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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I'm hoping for a new trailer soon.
  2. The Last Knight is on Amazon Prime and I watched it last week for the first time. Just like the last film before it I'm glad I didn't pay money to see it in the theater. Seriously, its a movie made for dumb people by dumb people who believes the audience is dumb. The bar is set so low for Bumblebee that its become a limbo dance.
  3. Don't know about streaming but digital downloads is the way to go. I'm forever done with physical media, including blu-ray/DVD movies. Less clutter and I can access directly from my PC or smartphone, yay CLOUD!
  4. The fleet with the best life insurance.
  5. It wouldn't surprise me if they do it but I'm hoping Disney doesn't tier out their streaming service where you have to pay extra for certain content such as FROZEN and Star Wars for example.
  6. I'd happily pay money for a Pacific Rim/Godzilla cross over film where the Jaeger pilots team up with Big-G against the kaiju invaders. Seriously though, I think that would be a winning combination!
  7. Okay... looks on par with the previous sequels. Still, I'd pay real money for a AvP with Colonial Marines instead.
  8. My wife and I incorporated some of the first film's soundtrack into our wedding. Namely Forbidden Friendship and Romantic Flight. John Powell is very underrated. Edit: Looked up John Powell's recent work and saw he did Solo. I don't plan on seeing the movie in the theater but I now hope its soundtrack is as good as I expect it is. I always thought he could be a good composer for a Star Wars film.
  9. I have the original Dumbo on blu-ray that I tried introducing my daughter about two years ago but she had no interest. She's almost four years old now so I'll try again this weekend.
  10. Wow, Linda Hamilton is 61 years and is ready for action! Well, my expectations just got higher for this film
  11. While the bidding war continues I hope Disney wins and bring back 24 with Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer! I miss that show
  12. Whoever loses the bidding war should use that unspent money for charity
  13. My second realization is this is a Batman Returns reunion with Michael Keaton and Danny DeVito with Tim Burton at the helm.
  14. Just realized Dumbo isn't Tim Burton's first remake, nor his second! Charlie and The Chocolate Factory was good but Planet of The Apes was his worst film IMHO. I'm hoping this new Dumbo really brings out the 'awwww factor' that I loved about the original. That being said I hope Tim Burton and Michael Keaton go right to work on Beetlejuice 2 soon!!
  15. A young Indy and Sallah film would be cool. Shame River Phoenix is dead. Don't do drugs.
  16. FOX is valuable but not this valuable. Most of what they have is tired and I doubt Comcast can re-energize those properties.
  17. Quoted for truth.
  18. I'm currently playing Middle Earth: War of Mordor. Great game that expands on the first. Highly recommended for its orc killing action.
  19. This movie looks like it has... The Right Stuff. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  20. New Tomb Raider looks great but I hope it's less like the last game. Lara was OP and carried a large wardrobe of unnecessary winter coats.
  21. It was so well written too. The episode about the creature folk that had a one day life span brought a tear to my eye.
  22. Anthony left behind a young daughter too. I just don't understand suicide, especially for successful people. Is life that hard, was it the pressure, or is it the spread of nihilism? My grandfather committed suicide not long after I was born. Took a lot of pills when he did it but he was also a miserable person from what my relatives told me.
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