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About VF-1James

  • Birthday 01/21/1984

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  • Interests
    anime, video games, and other things that girls dislike

VF-1James's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Hi, do you still have 1/48 hands available?

  2. Thanks for the advice guys. I got the quick weld in the mail on Friday, and did an experiment with it. When set, it still seems far too brittle at such a small size. What I'm now thinking is that instead of worrying about making this part, I could possibly take the piece to a machine shop and they could make it for me. From what I've read, I could get the part made from either plastic or metal. Does anyone have experience using machine shops?
  3. I've ordered 2 different versions of it from the net (one regular, one a quick set version), so we'll see how this stuff works when it arrives. I was also thinking it sounded a lot like bondo, Big F. I was wondering if anybody knows the properties of this stuff. Because I want to cast a part, I'm wondering if a silicone mold is going to work or not. This stuff seems to bond to almost anything- that's what it was designed to do. I'm not a chemist, but I imagine that silicone will work. Will definitely run a test on silicone that has been set first, before I run off and spend the time making a mold box for the part.
  4. Wow, thanks AcroRay! This stuff might be the key to this project. It seems easy to work with, and it has the strength I need for the part. I'm going to try it.
  5. Hey all, it's been a while sine I've posted. I have been devoting my time to trying to create my own custom characters in 1/6 scale for the last few months, but have run into a few problems. I'm using a Medicom RAH 301 Kai body as my base (customized from a few different figures), but as is the problem with most Medicom figures, the shoulder joints keep breaking. Realizing that the joint will break no matter how many times I buy a new figure to replace it, the obvious solution is that the joint needs to be made from a stronger material. I have learned basic resin casting, but I don't think it's enough to withstand the pressure from moving the arm at the shoulder. That said, I believe metal is the answer here. However, metal casting is currently beyond my skill set, so I've decided that I need the help of a recaster for this. If anybody has any recommendations about whom I should contact, please let me know. Macross World has always been one of the most intelligent, helpful forums out there, which is a rare exception to most places on the net. In this situation, I'm proud to belong. Thanks guys.
  6. Happy birthday to one of anime's all time greats.
  7. Wow, that looks great!
  8. Thanks a lot guys, this will really help!
  9. Hey all! I've been working on a head sculpt, and it's nearing completion. That said, a difficult task lays ahead of me- recasting. Yes, the fun part... I seem to remember that there were step by step instructions here on how to make molds to recast your own parts; however, I'm having trouble finding the thread. If anyone has any info that could help me out, or the link to the thread I mentioned, I would be in your debt. Thanks so much! -James
  10. Wow, come to think of it, there were A LOT of lines in Street Fighter that are worth cringing over. The electro-magnetism crap made no sense, and was one of the worst lines in the movie as well. And yeah, Mai's probably not going to end up nearly as nice as we'd all like...
  11. Wrong. The greatest line ever was delivered by Raul Julia/M. Bison. "You came here expecting to fight a madman, but instead you found a god!" Yeah, that sums up the movie for me right there...
  12. Voted Roy- hope he wins, since Spike is a really popular character. While I think Spike is awesome himself, Roy is Roy, and that was enough for me.
  13. He did. He gets better suction now with his new one. P.S.- Anyone see the Kabuto that the guy was talking about in the article? OMG, it's incredible... I'd say between the MSG4 figures and that Kabuto, my wallet's going to be hurting.
  14. So those are the only two figures that use this as a base body? Shame, I was hoping there'd be a much less expensive way to get it (like a $50 figure, instead of a $150 figure).
  15. What's the cheapest way to pick up this body?
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