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Everything posted by Goshawk

  1. hey Guys, I was wondering, I have seen a few of the 15th Anniversary go up on ebay and such, are they worth getting as a collectors item? the reason I am asking this is because the detail on them dosent seem to be par with something coming up on a 15th Anniversory and also are they worth getting as a collectors item? Angus
  2. Hey guys, and gals. I was wondering if anyone was hitting Mechacon this year in Lafaytte, louisana this year? http://www.mechacon.com/
  3. Dude! that is great. *imagines on sitting on his desk* as for figs for the BSG, I am going have to make more room. lol oh you guys might like this pic I found awhile back, hope you like http://www.firedragon.com/~cfleets/gallery..._comparison.jpg
  4. the 45 has a mouse on it? I know the 54 states it has one. the reason Im asking is cause i can get a reconditioned one for like $40 USD just making sure. http://store.yahoo.com/saitekusa/recprod.html
  5. I have been tempted to get the Statix set up, but wasnt to sure. I have to admit it is awsome set up. Hmm might have to ask my wife for an early Bday present.
  6. Nice pic.
  7. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    Hey guys, woot finally back. man I have been reading over ever thing people have to say about this and I have to say wow. I think it wouls be interesting to have a game like if the fans could put the ideas down to see if they work, I mean everyone has some awsome ideas, I would have never thouht of. Thought of the week lol, Second degree burns over your right hand SUCK!. sorry had to say it
  8. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    I just wanted to sat that its gonna be awhile before i can type again, this is left handed, I got second degree burns all over my right hand trying to stop a fire today. Jbo I may have to pic up where we left off later. lol
  9. One of these days I want to get one of those. lol I need to win the lottery or something so I can just go nuts getting figs
  10. aggg I gotta oder this book and stop drooling on my keyboard. lol
  11. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    I agree HG would put there hooks so deep into the design and making of it they would screw it up. And I know for a fact that upkeep on those servers are a pain as in cash upkeep.
  12. Awsome works, just awsome!!
  13. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    Jbo, You are giving me ideas like crazy, I have some of mine already and you are expanding on them lol. Well you start off with your "first" toon like you said in basic training on what Mecha you wanted to pilot, IE Valk, Spartan, tomahwk for example, if you change classes you have to drop the one in your now, or once you master that class you can pilot any of those, Master the Valk class, you would be able to pilot all the ships, Master the Destroid Class, you would get all the destroids, or if you wanted to go higher, you can Master a certian destroid. what you think?
  14. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    JBO I agree with you, starting at the Acadamey would be a good idea. lol I be temped to play a Zentradi or at least have one of each toon.
  15. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    I havent seen anywhere in the forums, but I thick it would be awsome if they made an Massive Multiplayer Online game for Macross. Since I work for a radio station that caters to MMO's, I just think it would be great to have something like that. What do you guys think?
  16. SAWEET!!!!
  17. I didnt see it mentioned, but good possibilty that it is, but anyone that has played RIFTS in the Atlantis book you can clearly see the SDF-1 in the background in the big city pic. http://www.mikesmechapages.com/sdfatlantis.html
  18. Sounds likely, although I also don't remember the details of the scene--i.e., was the Spartan hit, or did Hikaru dodge all the bullets? In the scene when fired upon the rounds looked like they hit around the legs but with no pentration into the legs them selves.
  19. Wo hoo I agree
  20. ok I have no idea where to post this so I am going stick it in here, if the devs can figure the approiate spot for plase move it. Thought you guys like this.
  21. LOL you see a thirty foot robot coming at you, ROFL I be scared pantless. But yes the tanks esp. modern days would have a bit advatadge as long as they get the first shot in in a suprise action. but in all out battle I think maybe the mechs come out in the lead.
  22. ok Thats what I though, but I figure I'd ask. Thanks
  23. It was during the second show, close to the begining right when Shin got back on the Carrier, Shin was standing next to a VF-0 and thats when Fokker walked up to talk to him. It was right after Aries was talking to anouther doc in the containment area. thats the best I can explain. lol
  24. ok question on Macross 0, Shin and Fokker are on the carrier and while they are talking Fokker tells Shin "It looks very good. From the way it is made, we can tell thier tech level of skills. But the VF-0, isn't the same as what they made in the past." So my dumb question here is, What and who the heck is he talking about? LOL At that point I am totaly lost.
  25. IRC is an instant chat program, kinda like msn, icq, and other pm chat with ALOT more people.
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