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Everything posted by Goshawk

  1. Yea, the price is right. oh wait that was a game show. lol. I have been thinking of ordering from there to get my DVDs, Unless by chance someone knows a cheaper spot?? I need to upgrade to DVDs in a bad sense from my VHS tapes.
  2. Yellow no Applogies nessary, I relized I should have posted in the Fan Art section after I read your post. I didnt mean mine to a retort in any way. lol I can understand what you meant we have the same problem everyonce inawhile at our forms at MMORadio. Though I not a Dev, but I am on staff there so I still help keep an eye out. Oh yea good news, just ordered Macross Zero, I didnt even know they had it out until I came here, I am behind the ball curve bad. I hope to catch up some time. lol
  3. WOW Sweet pics Alpha.
  4. Thanks Yohsho. Ill take a look at it before I let him look. yellowlightman, well all I can say is please excuse me posting in the wrong section. Devs, IF you feel this needs to be killed please go ahead. I will make certian I post in the right area next time. My applogies. *bows*
  5. *Drools all over his keyboard a shorts it out* I must have!!!
  6. Thanks EXO
  7. I look up in the Macross Compendium and cant find what they might be but Ill past here the arament section for the YF-5000 ARMAMENT: Fixed rear anti-aircraft pulse laser cannon, mounted above dorsal section in Fighter and GERWALK mode or on head turret in Battroid mode. Standard external multi-purpose gun pod or shock gun pod mounted under central fuselage in Fighter mode or in manipulator in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Micro missile launchers mounted in centre ventral section and in engine nacelle section in Fighter mode or in forearm and lower leg sections in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Option of aerospace booster pack system with micro-missile launcher pods (mounted on engine nacelle section in Fighter mode or on lower leg sections in GERWALK and Battroid mode), and micro-missile launcher pod with shock ordnance mounted on dorsal section; or Super FAST Pack system with micro-missile launcher pods with upper exit ports for the fighter's own launchers and a lower exit ports for the pods's launchers (mounted on engine nacelle section in Fighter mode or on lower leg sections in GERWALK and Battroid mode), and micro-missile launcher pod mounted on central dorsal section. Hope this helps, unless someone with better knowledge than I.
  8. ok just to ask, where and is there a link to the shirt, or a general idea so I can take a look see?
  9. True, lol was just an idea that I had from history.
  10. Not trying to step on anyone nationality here, but during WW II, Germany and Japans pilots were getting fewer and fewer and they had to throw partially trained people in thier ships as the war went on. They could have meant the same in the shows. But you are right the advrage pilot didnt fair to well. I was amazed how they were able to build new ships, I mean Valks, with limited resources, but then that is what we love about the show, Anime Magic.
  11. The bad thing, he has to wait till christmas for his first 1/48th, but I am going to try to sneak in 2 of them, one for him and one for me if I can get this new contact and get a sell for the place I work to go through
  12. MUHAHAHA, he shall go Dark side. lol Though I need to brush up on my Macross, for some reson I remmber more about Robotech.
  13. Actually lol hes my step son, he knew anout Macross, but never really got into it until I started looking at the Fan Art. Well you can say he has that "I wanna be like dad." thing going. But he has not stoped asking me questions, on how the Valks transform, whats the weapons payload, and can I print out these pics so I can show my friends??? Yesh for a 13 year old hes got alot of questions. Right now I am in the process of getting all the shows on DVD. even Plus and the others if I can. umm anyone got any ideas where I can get them on the least expensive side of things?
  14. I just had to put this in here, My son, 13 years old sat with his eyes glued to the monitor as I was going through the fan art section and all I heard out of him is Ohhhs and Ahhhs. So I had to break out my old VHS tapes of MAcross and Robotech, I have both by the way, so he can watch them. lol I had to litterly pry him away from the TV so he can go to bed and the thing that floored me was. "Dad this is cooler than Gundam!!!" almost made me cry, lol
  15. Thing that I hate, unless they changed thier ways, once you send something in, you no longer have rights to it, the only thing you get out of it is that is published in a Rifter or something and they have the rights to totally rewrite it if they seem fit. When I first started playing Rifts I wanted to write something up and send it in, then I read the rules of sending items in. lol Sorry Im the new guy around here, let me get off my soap box and let someone thats been around have it. lol
  16. I agree with you Twich, I wish it could be remade as d20. I think it would be alot more enjoyable espically when we can add all the information that has come out.
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