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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Is there any good art books related to the second season yet?
  2. Ah, now eventually they do plan to have terminators in their Terminator movie, right? Hello?
  3. If Ewan McGregor is ever hit by a bus I think Tom Hardy would make a great young Obi Wan Kenobi.
  4. No, he made some very sick jokes about young children. No normal thinking person would post what he posted and I seriously believe Gunn is a closet pedo. As a father of two young children I wouldn't allow Gunn near them. In the long run its safer for Disney to keep Gunn away.
  5. If you make a racist joke, you're a racist. If you make pedophilia jokes, and lots of them, then you're not a pedo. gg Hollywood.
  6. Looks amazing, love the look! Can't wait.
  7. Just occurred to me that Charles Dance is probably playing the character of James Conrad, tying in the Kong film. So a battle of the king monsters perhaps? King Kong, King Ghidorah and Godzilla.
  8. While are were great of all this weekend's trailers I'd say GLASS's was the most interesting.
  9. After re-reading his posts I really think Gunn is a closet pedo now. Hollywood is filled with them sadly. No normal person would think the way he does about children, joking or not.
  10. I hadnt seen SPLIT yet, guess I must now.
  11. Joking or not, as a father I found Gunn's posts very disturbing; I wouldn't allow him near my kids. On a side note, don't use Twitter.
  12. Delete as a dupe though I did post the official video
  13. A sequel is in the works though I doubt any of the original actors or director will be involved It'd be interesting if it was more of a prequel showing when the attacks started.
  14. Bought a online copy for the same price as a rental. It was very well made and John Krasinski has a helluva future for him in directing. I'd feel confident in any movie he was directing would turn out great. Star Wars perhaps??
  15. Robocop is coming back again, again! I did enjoy the reboot but it lacked the soul of the rated-R original and compelling villains. I'm hoping Neill makes Robocop bloody violent again. Neill Blomkamp To Direct New ‘RoboCop’ For MGM https://deadline.com/2018/07/robocop-neill-blomkamp-directing-robocop-returns-justin-rhodes-ed-neumeier-michael-miner-mgm-1202424639/
  16. My PC upgrade is going great. The 2600X is stable at 4.25Ghz and I was able to overclock my DDR 2400 RAM to 2666 without having to play with voltages. Last but not least is the coolest addition, I replaced my Samsumg 840 250Gb SSD with a Adata XPG SX8200 960Gb. Its tiny, like stick of gum tiny, fast and is connected right to my Gigabyte X470 mobo. No power or SATA cables needed I wanted a new SSD close to 1Tb as game files are getting yuge! Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor gold edition is 100Gb!!
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