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Everything posted by Goshawk

  1. lol I am still trying to intice the bank, the wife, into letting me have one.
  2. lol yes, I tried to look it up but couldnt find it.
  3. Woot. New desktop. those are great.
  4. WOW!!! I am jealous. lol I cant draw that good even on paper!. rofl
  5. Goshawk

    what if:

    they would be bought out fast like.
  6. Hmm I let the other guy post pics, I can never get it to work. heh I have to say i love the idea of some of these bases under the 5 models that I just rescently bought and planing to get back to doing. I have to say the SDF-1 Macross kit logo and the skull squadron one. thought the last is more a personal pref.
  7. ROFL, lol man that is..... I loling to hard.
  8. Goshawk

    VF Girls

    Just want to add my two cents here. Every drawing that has come out in ths thread has been awsome. Granted all I can do is tech drawings and not like these guys, but each one has own unquie style that should be apprciated. I know I do, even though, the artist hasnt mastered a style, but hell you got to give the guy credit for doing what he can. All I can say other than that guys is, Keep up the damn good work!!!! You guys are awsome!
  9. Oh man that is, is, is...Wow!
  10. Darn it JBO!! There you go again, spoiled again.
  11. Goshawk

    VF Girls

    Well I will admit I love the Valkgirls so far and just waiting to the next installment of them.
  12. Wow!! just frigging Wow!!
  13. yea, Im looking around now for some more of the shows.
  14. ok I have watched episode 1 - 9 of this and all i can say more is where in thr hell do I get more.
  15. lol I have to find a place to put this thing. Between my wife and I and all the junk we got, Oh well things just gonna have to be moved.
  16. :lol: Hikaru holding an AT4!!! oh man I love it. Gad I remmber shooting those when I was in the Army. HUAHAHAH I loved it, big kablewy!!! Better make sure he clears his back blast area before he shoots
  17. Goshawk

    SDF-1, TV and DYRL

    I want a SDF DYRL is cruiser mode so bad, but everytime I see one its expensive as all hell and get out.
  18. Goshawk

    VF Girls

    Man all these pics are turning out SAWEET!
  19. ok you guys convinced me to take a look at this. lol Have to admit the Solar Aquarion is nice, well the design anyways
  20. I am with you, the VF-0 dose look the rugged fighter look. I will admit when I first saw it I fell in love with it. I love the design changes that has gone into it, but like you siad, "it gives off the impression of being a warhorse."
  21. As far as I know, though I was in the Army but I am looking at this from a helicoptors pilots point, they might be close They have to go though a AAR, After Action Report changed uniforms at the same time slaping on a badage, and heded to see Claudia
  22. Your right JBO. THey did, cause when he landed the mechtechs lookded in his Valk and and said something "Hey look at this!"
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