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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Looks better than I imagined!! FYI the original Dark Crystal is currently on Netflix too.
  2. The reviews are out and they seem mixed. Basically expect monster action and not much else which is pretty typical for almost every Godzilla film. I'll still see it.
  3. Probably won't be the last First Blood. I bet we'll see a prequel about Rambo's adventures during the Vietnam War. It'll be titled... First Blood: Fortunate Son
  4. I've rewatched the trailer a few more times and it does hit all the right notes. My wife who isn't a Terminator fan liked the trailer too.
  5. That's a cool toy. I'm hoping for some cool toys to show up at my local Target. I want a Godzilla toy that me and my kids can enjoy playing with. A plush Godzilla toy would be cool too.
  6. The FX looked like something film students could have made using today's film tech which makes me wonder why it hasn't been done before.
  7. A very meh ending that played it too safe and lost the spirit of the first several seasons by going full Peter Jackson. You never go full Peter Jackson.
  8. Wanna fix Star Trek? Make a new series starring Wil Wheaton who re-gained popularity with The Big Bang Theory comedy series. Have cameos from TNG, DS9 and Voyager series. Last, stop the woke crap.
  9. As we learned with Affleck anybody can be a good Batman. However I'm more concerned about who is writing the movie.
  10. One of the best anime films. I could see a live action film being made.
  11. Now they can ruin Star Wars next! Oh wait, it's already ruined. GODZILLA don't let me down!!
  12. This last season is close to jumping the dragon shark by being unnecessarily over the top in the overdone battle scenes. Leave that crap to Peter Jackson. Do the writers even know who the characters are?? I guess we should expect this when the books series hadn't been finished yet?
  13. I watched The Predator on HBO streaming last night. Ho Lee Fuk it was terribly dumb. It was Terminator Genisys bad. I am now dumber for watching it.
  14. About damn time. I only hope it's coming to PC too.
  15. I ordered HBO streaming for the month to catch up on GOT but I noticed the compression seems worse than Netflix and Amazon's streaming services.
  16. Finally saw it and made it till about 5 or 10 minutes till credits rolled to leave the auditorium for the longest piss I've had in several years. Seriously, any film over 2.5hrs needs a frakking intermission. ENDGAME was good however I'm still way more hyped for GODZILLA to be released this month!!
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