the background - And finally the shot of the colony, Battle Frontier and Quarter entering the atmosphere of the planet Just love this episode.
  18. So I take it the reason ep.24 had a higher MW rating (+90%) to ep.25 (-90%) is due just to the fact that the LT was never resolved? I never knew so many people put so much stock in that.
  19. But of course he did, he's a genius AND the frothing god head after all...
  20. Since it just popped into my mind just then and probably will be on others after this post; Does anyone have the ratings for the final episode of Frontier? I just thought it'd be interesting to see how the last epsiode stacks up with it's premier's numbers.
  21. To be quite fair, the added footage in Mac+ made Guld's engagement with the Ghost a whole lot more awesome and emotional.
  22. Got taken out deflecting a shot from Galaxy.
  23. Watched the ending and it's staying at 8 as per my previous post reasons.
  24. Yep, thanks for the heads up KD. Just kinda finished watching it just then, couldn't watch the 2nd part as it's too darn slow. Double Deadalus attack for the win!
  25. I'd give it an 8. While a great series, it does go thru the motions of a standard anime show. While this is not an entirely a negative, I would have been happier if they took those concepts and made it their own rather than just running with it to make just to fufill the otaku niche (panty episode, Klan's assets, etc.) I suppose I had wanted this new series to blow me away the same way the original did in that it did something new with the pre-exsisting anime concepts at the time. Songs, wonderful mecha designs, action sequences, characters all of which are utilised and are integral to the story. I still enjoyed it though and a big fan. So much so all my immediate friends are wary of me when discussion of Frontier is broached. That said, I still need to watch ep25. It may very well bump the rating up by one depending on that.
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