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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I had no interest in this game till I started watching old Clint Eastwood westerns on Netflix and Amazon recently. But it sucks that its not being released on PC anytime soon.
  2. We watched it and its OK, more like Wall-E meets Big Hero 6.
  3. Bah! I was hoping to see the Genie!! Still, I expect Will Smith to knock it out of the park and then some!!
  4. I've avoided this game due to its controversy. Is it worth playing?
  5. Well I'm stupid annoyed with Funimation. Their app doesn't let you cast or download the digital copy like Netflix and Amazon's app do. I guess you have to have a subscription but that's not cool if you own a digital copy.
  6. RIP. We'll honor him by making spaghetti for my family this Tuesday.
  7. Reviews are already in and its as bad as we expected. I wonder if Tom Hardy will ever return to a comic book film after this.
  8. I'm going to the Yamato 2199/2202 thread for better animation standards.
  9. I want it... But can't justify spending that much money for it
  10. RIP Al Matthews aka Sgt Apone in ALIENS. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/7332581/al-matthews-dead-at-74-american-actor-who-starred-in-aliens-superman-and-grange-hill-found-dead-in-his-spanish-retirement-home/
  11. This looks sooooo good. Right in the feels too. Very ET like. Update: More IRON GIANT than ET but still okay with me.
  12. Looks good. I bet my wife would like to see this.
  13. Ugh. Tom Hardy deserves better than this.
  14. Kinda off topic but it's too cool not to share.
  15. The original Predator was basically RAMBO meets ALIEN. You could make a good Predator film and I'd go with a edgy war-like film where modern soldiers take on the PREDATOR in a place like Iraq or Afghanistan, not the suburbs.
  16. This news just got me thinking about other big Hollywood franchises that are tanking and pissing off the fans. Namely Star Wars, Star Trek, ALIEN, Transformers and so on. Not a good time to be a big movie fan these days.
  17. A hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know that the world hadn't ended.
  18. I'm still waiting for that FF7 remake we keep getting teased with every four or more years.
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