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Everything posted by Goshawk

  1. ok hate to ask this, but how can i get that for my blackberry? lol
  2. ummm, not to soud like a jerk here, but wasnt this post a bit ago?? I remmber someone saying something about the VF-1 in WWII german markings?? ok its was in the UN-OFFICAL COLOR SCHEME THREAD.
  3. nice link man. it has some interesting designs
  4. looks like a cross between a booster and a VF-4. interesting design though
  5. Hmmm, NS got his, mine should be in tomorrow, i hope so, was getting a bit worried there with the way mail is going on here where i live, *mutters something about freaking hurricanes*
  6. Nice, I like the modern color schems on the 22. Defently adds to the plane
  7. WOW!!!!!!!! Those are sweet!
  8. Nep, man those are awsome chief.
  9. Woot, self christmas present!!! MUHAHAHA
  10. hey Electric, is there something you have to do to get a larger pic of them? I tried clicking, new tab and new window. just wondering. I would love to see the Yukikaze in a larger mode.
  11. Uh yeah that'll, work might as well give her a bowling ball with the name Homer on it. 342605[/snapback] I'm glad I could help Goshawk. 342620[/snapback] Actually shes interested in this one now. god I love my wife. ROFL
  12. ohhh i cant decide witch one I wannna for a desktop
  13. ok I know I soupldnt do this, but go ahead and put me down for 1 please. Maybe I can get away with "giving" it to the wife for christmas....... thanks for the idea Neptune
  14. lol ok after seeing that, there is no way I could even come close to that. Dude that is so beautiful *bows down chanting "Im not worthy!"
  15. Wow man just absolutly WOW!! Brb I have to go dig around the couch for some extra change to see if I can grab this one to. lol or at least beg the wife for an advancement on my allowence. ROFL
  16. Woot Put me down for one bro. And Andy these guys are right, your gonna suck out all our cash from our pockets. lol Glad I got a good paying job now.
  17. honneamise Awsome kit man, I am glad I ordered it from ya. lol I am almost to afraid of putting it toghter for fear of major screw up on it. Angus
  18. Your not the only one Ranger. I will be glad when we get our lives back in order. I wish I could grab a couple myself
  19. Russian T-80 main gun 125 mm 2A46M-1 smoothbore In Saudi an M1A2 main battle tank got hit with 2 full, head on shots from a T-80. In which the crew survived both direct hits. They had a documenty on the Military channel with that tank crew and all of the said that the tank saved thier lives.
  20. SAWEET! nice job on it. got my thumbs up
  21. lol I might be to scared to put this toghter of me screwing up somehow.
  22. Though I would still like to have one. For some reason I always did like that ship.
  23. DudE!!! Awsome work.
  24. You and me both. When I had to go to moms house, which my grandmother was there to, I told my son to pick up his manga and my mother asked what manga was so I showed her. Her responce was I dont like that and I dont want it in my house. So being the smart arse I am I turned to her and said, "Ok no problem, Im sorry mom Im not into doing stained glass as you and I guess you rather me spend money that I set aside for me and my family on drugs and other things?? Ok eveyone pack up, electricty or not we are going home! (with the deletion of a few choice and colorful words)" Talk about someone saying they are sorry real fast. Honestly all I can say is that Anime and Manga is something that my whole family enjoys, hell we rather sit down and watch anime than some of those shows they show on TV. I am starting to think that Anime has atleast a better grip on reality than some of those "reality shows."
  25. I just found out that I might have electrcity at my house in Slidell in a couple days. I just hope thats true. I would be glad just to go back home.
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