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Everything posted by rdenham

  1. Macross Complete Guide Book PS2 I am not familiar with this book when did it come out is a summary of the other guided books or dose it include all of the data from the other PS2 guide books?
  2. At first many people though it would be just another steam explosion, however the plume quickly rose to about 36,000 feet and it became clear this was something more. The plume was accompanied by an earthquake of about magnitude 2.0 at 5:25 p.m. "The ash explosion initiated and it sent ballistics scattering throughout the crater, as well as sending a plume perhaps higher than 20,000 feet," said Bill Steele, a seismologist with the University of Washington. "It did knock out a number of our seismograph stations." An ash fall advisory has been issued for communities in southern Washington, east of the mountain. This warning has not been needed for any of the previous events. After the first major ”event,” the mountain continued to experience minor eruptions until night fall. St Helen got the jump on people seeing as how there were very little noteworthy warning signs prior to eruption.
  3. I live on Copper Mt in Beaverton OR a suburb of Portland. I was in the yard doing yard work and when I walked up on to the deck I saw the mountain and took these pictures as soon as I could get my camera
  4. I have not ordered anything from Hobby Link Japan In a while & I know shipping options have changed over time so I would like to get some info. If I were to order a Yamato VF-11B how much should I expect to pay for shipping the US West Coast? How much more would it be if I ordered multiple items such a Yamato VF-11B & YV-21?
  5. If anyone is interested in a putting together another bulk order I would be willing to comit to at least ten of these great FlexiDisplay stands.
  6. Opus great idea posting the cut away diagram, for reference. Kurt I can’t wait to see where you go with this project; it’s nice to see people are still coming up with new ways to make those of us with limited models making skills jealous. Although I do appreciate your creativity with this project, I can’t resist adding my own insights to your work. I have always loved battle damaged models whether they are real world military vehicles or fantasy mecha. It’s nice to see you have taken up the daunting task of attempting a battle damaged Yamato 1/48. Your custom dramatically illustrates that in order to depict battle damage you need to create a detailed set of internal components. Your custom also highlights the need to simulate damage to your internal structure as well as the external surface. The multilayered internal structure gives a great since of depth however painting the internal parts erodes some of the detail which you worked so hard to achieve. Since the weapons a VF-1 Pilot would face in the Macross universe are a potent mix of particle beam cannons, particle pulse cannons, pulse lasers, & Missiles. Most Zentraedi munitions would severally damage if not completely penetrate the majority of a Valkyrie’s weaker structures. I thought your idea of the wing patches was creative however I have to assume they were installed prior to the damage on the legs since the leg damage would have most likely been addressed at the same time the wing was repaired. I don’t mean to go over board on the details here I just like to create a since of logic behind the things I create. I also thought the dark color of the patches was to distracting. Patches are usually meant to blend in and they are commonly painted the same color as their surrounding area. I was thinking about the issue of the damage looking as if it came from the inside out and I think I may have a good justification for the effect. Although projectiles usually create concave points of penetration; if the damage results in a detonation within the structure the secondary explosion may blow internal components outward creating the appearance of an exit point rather than a point of impact. This blow back situation would require the structure to not be fully penetrated, and although highly unlikely it could happen after all this is the Macross universe we are talking about.
  7. Although I love the size of the Armour F-14's the inaccuracy issues concerning both the mold & camo's have prevented me from acquiring any more than the 2 I have already have (VF-84 & VX-4). Now that Dragon has finally announced their first F-14 we may be able to get out hands on a accurate Tomcat, unless they pull another Strike Eagle on us.
  8. I never got around to posting this picture, better late than never.
  9. I would go for this one.
  10. When will Macross Zero Ep 5 be released in Japan?
  11. I figured that some people would already know about this however I have yet to see anything about it posted on this site. The thing that really got me is the design similarities between the “F/A-37 Talon” and the Yf-19.
  12. Some body in Hollywood must be a Macross Plus Fan. On 18 June 2004 a scene for the upcoming Columbia Tri-Star movie "Stealth" was filmed on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). The Lincoln was conducting local operations in preparation for an upcoming scheduled deployment after 10 months of dry docked Planned Incremental Availability (PIA). About 80 cast and crew members were aboard the Everett-based aircraft carrier to shoot scenes for the Columbia Pictures action film starring Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel and Sam Shepard, The $130 million film is expected to hit theaters in 2005. According to the back story, the F/A-37 "Talon" is a Mach 3.5, super cruise stealth fighter/bomber/interceptor with a 4000nm range. Top speed is somewhere in the Mach 4+ range. The movie is premised on an artificial-intelligence program designed to fly jet aircraft and reduce human casualties. Not surprisingly, one of the AI robo-pilots runs amok when Navy officials decide to use an unmanned version of the “Talon”. When the plane begins attacking friendly forces, Navy pilots are called in to save the planet from artificial intelligence.
  13. The Mylene book is already on Ebay.
  14. I was curious about how big a 1/72 scale Flanker would be so I made a template for size comparisons.
  15. Although Hi-Vis camos were the rule of the day the majority of the cold war they are considered to be a major liability from the active duty fighter pilots I’ve talked to.
  16. WWII Invasion stripes are a much different concept than A USN CAG's Black tail, pilots don’t want to be in a combat environment with a plane which stands out like a sore thumb.
  17. rdenham

    Minmay statue

    I love anything above the waist, but the ghetto booty thing is just not my taste. If I want to look at a singer with a butt that big I’ll just watch a J-Lo Video.
  18. This is what the F-14 on display at the Museum of Flight in Seattle looked like when it arrived from NSAWC at NAS Fallon. F-14A BuNo #160382 1977 AJ 202 VF-84 1982 AJ 206 VF-84, CVN-70 3-31-87 to 1-14-88 VF-84 1990 AE 112 VF-11 1994 NL 104 VF-51, NAD North Island (KNZY), 8-31-2000 to 4-2001 NSAWC April 2002 Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington
  19. Unlikely, but not impossible. When they designed the F4H-1/F-4 Phantom II back in the fifties, I'm sure they said the samething. Hell, they designed it without an internal gun! Boy were they wrong a few years later in Vietnam! . Your historical recap concerning the F-4 is a very good point, still paint schemes were not modified until long after the military had recognized the importance of close quarter dissimilar ACM training. The multi tone Low-Vis livery topic should be a mute point considering most of our strike missions are carried out at night or at medium to high altitudes; both of which minimize the tactical significance of paint schemes. Now that low radar cross sections and stand off weapons are the preferred method of dealing with enemy threats concerns over paint should not as important, unless we get in a mess with Russia, China, or heaven forbid the EU.
  20. Lo-Vis Tail
  21. Hi-Vis Tail
  22. We were lucky enough to get a visit from both a Low-Vis & Hi-Vis CAG VFA-14 Super Bug, at last weeks Hillsboro Airshow. Since the weather conditions were not that great, and my monitor is on its last legs so these pics may look a little off. I had a great conversation with a Lt. Cdr. Who “browed the CAG Bird” for the show. I asked him some questions about this ridiculous paint scheme issue and he said that although he would never want to fly a “black tail in combat” the Hi-Vis colors have always been a point of pride for the Navy and they were fighting to reverse the trend. Although I don’t ever see the glory days of the mid-70’s early 80’s, hopefully someone will get their head out of their ass soon. I find it funny that in a day and age were air-to air combat is so unlikely, especially anything other than BVR, people are so concerned about a little paint.
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