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Everything posted by Primus1X

  1. Regarding Yoshio's parents, at first assumed the guy standing next to Minmay in the grey sweater was Yoshio's dad. So are Roy, Minmay and Yoshio the only named characters introduced in this scene and everyone else are just unnamed extras? Source: Super Dimension Fortress Macross Episode 1 Boobytrap 7 minute, 37 seconds, frame 22 out of 24.
  2. So it is definitely the Mistral? All the searches I've done lead me to this link http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospcraft/mim31.html but unfortunately it is defunct.
  3. Hmm, CBS Action aired the episode "The Game" (where Wesley Crusher returns from the Academy) around the day summer break starts.
  4. A dub has been announced. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-06-06/aniplex-usa-to-release-1st-aldnoah.zero-season-on-bd-dvd-with-dub-sub/.88990 Ginias Sahalin from Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team has both his Japanese voice, Show Hayami (whom we all know and love as Max Jenius!) and English voice, Lex Lang, in common with Count Cruhteo.
  5. Saw the Blu-Ray at HMV for £29.99 is it worth it?
  6. A strange coincidence that this episode, Data's Day (the one with the wedding), aired in the UK today exactly on National Tap Dance day.
  7. Saw the episode Ménage a Troi last week, the Internet has really taken this scene out of context
  8. My college library has the comic party manga in their manga section, on volume three there is a hilarious Macross reference. A robot made from milk cartons 😄
  9. TV for Max's Valkyrie, DYRL for everything else.
  10. These look like mini-Apollo command modules so they could be missile warheads? But I remember the Genesis scientists also had them in Wrath of Khan, so they could be storage containers.
  11. (From the TNG episode the Most toys) What are the metal cone things in the room when data was escaping? I saw these props in Wrath of Khan too.
  12. Just watched "Transfigurations", haven't seen that episode for almost nine years, now onto best of both worlds. Locutus of Borg awaits,
  13. Hard to tell since their shapes are distorted as they are blown up, I thought it was one of the broader ships at first (as in the ones that do not taper to a point) . Narrowed it down to these two since both Salan Scouts and Picket ships have the round grey piece with the 4 pairs of vents.
  14. What are the names of two (I think) the Zentradi ships that the Macross cannon destroys in episode 1" Boobytrap"? The same footage of their destruction is also in the OP. Also, is Nyan Nyan hyphenated in AniMeigo subs of SDFM, they aren't hyphenated in ADV subtitles.
  15. Found the dates on ANN http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-04-16/broadcast-and-dvd-release-of-orguss-nobody%27s-boy-remi-and-cat%27s-eye-coming-from-imaginasian
  16. Are Studio Nue an animation studio because Wikipedia refers to them as a "Design Studio" (the same with Artmic). What I mean is, do they have/did they have animation facilities or did they just do character design, mecha design, writing etc, with animation done by Artland, Tatsunoko etc. ? On ANN they are mainly listed for mechanical design, production and being Original creators with only "animation production" for a few like Samurai Pizza Cats. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/company.php?id=119
  17. On April 16, 2007, ImaginAsian announced that they would broadcast Super Dimension Century Orguss on ImaginAsian TV, and would thereafter give the series its first complete North American DVD release, with the first 17 episodes also having the old U.S. Renditions dub. So they announced it on April 16, 2007 but when did they begin airing it?
  18. Is it true Orguss aired on television in the USA once? If so, was it the dub and what days did it air on?
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