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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Ack! Seriously? Sometimes I think Hollywood makes crappy sequels in the hope that we'll stop asking for them.
  2. Looks decent at least. But can it work as an actual series?
  3. Reviews aren't that great so far. I guess I'll wait till it comes to Netflix. http://www.ign.com/articles/2018/03/20/pacific-rim-uprising-review
  4. I'll be going to my local TRU tomorrow after work then. Already got a list of stuff for my three and a half little girl that I know she wants, mainly Barbie
  5. Weird, never heard of this. Guess it never showed on cable in my area back in the 1980s?
  6. Remember FAO Schwarz? That is where the rich parents shopped for their kids.
  7. Went to our local BRU then TRU today. The TRU was much busier but didn't see any great deals in either store, got my three year old daughter a couple of activity games like Elefun and Hungry Hungry Hippo that was cheaper than Amazon's pricing. We'll probably go back during the store's liquidation to buy stuff for her birthday later this year. Still, saw lots of cool toys in TRU that I wish existed when I was a kid.
  8. Aw poop. Babies R Us is closing too. We've been going to BRU since we started having kids and just had our son last Christmas so now we have to use our gift cards within the next 30 days. We liked BRU as they let you try car seats to see if they fit in your car before buying them and returning items such as feeding bottles was easy too. http://www.businessinsider.com/babies-r-us-stores-will-close-but-registries-remain-2018-3
  9. My wife and I are closely watching for news on when the liquidation starts as we plan on buying toys and a bike for my little girl who is turning four in September. Don't know if I'll get myself anything as I'm at that age where I want to sell my collection, not add to it.
  10. Stephen Hawking died on Pi Day...
  11. LOL, I'll have to tell my wife this as she is the HP fan in my house. I don't really care for the films even though they are well made but I thought it would be cool to share the trailer as I know some here enjoy it as much as my wife does.
  12. You'd think there was something like this out already. There should be moar toy accessories like this!
  13. Yeah, saw it was on Netflix. Lots of good stuff to catch up on too. Will check out the movie this weekend.
  14. I got hooked up with a free digital copy of Blade Runner: 2049 last weekend!! I had no interest in buying the blu-ray copy as I had so many copies and versions of the original film, from VHS to Director's Cut on DVD, lol.
  15. I won't because I didn't like the film well enough. I'm also pretty much done with physical media after I sold all my DVD films and TV series collections two years ago for about a hundred dollars. Right now I prefer to buy a digital copy to save shelf space plus its very convenient to stream from almost anywhere with a good internet connection. Not to mention the Disney streaming service is coming so I'm certain the entire Star Wars library will be available to watch then too.
  16. Was any of the karate in the Karate Kid films ever accurate? Though I did copy the leg sweep trips Johnny used on Daniel in this beach scene against a bigger kid messing with me in middle school, twice! He flew a good distance both times and eventually gave up. Thank you, Karate Kid
  17. I just noticed this is coming to Youtube Red so you have to pay to see it on their streaming service. Does anybody here subscribe to it?
  18. On a slightly related not the LiS movie is on Netflix, no surprise. Watched it last month for the first time in several years. The SFX hasn't held up well but I remember being blown away by it the first time I saw it in the theater almost twenty years ago. Still enjoyed it but I don't understand why it gets a bad rap, for a film based a on campy TV series it was pretty good.
  19. You're so old the first anime you saw was etched on a wooden block!
  20. Agreed! Fifth Element had well casted actors playing very memorable characters. That is what was missing in Valerian.
  21. Heh, the original show is from the 1960s but so is Star Trek and its reboots are somewhat successful. This new show could tap into that if done well. That being said its based on Swiss Family Robinson which is about two hundred years old so it makes for a classic tale of families lost trying to survive outside civilization.
  22. I totally had a crush on Angela Cartwright as I was about her character's age when I started watching the original series when it was in syndication on the USA Network back in 1991. Those bangs <3
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