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Everything posted by Goshawk

  1. I love the wings, looks awsome
  2. Umm, no, that would be an F86 Sabre. Edit, lol, looks like Goshawk and I hit upon the same thought. Great minds work wonderful Mech
  3. from left to right A-10 Thunderbolt, F-86 Saber, P-38J lightening, and P-51 Mustang
  4. even with buying from the UK with S&H it still be cheaper here to get. Oh well I tried. Im not sure but I think I went through the area you are in on my trip up to see family in scottland. Im gonna hit New Orleans this weekend, I hope to grab me some paints and supplys and strat on this VF-0D I got have you guys ever used Vallejo paints before, I used them along time ago while I was big into Warhammer40k. they were great working on those models so I am hoping they havent dried up so I can use them on this VF
  5. well you cant win them all, so umm how much is S&H from canada to the lower US?? *wink wink, nudge nudge* jking
  6. 1/48th???? oh i gotta find one. Robert I hit that same site all the time.
  7. DUDE!! .99 a bottle!!! They gotta a link or something??
  8. they are 10ml bottles, I am assuming that are the ones your talking about, but here it the link to the store if you guys want it, Hometown Hobbies
  9. Sweet I found a place here in New Orleans that carries the Tamiya line of paints and a ton of other supplys. Not to bad a price either $1.60 a bottle. Thanks guys
  10. Just wondering what you guys would say is the best paint and supplies to use for someone going back into modeling and has to repurchase everthing. What I guess Im asking is oil base better than water base to use getting back started, what name brands of supplies and a good airbrush to get that dosent cost a couple hundred. * sorry I meant to put oil v's water. 36 hours with no sleep, Im surprised I can see the screen.
  11. Gunner I have always loved the design of the 23. Awsome job on th ship.
  12. Woot, Hope to meet you there Jetfire.
  13. saweet
  14. the M2 i assume your referring to the machine gun was located in the "wingtip houseing" they sat in a upside down triangle shape the Mauduce or M2 on the bottom with the 7.62ers on either side. and here is the both wolfs.
  15. this is bad cause i can remmber what the armarment was on airwolf, including the one that some badguys built ( Airwolf II ). 1x12.7mm Browning M2 machine gun, 2x7.62mm M240 machine gun located in each gun pod on each side of the aircraft, 3 pod "mini missile" launcher on the bottom of it, and chaff and flare launchers, one located on each side along the back panel (not on the tail boom but right before it). Airwolf II had the same thing except it had "high intensity laser in the nose" Armor was a mixture of titamium/aluminum/ceramic armor I think I need help. but then this is all going by memmory so I could and may be wrong
  16. OMG I love the Gerwalk!! well now I have some pics to go by to do mine thats is Alpha dosent mind.
  17. Oh god I used to watch that back in the 80's now I feel old. lol
  18. This was done by 3 out of 5 Rocket scientist while I was visting my wife, a computer engineer for NASA. There were anouther computer engineer, 1 electrical engineer, and me in this one room. "OMG!!!! The lighe bulds blew!!! Someone get anouther one!" , "I cant see one anywhere, its to dark!" , "Well turn on the lite dummy!" When I heard this I fell out of the chair I was in lol so hard I was crying. And you wonder where our space program is going.
  19. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    Now, why did I have a funny feeling you would say something like that JBO?? ROFL
  20. Goshawk

    Macross MMO

    Oh man I totally forgot about that lol! I remmber there used to be so many mistakes. The thing that i would want most is awsome graphics and not the "cartoony" sence that a few games have, which means more time in development, but to me it would be worth it, you could choose from the diffrent races, level up in the craft you want and Im sure everyone will agree there be a ton of Valk pilots. Ok so there are more to shoot down for the Zens and Meltrons . Over all it would be interesting to see if it can be done and what it would look like.
  21. Nice Maddog!!!! Dude I also love the Mad Kitty
  22. ohhhh, I like! I wish they make a fig for that Valk and not just a model.
  23. Chrono, all I can say is just WOW! major ohhs and ahhhs from here.
  24. take a look at Hellsgate coming out, no comfirmed date, but i suspect 2006 sometime. Hellsgate : London
  25. *drools on his keyboard at looking at SITHLORDS collection* lol even my wife said OMG! SITHLORD when I grow up can I be like you and have a collection like yours. ROFL
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