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Everything posted by rdenham

  1. If you don’t live in the UK and you want to watch Top Gear I have one word for you “BitTorrentâ€. You can get seasons 1-8 in one huge 28.69 gig file; as well as shows from season 9 and shows from the 90’s before Top Gear was re-vamped. http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/763705/T...Heaven_and_Hell
  2. How much was the Wave SDF-1 at HLJ shipped? I got mine for $128.00 shipped since I pre-ordered.
  3. The SV-51 has never done a lot for me but I like to get one of every type so I will most likely get one. I disliked the shallow inlets on my VF-0A so much I left the inlet covers on in fighter mode; so when I saw the ridiculous turbine blade placement on the SV-51 I was really disappointed. If shallow inlets were required due to moving parts behind the fan blades why did they place the blades so darn low. By not placing the blades in the center of the inlet they just compounded a bad situation. Due to the types of joints involved I will defiantly wait until the second release for this bird. I due prefer the Ivanov Type however so plain may change.
  4. I completely agree, when I was at the Portland showing of The Shadow Chronicals I was told that if Toynami made a Beta it could cost nearly $200 and considering every MPC Toynami has made has had QC issues why would anyone trust that a MPC Beta would be any better than the MPC VF-1’s or MPC Alphas.
  5. On the THE (unofficial) ROBOTECH REPORTER there is a post which says the Alpha's are a around the same scale as the Toynami MPC's. It was also stated that Mospeada will be released in a new boxed set can anyone confirm the DVD set? I will never understand why people take pictures of these items and never display a ruler within the frame in order to give the viewer an idea of its size. Many of the displays have no photography signs and people still snap pictures so it would not be difficult to show us a size measurement.
  6. I am really excited about the upcoming CM Legioss & Tread’s however I am sorely uninformed about CM’s quality, price, & plastic Vs die-cast content. Hobby Link Japan sells a few CM items such as: Patlabor, Brave Gohkin AV-98 Ingram 1 & 2 (Movie Ver) for $105.71 Brave Gohkin Genesic Gao Gai Gar Ltd Color for $173.42 Votoms mecha from $31.38 for single robots to $80.11 for a two Robot set If the Legioss & Tread stay in the range of other CM items they will remain in the price range of recent Yamato Macross valks; so their should not be to much sticker shock, I hope. I would really like to see a re-design of the air intake area; the inlets are way too small. I never purchased the MPC Alpha’s because I was to busy spending all my money on Yamato goodies last summer. I was just about to pull the trigger on the red, green, & shadow fighter Alphas via Robotech.com but now that I see this pre-view I am strongly reconsidering.
  7. This would not be consistent with the flood of VF-1's over the last year in addition to the 2 VF-0's & the YF-19, my pocket book has been reeling because their have been so many releases.
  8. mpchi, It's more like a quarter of an inch.
  9. I had been following this thread daily up until the release date of the Wave SDF-1. I kept wringing my hands over the size and price every time I saw a new picture of the thing I just did not know if I should cancel my pre-order. I pre-ordered my Wave SDF-1 when I ordered my 1-60 YF-19 and now that I have both I am glad I did not cancel my order. I must qualify my satisfaction by making a couple observations about its comparative size and display options. Although the size is smaller than what I had hoped far, the height of the figure is offset when it is placed on its stand. Once upon the display stand the height of the SDF-1 cannons are ~11 & 1/8th inches tall making it taller than a 1-48 VF-1. The figure shows it diminutive size is when it is displayed in “cruiser mode.†I got the Wave SDF-1 because it was a pre-built pre-painted non-aftermarket item and it worked well in my display area. If I took the time to build a 1/4000 scale resin kit it would not look as good as Waves. If I got a matchbox 1/3000 scale SDF-1 (TV version) it would be too tall for my shelves. I have followed matchbox SDF-1 auctions over the years and many of them were damaged, yellowed, or over priced. If I were to display the 1/3000 scale SDF-1 I would have to place the shoulder cannons in the lowered position which is not my preferred option. Since I display my Macross items according to series I think if I already had a 1/3000 scale matchbox SDF-1 I would still get the Wave version to go with my DYRL stuff. For those of you who buy three valks just so you can display all 3 modes at one time, the cost of this item is not excessive. If you compare $120-$150 for the Wave SDF-1 to what it would cost to buy and complete a resin version of the SDF-1 anything under $150 is a steal. In short, until Yamato gives us a better version this is the only game in town if you do not have professional model making skill or you don’t want a “toyish†looking SDF-1.
  10. Thanks for the pic Graham do you happen to have a picture of the WAVE SDF-1 on its display stand along side of a 1-60 & 1-48 VF-1 in Battroid mode.
  11. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE someone post a comparison picture of the WAVE SDF-1 along side of a 1-60 & 1-48 VF-1 in Battroid mode.
  12. dafunguy, great job on finding that link. After the request for were this curio could be found I went on line looking for it and came up with nothing. If my memory serves me right Ashley made this curio; I used to have an official promo picture for the curio; however I can't find it anymore.
  13. Thanks for the complements I have really enjoyed how this cabinet turned out. I purchased it at a closeout warehouse called City Liquidators in Portland OR.
  14. Since both of the larger planes are in 1-48 scale they really go together well & it allows me to combine both of my collections. I can't wait until later this week when I get my Low-Vis Woodland Camo VF-1A so I can display it with my Armour 1-48 Robin Olds F-4.
  15. rdenham

    VF-0S MAX

    Once you apply all of the markings to the Hikaru Ichijo’s VF-1J it does a fairly good impersonating a VF-1 F-14. Of course if you make a custom with all the little VF-1 details it would a much closer match; but in the same vein you would have to remove many of Skull Ones markings if you were making a USN VF-84 custom. Since most everyone acknowledges that Skullones colors were inspired by the Jolly Rogers colors you could say the same thing about Hikaru Ichijo’s VF-1J & VF-1.
  16. This side entry curio is 30.25in (wide) x 12in (deep) 72in (high). Although I would not get this curio to display small items it works perfectly for large scale Yamato valks. The curios shelf placement holes do not go all the way up the inside of the curio; instead they are grouped in sets of 3, every foot or so. The things I like most about this curio is that it is affordable at $169.00, so you can get more than one and it has a contemporary design. Too often curio cabinets are very ornate; I just don’t see flowers cut into the wood and etched glass going as well with big sci-fi robots. [attachmentid=39418][attachmentid=39417][attachmentid=39419][attachmentid=39420][attachmentid=39421]
  17. I have been collecting Macross items for years however I just now got a curio for them. Soon to be displayed 1/48 VF-1 Clear Super Parts (Fast Pack) 1/48 GBP-1S + 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru Ichijo 1/48 VF-1A Hayao Kakizaki 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru Ichijo DYRL 1/48 VF-1A Max Jenius DYRL 1/48 VF-1A Low Visibility v2 (Woodland Camo) 1/60 YF-19 1/5000 SDF-1 CMS Figures from Series 1, 2, & 3 4 large & 4 small destroids 6 Robotech VF-1 Super-poseables 4 Robotech MPC Alpha’s Robotech VFA-6H & Invid Enforcer Bookends Now I just wish Yamato would re-issue the 1/48 Max & Milia’s 1/48’s.
  18. I love the VF-0D & I am also looking forward to getting a SV-51, I don’t think these have been looked over by Yamato; they simply have not got to them yet. I would also like to have a Glaug & a couple Regult Battle Pods however they would be huge. Speaking of size a SDF-1 would have to be very scaled down and it looks like Wave has got that base covered with their upcoming DYRL 1/5000 scale SDF-1. A VF-2SS w/SAP from Macross II, would be wonderful but considering many fans have little love for Macross II and it is not even part of the official Macross cannon, I don’t see it be released anytime soon; but it is one hell of a Valk. I had to vote for a TV version of the Q-Rau because I was sure I would get one and now I fear I never will.
  19. Since I have used Ebay & HLJ for most of my recent Yamato purchases I am unfamiliar with "neova" & "BBTS" what are their web address?
  20. This the cd I was referring to.
  21. Does anyone know if the Macross Printings Data CD-ROM will only work on a computer using a Japanese versions of windows?
  22. rdenham

    HLJ 1/48 re-stock

    I have been out of the loop for a while and I am trying to catch up on the status of Yamatos VF-1 production schedule. I noticed that Hobby Link Japan has the Yamato 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru as having a Dec. Restock. Since Yamato re-issued the DYRL Hikaru VF-1A and Roy Fokkers VF-1S does anyone know if they are planning on re-issuing Hikaru’s VF-1J?
  23. Was there a Macross Zero Manga set?
  24. I think the picture speaks for its self.
  25. Thank you for the info, I have the Macross Plus and VF-X2 books. Is this book hard or easy to come by?
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