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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Lee Iacocca passed away. He was to be portrayed by Jon Bernthal in this movie.
  2. Not surprised. It seems like every job in Japan wants to work you to death.
  3. Yeah, needs the General Lee with Tom Wopat driving but... ugh. I had so much hope for the future back in the 1980s.
  4. Wow, could they make this film any less sexy? Pass. Drew, Lucy and Cameron were sexy and funny in the last films.
  5. My family enjoyed the first movie and the animated series on Netflix. Christmas special was great too.
  6. No idea what's happening, typical Chinese film lol
  7. Looks good. USA! USA! USA!
  8. I think film could have used better lit daytime scenes like the 2014 film had. The sense of scale and danger makes it one of the best Godzilla film scenes ever IMHO
  9. Finally saw it today and don't understand the hate for it. The monster design and action was spot on and honored the Japanese films, really enjoyed the Mothra scenes. The humans were fine too. The Orca element of the story was interesting too. I think what hurt the film the most was the length of time since the first movie, Should have been made three years after the first Godzilla, not five. That being said, I'm really looking forward to King Kong vs Godzilla. West vs East Mammal vs Lizard Slavery vs Nukes
  10. Its like Interstellar meets Event Horizon?
  11. That was a teaser so will the actual animation be that good? I want to know more.
  12. Yeah, the 2014 film and I think the trailers for KOTM didn't help as they seemed kinda pretentious. Ultimately it comes down to reviews and right now KOTM has a lower score than Aladdin on RT. I did not expect that *sad face*
  13. On a side note I just finished Arkham Knight for a third time on PC. Still looks and plays great and PhysX is the only reason why I still use nVidia.
  14. Ugh, that was my worst fear from the trailers that the human characters would drag this movie down. Godzilla needs human characters but it seems like that's the greatest challenge in this genre.
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