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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. That's late alright, lol. But yes, consensus is that 2202 was very disappointing. Also... YYUUUUUUUKKIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Welp. Finished the last HALO episode and it was excellent which is also an incredible let down as the series is cancelled. They should have started the HALO series the way it ended. Real shame. Real stupidity.
  3. Anandtech was a easy site for PC tech reviews so it will be missed. Thankfully there are others out there that can take its place. On a side note my 7 year old ACER Predator XB252Q monitor died while I was on vacation last week and replaced it with ASUS TUF VG259QM. Both are 24in size at 1080p with a 40hz higher refresh to 280hz and IPS for the Asus from 240hz and TN panel with the ACER so it was a slight upgrade. I didn't want to go higher res as my current rig can't support it at an acceptable FPS. I liked the ASUS TUF VG259QM so much that I bought a second one as my children's monitor for their shared gaming laptop as playing on a laptop screen is bad for their eyes. It did have me looking at 4K OLED gaming monitors, I see they've come along a good with the cool features. So I'll get a 4K monitor when I buy a new PC with a nVidia Geforce 50XX GPU and will hand down my ASUS TUF VG259QM to my daughter when we buy her own gaming laptop as birthday gift all this time next year. I won't build a new PC as I don't have the time, space or patience like I've had before, lol.
  4. I'll just say the last good TERMINATOR media was the Sarah Connor Chronicles on FOX who f'ing cancelled it. An anime series pretty much tells me the franchise is about dead and its probably a good thing it is. Hollywood should move on and look for something original to make, its out there I'm sure.
  5. I heard about this new movie but missed that Gareth Edwards is directing. I didn't care for The Creator but Rogue One and Godzilla was amazing work by Gareth. Visually this could be the best Jurassic Park film yet and hopefully its the same for the story. That being said Jurassic Park and Lost World deserves remakes that follow the books more closely and Gareth Edwards would have been perfect for that imho.
  6. Reviews are out and so far it looks positive. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/beetlejuice_beetlejuice/reviews?type=top_critics https://www.ign.com/articles/beetlejuice-beetlejuice-review-tim-burton-michael-keaton-winona-ryder-jenna-ortega
  7. I'll take my almost 10 year old daughter as she enjoys the SONIC films and the Knuckles series on Paramount+.
  8. Finally saw PREY on Hulu. Well made film. Equal to Predator and Predators. However the Predator in Prey was the most derp though, he pretty much YOLO'd till the end. lol
  9. How could they not make any of the human characters likeable and why so few? Even the convicts and criminals in ALIEN3, Resurrection and AVP films were interesting. If they wanted to do fan service that didn't look like fan service then they should have made a movie based on ISOLATION. Don't understand why they couldn't do that. Legal matters I guess? Another idea that was in comic book and other media form decades ago was a prequel to ALIENS with Hadley's Hope, that could have been interesting too. It would be nice to see a 3rd David/Prometheus film for a conclusion but know we won't see it. Romulus did a great job in making me go into nerd rage and it also succeeded at being the bottom of the list of ALIEN films (yes, its worse than AVP: Requiem imho) so congrats to them on that!
  10. I miscounted, it was actually 8 rides below however the last 2 was boring af so I completely forgot about them, lol. Star Tours Indiana Jones Thunder Mountain Haunted Mansion Grizzly River Run Buzz Lightyear Riverboat Jungle Cruise
  11. We went to Disneyland last Monday thinking it would be a slower day there and ughhhhhh was I wrong. Took us 90 minutes just to get into the park because of slow paid parking and security lines. WTF! Lines for the rides were long and in 8 or 9 hours we only got on 6 rides. WDW is better managed it seems. On a side note we also visited Legoland in Carlsbad. We were quite bored from it with the unimaginative rides and lack of live characters. Not recommended. That being said it would have been cooler to integrate certain franchises, namely Star Wars and Harry Potter, with the experience. Overall I think the experience has turned my kids off from amusement parks ☹️
  12. Interesting that its coming to theaters. Will see if it has good reviews.
  13. Right there with you and taking my children to see it. It's more about their opinion than mine, I'm just along for the ride. That being said its cool to know there may be a new generation of Transformers fans made from this film.
  14. Just saw ALIEN: Romulus. Total crap. Take a drink every time you saw fan service and you would die from alcohol poisoning within the first half-hour. I didn't think it was possible but somehow the director put all 4 ALIEN movies, the two Prometheus films, and the ISOLATION game through a blender to make this garbage. Many of the scenes made me think, "seriously?" Seriously disappointed. Was not scared nor thrilled and was tempted to walk out of the movie. Also didn't care for any of the human characters. WTF?! This seems like a common theme in media these days, no idea why. I drove home from the theater realizing there will never be a good ALIEN film that is at least equal to the first 2 films nor the same for a game like Isolation.
  15. LOL, ALIEN movies that I'd watch in order. ALIENS ALIEN Prometheus Covenant ALIEN3 ALIEN Resurection AVP AVP: R On a side note I'm watching ALIENS on MAX and its a perfect movie. I don't know how It could be any better. In some way its kinda bad for the franchise as it raised the bar so damn high that everything following it can be looked as crap. Darn you, James Cameron!!
  16. Finally! Reviews are coming in for Romulus and so far it looks good. WHEW!! lol I'll watch it in a theater the following weekend so no spoilers please 😉 https://www.ign.com/articles/alien-romulus-review-fede-alvarez
  17. Keep forgetting about the ALIEN series coming to Hulu and trying to wrap my head around its premise that it takes place 30 years before the first film... Sounds dumb but the people behind it have a good resume so who knows? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien:_Earth
  18. True and if they get to wordy I'll ignore the review outright. That being said I use IGN reviews for movies as it seems to be more in tune with our kind of audience. I'll look at the critics reviews before paying money to see a movie that may cause buyer's remorse.
  19. Hadn't seen any reviews and it's making me nervous, lol.
  20. I should have mentioned our visit to Disneyland is only for 1 day too.
  21. We'll be at Disneyland (CA) next week. Recommendations for parks, rides and food?? On a good side note my wife received free park tickets through her office. However this was after I bought $500 worth of Disney gift cards for $50 off, lol. We'll use the gift cards for souvenirs & food and will save whatever funds are left on the gift cards for a future trip to Disney World in 2026.
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