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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Bad writing?? Huge disagree!! It was one of the best NA animated series in the last 10 years!
  2. I watched and loved it. I guess CN feels like they got nothing to lose and is throwing crap against the wall just to see what sticks.
  3. Stupid! St00pid! STUPID!! Also, the hipster millennial a-holes producing this crap look just like the ones Family Guy lampooned recently. The 2011 reboot was way better but sadly cancelled so bring that one back instead!!
  4. I didn't know it was Queen either Most likely my first Queen song as my parents didn't care for rock opera music back then. Boy, we really had far less choices of access to media when we were kids, lol.
  5. For those that have seen DP2 and Infinity War which would you say was the better comic book film this year?
  6. I think my first Queen song I heard had to be Flash Gordon when I first saw the movie back in 1980 when I was about seven years old.
  7. They actually hired the first actor they tested for Han Solo? WTF! Who does that?? They actually deserved to be fired by Disney!! Even George Lucas tested different actors for Han Solo before he settled on Harrison Ford.
  8. I would have titled the film as... Princes of the Universe
  9. The dubbing is good enough that I don't feel the need to watch subtitles again.
  10. Speaking of Martin Kove didn't anybody here watch his TV series, Hard Time on Planet Earth? It was a fun show that was cancelled early.
  11. Finally saw it today. Good movie but wouldn't pay to see it again. Marvel needs to make their films more relatable to the real world.
  12. My second Hollywood crush after Carrie Fisher. Both troubled souls. RIP
  13. Are you kidding? Predator and ALIEN are the modern day vampire and werewolf for cinema, no way Hollywood is gonna let them go. They just need good story lines really. If I was gonna make a Predator film I'd have it take place in a sh1th@le3 like a Syria war zone, similar to how the original film was and not in some suburb like this film is. Reminds me too much of Requiem.
  14. So are we ditching the other Predator thread for this one? Let me know because I got opinions to share!
  15. Looks good, bigger than I expected but I have no idea whats going on really. I just expect good thrilling action like the previous films. I hold Predator at a lower standard than the ALIEN films which have been falling short after 1986. I think what made the original film the best was casting Arnold in it plus it has some awesome quotable lines too. Seriously, 1980s movie had the best quotable lines of any decade of film.
  16. I meant for their streaming service
  17. Bingo! Comcast's plan is if you want access to their FOX content you'll have to be their ISP customer too. When it comes to my Verizon FIOS... NOT FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!! I am not going back to Comcast, ever. That being said, Disney needs to work on original content pronto. Rebooting or replaying old IP won't be enough for them, consumers want to see something fresh and good.
  18. I'm almost done with the season and so far I'm loving it. Great effects and acting, Parker Posey's Dr. Smith is a heckuva villain. A new homerun by Netflix. Can Netflix reboot Babylon 5 next please??
  19. I give extra points to William Zabka who plays Johnny Lawrence, he's really good in his role this time around and I expect him to be in demand in between seasons.
  20. You're thinking of wrestling I meant reality shows such as Survivor and Big Brother which were cool at first but then got tired quick.
  21. I'm glad scripted TV is making a comeback. I remember early last decade it was dying and slowly being replaced by reality TV.
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