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Everything posted by megaprime

  1. megaprime

    Macross figures

    Showed the Max factory figure at my girlfriend. She took a look at Sheryl's arse and asked if I was watching cartoon porn.
  2. Thank you for clarifying that. Puts my mind at rest and I can get one without worrying now. I listen to your podcasts and do enjoy them because I think that you make some very valid points there. Dont get me wrong, I was not trying to come accross as someone who moans about high prices all the time. After all £100 for a BD boxset is not much to someone who pays £150+ on a Valk toy (or £300+ on a Star Wars toy for that matter). Despite all this the fact remains that these products are expensive. The fact that there are some Japanese(?) companies (like PlayAsia) who try to take advantage of this niche market by marking up prices sky high doesnt help either. From what I have seen Japanese prices in general for this market seem to be expensive (in comparison to the US-UK at least). What worries me is that if this set costs £100 how much are they going to charge for a TV series (like Macross Frontier for example) which is much longer (if they decided to bring one out with English subs that is)? These super niche markets seem to be in a catch 22 situation. I.e. the prices are high because it is super niche and on the other hand it remains super niche because of the high prices which do not allow for mass market penetration. If Japanese companies in this field want to increase market share then they would need to release products initially at low costs (and absorb the loss to start with) and increase the customer base. Rather than releasing a big boxset like this they could have instead released the films separately. That way the cost for the individual films would have been lower and allowed more people to buy them. I'm not sure if the high Macross product prices can be blamed entirely on the fact that it is a niche market. The companies invloved, their pricing strategies, their market penetration strategies and their willingness to open to new markets are just as much or even more to blame (especially since their actions are the ones that actually leave Macross stuck in the niche market). PS: Apologies if unintentionally I have gone off topic
  3. Well, by the sounds of it I dont think I will be getting anything at all despite my good will. From what I can read the bluray will not play in my British PS3 due to region differences? $160 =£100 In UK that is expensive for 2 books and 2 films even by Star Wars standards.
  4. The Megahouse Klan figure is indeed a work of art. However unfortunately the price is way too much for me and I'm sure my girlfriend and kids would not be very impressed with the torpedo tits. Maybe I'll manage to find a cheaper version of Klan at some point (with less noticeable boobs).
  5. I pulled the trigger on a new 25 renewal Luca from NY. It should be flying in only a few days after the 27 Lucifer with super parts. Got 4 issues of the Macross Chronicles revised as well (issue 1 included). God it's getting too expensive already.
  6. Apologies, I didnt mean to offend anyone or to go off track.
  7. Ceed, i20, Sportage. Nowhere near A1, A3 or Q5 I'm afraid to say.
  8. Ah, that is good to hear. I have a few money off vouchers so I might go and buy one in that case.
  9. I have driven the Kia and Hyundai so i speak from personal experience. They may have improved in design but Kia will never be the same level as Audi. No matter what designers they employ it doesnt make up for the years of experience at the forefront of technology that Audi or the other German cars have. They can however be compared to the cheap European counterparts such as Fiat, Renault, Peugeot, Skoda, etc or the American counterparts. Again it's a personal opinion.
  10. They're cheap brands that depreciate pretty fast in value over time. Just below the likes of Fiat, Peugeot, Renault and Citroen. But that is just my personal taste. I prefer more the German brands (Mercedes, VW, BMW) and Japanese (Toyota, Honda, etc)
  11. The only Korean robot anomation I have seen is a series for kids called Cubix: Robots for Everyone. My son absolutely loved it and I quite enjoyed it as well. Still have the toys that were released. However, whilst Cubix was pretty much original this one seems to be just a cheap imitation of Transformers. Coupled with the fact that the cars are KIA and Hyundai makes it even worse.
  12. Is the YotH Optimus Prime not recommended to buy as a display piece? I have heard from some people that the gold does not look nice on it. Whilst some others say that the gold is high quality and looks good. I'm undecided whether to get one or not. Is there a silver version or any news on a future silver version?
  13. In all honesty I've only just started collectig Macross so I'm a bit clueless about brands really. I've only watched the Zero and have nearly finished watching the Frontier series so far. I'd like to get the main characters (Ranka, Sheryl, Alto, Michael, Luca, Skull leader and whatever the chap that pilots the 27 is called).
  14. Can i ask, who are those little figurines in above picture made by? They're quite cute. Are there any risers for batroid mode? Or something made out of clear plastic to replace the original stands that come with the Bandai valks (even if it is just the vertical bit of the stand)?
  15. The 27 with super parts is the one that I bought a few days ago from NY so that's even better. I normally transform the valks into batroid mode and display them behind glass so any improvements that enhance playability dont affect me much really.
  16. Ah I see. Bandai are probably going to release a renewal of that one too at this rate. Since I've already bought a 27 I will have to decide if I want to display it in fighter or batroid mode and then leave it in peace behind glass. I do wonder if the 25 renewal re-release (v3?) will bring the prices down for the existing renewals (v2) in the aftermarket?
  17. Yeah, it is a real shame. It is that sort of close-minded mentality that has thwarted their economy and been a barrier to the in-house brands from exploding into the rest of the world. Even well established brands like Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, Pioneer, etc have suffered because of their rigidness and inability to adapt to the new market trends. No wonder they lost so much ground to competitors such as Samsung, LG, etc. Japan has a really beautiful culture and Japanese products are much coveted in the rest of the world (especially the West). Bandai and other Japanese companies would make so much more profits (easily double them) if they opened up and stoped ignoring the international customers. I hope one day they wake up and realise that.
  18. How come the 27 isn't popular? Looks quite a decent model.
  19. Sounds like you are infected by the hoarding virus. I know the symptoms because I have the same illness myself However I could never buy something that I like and not display it. I have wanted a 25 Renewal Alto and Luca for so long buy never had the chance to get one. If you are scared to open the boxes, can I buy one from you and I will transform it and display it and I'll send you regular pictures every week. Or I can even put a live feed to it
  20. Amen to that. Finally newcomers like me will have a chance to get one without having to sell their kidney. Let's hope. I really dont understand why thereis such a shortage of the valks (of any model) made by Bandai. Surely the company is aware of the demand for these products so why not make sufficient numbers for everyone to buy? There is certainly enough demand out there for sellers to put prices up (and people still buy them). Or are these drip by drip releases common business tactics in Japan?
  21. I was wondering what brand of the Macross character figurines are considered to be the best (in terms of quality and most liked)? Assuming they exist that is. Anyone can give me some guidance please because I have been thinking about buying some.
  22. @David: if you dont like getting them out of the box then your hobby will be a lot cheaper if you just bought the empty boxes.
  23. I agree and that goes for the whole Greek mythology since it was told by Greeks. I do not take these films seriously since they are not very accurate however I do enjoy the CGI very much. I tend to view these type of films as if they were a movie version of some comic book.
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