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Everything posted by Rossi

  1. It has been fun reading your posts and catching up on what is new with the Star Wars toy line(s). I decided to open up a few boxes in the basement where I stashed all of my old 'Joes, Transformers, and Star Wars figures and found a a few cool things. I forgot that I had most of the 12in. Star Wars figures, found the miniature Bespin and Hoth playsets (with figures), and one of those "rare" blue snaggletooth figures. When I got him, I wasn't really interested in the cantina set - I put him away in a figure carrying case and forgot about him. Fast-forward a million years and it looks like a have a desirable figure in great shape! Neat. It sounds like quite a few of you are serious collectors - what would be the best way for me to sell what I have? Ebay? I'm not really attached to my old toys so I have no issue letting go of this stuff.
  2. From IMDb: A young girl is institutionalized by her wicked stepfather. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her escape from the facility. Okay... It does catch the eye, though... I'm thinking rental.
  3. I'm around...

  4. THAT'S funny... Any bubblegum?
  5. It looks great - slightly better than the original for sure... I played the first game on the Wii, and it was tons of fun. I anticipate the same gratifying hacking and slashing in the sequel. The dismemberment is a bonus, and the force powers are simply kick-ass. The only issues I have with this game are the "run for your life" moments... I can do without those. They just seem a little tacked on, you know? I will buy it, of course...
  6. I thought Predators was a a nice addition to the Predator universe. In fact, I probably enjoyed this flick a bit more than Predator 2. Probably because Dark Horse's first Predator comic series did it better. No, we don't get deep into the minds of the hunters and the hunted. And, no, this won't be applauded for its script, but it was fun as hell to watch. You know, one of those kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride kind of movies... I thought the banter between characters worked in most cases, but the doctor's "secret" seemed a tad bit obvious. The convict had some great lines... I'll leave it at that. I did feel like the story stopped a bit short, however. Certain things could have been expanded upon (more glimpses of glorious Predator action, perhaps?!), but I'm sure there will be a super-cool unrated, extended, bonus scene-riddled DVD release in the near future. Either way, it has done a nice job of rekindling the franchise, in my opinion. Did anyone happen to read the Dark Horse (I think they still have the rights) prequel comic? I have not... Is it worth a look?
  7. I'm sorry, but I can't take any discussion about post-apocalyptic movies seriously without the mention of such masterpieces as Solarbabies and Six-String Samurai... I must be living in a vacuum; I have never heard of The Road. I'll have to give it a read!
  8. Said in stunned amazement: What? You want to live forever?!?!
  9. Wow, have an amazing trip! Japan is definitely on my short list of places I'd like to experience. All I have to do is convince my wife!
  10. Surprisingly, there are a few of us lurking about - here and there. From one level-headed fan to another, I thank you. My sanity was never jeopardized by the "debates" on this thread or over at Robotech.com. If anything, I find the entire discussion amusing - that's why I keep reading! It is refreshing to read someone's words who isn't the least bit concerned with why I like an anime series and is just willing to accept it. Like I've said before, I do enjoy the informed, sarcastic (and insane) posts here. I always visualize an aquarium full of piranhas, with wide smiles, encouraging other fishy friends to "Come on in!" and "Test the water; we encourage new meat, err, members here!" I think it's great that so many people have found something that they are passionate about. For some reason, though, I don't think any Robotech fans will be changing anyone's mind here anytime soon. But that's not really the point anymore, right? Rather than operate under the false pretense of debate, why not call this thread what it really is for many of the contributors here? "HG and Robotech: Point and Laugh. Not that I'm pointing and laughing at anyone, of course. I truly enjoy both franchises. Also, the thread over at Robotech.com... Originally posted in good fun - no serious attempt to debate was made by the original poster. What it has become was inevitable, but what can you do??? I agree that some of the subject lines have been pretty funny though!!! Post on, my friends, I'll keep reading and enjoying! BTW - Azrael, thank you for restarting the thread; it was a beast to read after being away for days!!!
  11. After reading this statement, VFTF1, I am having a difficult time understanding where your displeasure for Robotech truly stems from. Comments on the boards? Feedback from friends? If you have never attempted to watch the series, how can you be so critical of the fans who enjoy something you have yet to see? If you have never watched more than a couple of "snippets" from two episodes, and/or the opening theme, I would find your criticisms of the entire series, and its fans, highly suspect. I will agree with you that Robotech has a much higher "corn" factor when compared to Macross, but I think I would have a hard time convincing you that Robotech, the bastardization of three separate series that it is, is worth your time if you have already passed judgement on it. After viewing Macross, the flaws in Robotech's "Macross Saga" are evident, but it does not diminish my enjoyment of either series. Rather, I find that I have more of an appreciation for Carl Macek's efforts to expose American audiences to something that he thought was special. Is it seamless? Absolutely not! Was it handled well afterwards? Certainly not. Was it a hell of a lot of fun to watch as a kid? Yes. I still watch anime, and I enjoy it quite a bit. My tastes have changed over the years, however, and I tend to watch Robotech less and less. That doesn't mean that I won't get a kick out of watching it again someday (it is a fun series, if nothing else). For me, Robotech is like an old pair of sneakers - comfortable and snug. Sure, the tread is wearing a bit thin, but you KNOW those sneakers (and they look great with a pair of shorts). Macross, for me anyway, is like the new pair of shoes. They fit they way they are supposed to, you know? There's more tread and a little more bounce in my step. When it comes time to play on the turf or go for a run, these are my go-to shoes. Both pairs of shoes serve a purpose, though, and I'm not ready to replace either pair. Not yet. Yep. Shoes... You have my apologies for a weak analogy, at best.
  12. I'm not too sure that the regular/casual Robotech fan cares about who has been banned from the boards. The traffic and membership has changed quite a bit over the years. And, to be honest, there hasn't been much to be critical about lately. The last time I was critical on the boards was after I voiced my displeasure with RT:TSC. I won't get into details, but there was very little backlash. I find that if I back my opinions with justifiable reasons and/or facts, people don't have much to say... Sound familiar, Seto? After reading several of your posts over at Robotech.com, I didn't see anything wrong with what you had to say. In fact, I appreciate the fact that you go to great pains to justify your thoughts/opinions. A mite condescending at times, possibly, but certainly no more than others in the past.
  13. I did! Again, I don't want to come off as misinformed; I have been a fan of this thread for quite some time. I will fully admit, however, that I don't know, or care to know about, the finer points of the legal battles between the companies involved in licensing issues. i do get the big picture. What interests me most about this thread is how passionate and, at times, ignorant both sides of the Macross/Robotech fanbase can be! It's like a Red Sox/Yankees rivalry in here at times, and I find that entertaining...
  14. I'm assuming you're trying to take me to task as a Macross "newbie"? Awesome... I have been reading and, for the most part, following this thread for quite a while. I enjoy it! I get a laugh at of how seriously some people take their cartoons. I'm not talking down my nose at people, however, and I hope my response doesn't come off that way. I respect the passion that many of you share for Macross. Your response, RedWolf, leads me to believe that you're possibly trying to pile on the "new guy"...? The Robotech fan? I understand the difference between the shows, I understand why this thread exists, and I also know that my statement focused on not pretending to fully understand the fandom or "culture" surrounding the expanded Macross universe. I comprehend fully why the debate exists... I have been a member here for years; I just don't post very often! Funkenstein, I can appreciate why a Macross fan would be upset about the licensing issues. As a Robotech fan, they don't really impact me directly. But, as Seto said earlier, I also know that there are ways around the "issues" at hand... It does make it a pain, however, and I do understand your frustration!
  15. Fair enough. As I said before, I certainly don't pretend to be an expert on the topic. Would it be safe to say that quite a few of the Macross fans in this thread, yourself included, have a less-than-favorable view of Robotech fans, however? I would agree that most of the comments here tend to be only slightly condescending when speaking of the Robotech series, but, when it comes to the fans, people are coming off as downright nasty. Perhaps this is directed at a few "radical" Robotech.com members only, but there have been a few generalizations thrown out there that seem a bit silly... Entertaining, to be sure, but silly... Correction: Your (Seto's) comments tend to be directed at specific, perhaps ignorant or over-zealous, members... Apologies!
  16. I certainly will refrain from pretending to know more about the Macross franchise than I really do. Beyond the original series, DYRL, Macross II, Macross Plus, and what little I've seen of Frontier, I know very little about the "culture" surrounding the expanded worlds of Macross. I know and care even less about the legal issues surrounding both shows. All I'll say about that is this... Shouldn't Macross fans, who are upset about the existence of Robotech, direct their animosity away from Robotech fans and more towards the company willing to sell the rights to Macross away to Carl Macek in the first place? Again, I'm not trying to come off as anyone that fully researched the big picture, it's just something that I've always casually pondered. If I had to categorize myself (which I don't, but seems to be the popular thing to do), I guess I would be a Robotech fan. I am definitely much more of a visible presence on the Robotech.com boards, anyway. I am certainly more familiar with the three Robotech "generations"... I will say, however, that I am always very impressed with how knowledgeable and (usually) entertaining the discussions and debates are at Macrossworld.com... For the most part, people on these boards are well-informed and do their best to present ideas in a constructive manner. This thread, especially, tends to entertain and even educate the masses (including me, obviously) as to the bigger issues that serious fans of both series find important. In short, thanks for the entertaining read. Any responses are certainly welcomed, and, yes, I will stick around and respond when necessary!
  17. More like don't have to... Sadly, as long as it has "Robotech" and "new" on the jacket, people will buy it... And the wheel keeps spinning.
  18. As another Robotech fan who, admittedly, knows very little of the expanded Macross universe beyond Macross Plus and Macross Frontier (I'm happy to lurk on these boards and gain more insight into the source material), I have to agree with the poster's sentiments within the above statement. It is the lack of a conceivable timetable that frustrates many intelligent, loyal Robotech fans. And if the fine people at HG expect fans to wait years and years for another mediocre story, I think they will be very disappointed. At least I hope so... Perhaps that would persuade the creators to focus on the character development and storytelling elements, right? Less "pretty" pictures and more "fleshed out" characters (insert boob comment here). I was one of many volunteers who happily received a free copy of the special edition DVD of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles in order to transcribe a few sections of the special features commentary. As such, I don't complain (much) about the film's shortcomings (it was FREE)... I also don't consider myself a "fanboy" by any means, but the original Robotech saga certainly brings back fond childhood memories. Sadly, the DVD didn't come with blinders that enabled me to ignore its many shortcomings... This doesn't mean I didn't enjoy seeing something new from HG, of course. I just think they can do better. Perhaps I should give Macross a closer look while I wait and see...
  19. Geist - I just remember that the cover art looked pretty cool at the local video store. And, back in the day, we didn't really have the great selection of anime available to choose from. It was bad, but in a funny "this is awesomely bad, and I can't stop singing the theme song" kind-of way... Quite a few people were referred to as being "most dangerous" after viewing this masterpiece.
  20. I tend to do much more reading and less posting on these boards, but I have to say that the idea of a live action Robotech movie is like a punch in the stomach. It's even more disturbing to read all of the members' posts over at Rt.com that are blindly celebrating the concept and eagerly awaiting this flick...Yikes...Transformers this is not... Having finally been exposed to a majority of the Macross franchise in recent years, do I prefer the Macross series to Robotech? Yes, I suppose. Does Robotech still get the nod for giving my buddies and me something to look forward to after school (waaaaaay back in the day)? Of course! Do I feel like this movie (if made) will do more harm than good? Yeah...As harmful as any bad movie can be, anyway... I hope I'm wrong. I'd like to be wrong. I wish them luck...If it is a success, I could see how there would be benefits for Macross and Robotech fans.
  21. I also had a few of the small, snap together models from back in the early 80's, and I also had two transformable VFs...I specifically remember one of the boxes portraying the model in camouflage. Very cool... Sadly, I was too young to fully grasp the difficulty and patience it would take to complete the VF kits...They were quickly destroyed in my frustrated little hands. These were actually my first models - a very bad choice! They were practically being given away at an old museum in Connecticut. I spent my gift shop money on them ($20.00)!!! I got five models...How times have changed...
  22. Ugh...I don't think I can stomach another "special" edition from Lucas...I think I'll just sit back and wait for all six to be packaged together. Eventually...So I never have to watch them again...It can finally be over.
  23. As I mentioned earlier, there were no elephants at Thermopylae. Sure, the Persians had access to elephants, but it was an impossibility to utilize them in Xerxes' campaign against the Greeks. Mainly due to the water bridge the army had to create out of boats lashed together...
  24. Read 300 first, go and see the movie, then enjoy Pressfield's Gates of Fire! I read this book during the quiet moments I had on my honeymoon in (funny enough) the Greek Isles! How appropriate is that?! Taking a break from the book and staring out over the Med. Sea from our ship at the shores/cliffs of Mykonos and Santorini? Needless to say, my environment lent itself heavily to the book.
  25. Welcome to the website of best-selling author Steven Pressfield, where the #1 question we're getting these days (early '07) is, "Is the new movie 300 based on your book Gates of Fire?" That's a very reasonable question. The answer, however, is no. 300 comes from a graphic novel of the same title by Frank Miller. There's no connection between it and Gates of Fire. The second most-asked question is: "Okay, if this new movie isn't based on Gates of Fire, will there be a Gates of Fire movie at all?" The answer to that is a little trickier. Gates has been under option to Universal Studios since it was first published in 1998. For a while George Clooney was part of the project, as was the director Michael Mann. A number of screenplay drafts have been written by the excellent young writer David Self (Road to Perdition, Thirteen Days). However, so far the stars have not aligned in such a way as to green-light the project. Certainly Universal is watching to see how 300 does at the box office. The above information is straight from Steven Pressfield's official website - for those of you still interested! Clooney as Leonidas? I could see it...
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