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Everything posted by Strumvogel

  1. Considering I missed out on the LE stand version, that's pretty much a no-brainer for me. If I did managed to get the LE version, that's a bit tougher due to financial considerations. Would be nice to have one for each configuration for display though if I got the cash for it.
  2. That's a bad news?
  3. While it looks great by it's own, the YF-19 really needs to be paired up with the 21 to be a complete set. It'd be like releasing the tv Max VF-1 only. It just looks lonely and out of place without Miliya's VF. And yeah, count me in as one of those that missed out on the VF-1J DX. Looking at the prices now, it far exceeds the prices going for the YF-19 in many cases.
  4. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    If you don't mind paying for it, sure why not. I believe DHL is double the price of EMS? But with the speed and service to match. And yes I want the rest of the Destroids too. Been nearly 2 years since they announced the Tomahawk? Sure feels like it.
  5. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    I've yet to check and it is the one thing that worries me about them after reading about it here. Been too busy of late.
  6. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine is in the same status. I'm beginning to not expect that to change till the end of the month...
  7. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    They may turn up in some independent and 2nd hand stores but expect to pay a pretty penny for them since it's still rather new and a web exclusive product. Hell I remember coming across the Max Super 2 days before the release date in a store in Akihabara and it was selling at a hefty markup, though that was largely due to someone trying to cash in on breaking the street date.
  8. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn good job, if you told me it's a photo copy of an actual street in Japan I'd believe it. Lawson really sells it.
  9. They didn't go on sale, they're just taking pre-orders. Or at least that is what it looks like. I don't see a release date anywhere though.
  10. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    As mentioned before I fear that this unit is so niche that it'd be another web exclusive, which means extra $ on our ends. Funnily enough it's more well know even though it has less on screen across the series time than the Cat's Eye.
  11. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    You'd be paying at a premium for it, an extra 2,000 yen. It's most likely thru their own proxy service.
  12. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    Still no date on the Tomahawk I take it? It was announced before the Defender and that has a date of release.
  13. Plus was never that popular in Japan unfortunately. I'm actually surprised that Psycho gun and Order a rabbit is so high there in the list.
  14. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    That is my issue with it as well, after all it actually did just that in the tv series.
  15. Can't blame you, I'm pretty much in the same boat about this. Delta had some good songs but pretty mediocre everything else. The only thing I can hope for is they do much better this time around and redeem themselves but the bar has been set pretty low now.
  16. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    My friend who was with me on that trip picked up his Roy S1 + stand together at a 2nd hand store and they were in separate box. Then again, maybe the shop had them separately and decided to throw them together to help make move along. How many times did they release the Roy S1 in Hi-Metal R?
  17. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I'm looking into that one at the moment. F360 mentioned as much before. Thanks.
  18. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I meant Milia and the missile set being the web exclusives. Doesn't that mean they're less likely to turn up in regular stores? I knew Max was a normal release which happen to fall on the time I was visiting the country, which was why I didn't bother to pre-order it since I could personally pick it up on the day. Mlilia and the missile set I didn't even know was coming out until I was there. I couldn't find listings for it from the usual online stores I use for a while until I found out about Bandai's own premium series and by which time they closed the pre-orders. Well, that's just the way it goes I guess.
  19. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    That's a real pity. I was actually in Tokyo at the time of Max's release so I could just drop into a store and pick it up on the day of release. Looks like them being a web exclusive, even if I was still there I wouldn't even be able to easily pick it up in stores. 2nd hand stores at a massive mark up is something else altogether, which also makes them may or may not worth it.
  20. Strumvogel

    Hi-Metal R

    Btw, since I don't see Miriya Strike Hi-Metal R on pre-order anywhere, does that mean that it's part of the Premium series? If it is, or if it's just a limited run, I find it strange since they released Max's normally. You would think it's a given people would want both units. That and the standalone missile set. Now just waiting for the Tomahawk as well. As soon as I saw the Spartan, I knew it was a given that would be coming. Though I would have thought they would have released the Toma first. Personally I loved the Spartan more so I'm happy, though I'm not too sure about the color. The green is too... bright?
  21. BEST SCREENPLAY: 3. Toshizo Nemoto (Macross Delta) What manner of BS is this?
  22. I have a friend who's not really a fan of Macross and watched Delta because he thought the music was good and the story was passable. When he got to the end of the last episode, and I was actually chatting with him online at the time, he just went "WTF?!!" Pretty much says it all really.
  23. Well I sadly predicted that the sponsors would probably ruin the show all the way back when we were just 3 eps in. Now to be fair sponsors are going to do what they're going to do but the sheer amount of them, something of which satelight proudly promoted at one time (5? or so model and toy companies alone) is pretty much their undoing. That much pressure from them is probably overwhelming. Now if Satelight is banking on the Macross name and previous Frontier's success to cruise them to a comfortable winning position, I do think they're in for a rude awakening. That said, got any news about the reception from Japan itself? Perhaps this is something that will be touched on in the next Speakercast. I hope so atleast. Got nothing about it so far.
  24. Such a change from the Frontier experience. I'm glad those who actually enjoyed Delta but from my own experience and opinion, well, I could remember being anxious and really excited waiting for the last episode of Frontier back when it was finishing airing. With Delta I was just glad and wishing that it finished already so that I can stop being disappointed anymore. They had a chance to bring me back with the last episode, but, well......
  25. I didn't think too much of the first Frontier movie since it is practically re-doing the first half of the series and to be fair, much of the second movie didn't do much for me either, however everything from when "Houkago Overflow" started playing onwards was just pure pleasure. One can argue that the recycling is what made it work since it is taken from something that is familiar and worked. Meanwhile Delta is trying something newish and um.. err.. is doing something I guess, I don't know what though...
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