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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I'm not too familiar with Berserk but I watched the movies on Netflix this week. Well made and fun. The dubbed version started by default and it was so good that I didn't even notice which is nice as it kept my eyes on the action instead of at the bottom of the screen reading subtitles.
  2. My wife and I want to see it but no time plus we have an infant and its difficult to avoid spoilers too.Ugh!! I'm curious as to what John Krasinski will direct next since I'm sure he'll be in good demand since this move made a lot of money on a low budget?
  3. River Phoenix probably got a lot of help a few years prior by starring with Harrison Ford in Mosquito Coast as his character's son. It's a really good movie, some of Harrison's best acting after Witness.
  4. F'ing idiot. Unless TJ Miller goes to rehab, gets sober and fixes his $h1t I seriously doubt we'll see him in a third Deadpool movie or any other major film for that matter. Real shame as he does have talent. https://www.mediaite.com/online/t-j-miller-faces-five-years-in-prison-for-fake-bomb-threat/
  5. I rented JL via Amazon Prime last weekend. I regret that. The film was so damn uninspiring. I 100% believe that if it wasn't for WW's success last year the DC film franchise would already be rebooted again, again.
  6. THIS! River Phoenix pulled off an excellent young Harrison Ford character but not these guys. This young Solo is kinda cringe-worthy. Real shame as the story and action looks good.
  7. Well, I'm amazed we did get a sequel since the first didn't do so well in the box office. Honestly there are other films more deserving of a sequel than Pacific Rim.
  8. Not the first game to borrow that gameplay style. Shadow of Mordor did as well and it worked and looked great.
  9. Anybody here meet Carl Macek before he passed away? I met him back in Spring of '86 at a sci-convention outside Washington, DC while promoting Sentinels. Nice guy, answered all the questions a 12 year old fan like myself had. My dad offered to buy the animation cels that Carl had on display for me even though I didn't ask for them, lol.
  10. Interesting videos to watch, painful too. The Robotech movie was such a mess. Still, I give credit to Carl Macek making a great story with the separate anime series.
  11. I wonder why Brad Bird doesn't direct more? Was watching The Iron Giant on Netflix and that has to be his best work IMHO but why doesn't he do more I wonder. Quality over quantity I guess?
  12. I remember the animation being super slick for its time. That being said... Dear Netflix, Please reboot Galaxy Rangers. Love, TangledThorns XOXO
  13. SWEET! Patience is finally paying off. I didn't buy the Japanese blu-rays because how of how expensive they are plus 2202's aren't subtitled. Side question. Is there a digital copy when buying Funimation's blu-rays? Overall I'd prefer digital copies of media.
  14. Dude, that is gonna cause problems. You guys need to have your daughter sleep in her own room. My wife and I keep it strict when it comes to naps and bedtime and it works, children need schedules and routines. I have a coworker that let her son sleep with her and her husband and now their son won't go to bed till they do.
  15. Shopped at my local TRU yesterday. Found plenty of cool toys for my daughter's four year birthday in September. From Leapfrog electronics to Barbie, she is gonna be spoiled! I found the collectibles aisle to be more picked through though. The only thing of interest to me was the spinner car from Blade Runner: 2049. There was a Deckard action figure but it was far from interesting. Looked like casual weekend Harrison Ford with a gun, lol.
  16. Teen Turtles indeed. Kids will like this I'm sure.
  17. How is Scott Eastwood in this movie? I know he is following in his dad's footsteps of acting.
  18. Movie is gonna make mad $$$. Looks like a super great year for comic book movies.
  19. Blatant political correctness only pisses off the fans. You'd think Hollywood would have learned this from the E.T. Directors Cut last decade but nope, they went full Spielberg..
  20. Wife went to our local BRU and found the liquidation sale was postponed, probably till tomorrow.
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