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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Me too, put me down for (1) of each type.
  2. It cost me $ 84.87 (This included shipping and CA tax.). It's not tisinc.com, I don't really like them. I live about 1 mile from tisinc.om and he still don't let me pick it up.
  3. I just talk to the seller on the FP and he have a couple more for sale. Anyone, want the FP just let me know, because he will call me back tonight.
  4. I am trying to get his ID on ebay but some how I deleted. I found him on ebay but when I able to contact him on email, He sale the item on the side, we didn't go thru ebay that why I don't have his record. I still have his Phone number, if you guy still interested I will contact him and let you guy know if he still have some for sale. I know when his on ebay, he have 2 FP for sale.
  5. I got one last week for $ 84.87 (This include shipping and CA tax.) He charge $10.89 for shipping . I think he have couple more to sell. I got him on ebay
  6. put me down for 2 heads
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