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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Valerian is on Amazon Prime so you can watch it for free if you have an account. Saw it over the weekend. Makes for a trippy experience if you watched it after surgery like I did, lol. OK film that seems to appeal to Europeans than Americans.
  2. Looks great. I loved the original series and enjoyed the movie too though both have not aged well. Interesting to see Parkey Posey casted as Dr. Smith, she hasn't aged well either
  3. They are taking their sweet time releasing the episodes but it takes longer for the fan subs to finish too. I just hope Funimation will immediately start on a sub/dubbed series after 2199 is done.
  4. Good ending. Excited for where it will lead next. I just hope they update the animation style though, the CGI is old and tired.
  5. This reminds me a little too much of the Emoji movie which was an OK movie but my three year little girl loves it so I end up watching it with her almost everyday, lol.
  6. Good episodes. Gonna feel sad when its all over.
  7. This thread got a reboot before ROBOTECH did.
  8. I wonder if Netflix would green light a reboot?
  9. Lots of stuff I didn't know about the original series concept designs. That being said, I love the dubbed series. It's well done plus my eyes are on the gorgeous anime action instead of subtitles at the bottom of the screen.
  10. It's on Netflix if you have it.
  11. One particular note is how good Andy Serkis was good as a villain. Would have liked to see more of him in it.
  12. Good episodes. Rebels is more Star Wars than the new trilogy IMHO. I just hope a new series will ditch the CGI.
  13. Hadn't watched it yet but now that I know there is T&A in it I may watch it soon
  14. Thats what I thought, the rap music was very subtle. Used some traditional African music too that wasn't overbearing either. As for bad Marvel films I wouldn't say any is bad but Iron Man 2 is the weakest IMHO.
  15. Saw it today with the wife and baby, still enjoyed it with my son and other baby's in the theater crying through some of it Don't know if the film deserves the hype but its fun though a little too CGI heavy.
  16. My daughter has been watch Cars 3 every day, sometimes twice, since it was released on Netflix. Sphero has this ultracool Lighting McQueen remote control car that I would have loved as a kid. Sometimes I think about buying one for myself, especially since they are dropping in price. https://www.sphero.com/pixar/lmq
  17. I doubt we'll see much change in quality. As bad as the last films were they made money and that's all the studios care for. Good example is the recent Star Wars films.
  18. I liked the original anime and manga but I loved the trailer. I'm still super excited for this movie but I suspect it'll do poorly in the box office no matter how well reviewed it is, just like Blade Runner 2049
  19. Alita just got pushed back to December. I was really looking forward to seeing it this Summer http://variety.com/2018/film/news/james-cameron-alita-battle-angel-moved-back-1202696666/
  20. Got out tickets for Black Panther next week at the Alamo Drafthouse. Thankfully they have showings where talking is allowed plus infants as we'll be bring our almost two month old son with us.
  21. He was also the voice of the General in The Iron Giant.
  22. I expected worse. Still, I think I'll skip the theater and just catch it on streaming instead.
  23. I want to see this but will probably have to wait till it comes to Netflix or Amazon Prime.
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