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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I may have to watch it just to see how awful it really is.
  2. ROBOTECH Please don't hurt me
  3. Gollum is directing Venom 2. I hadn't seen the first film yet but I think I now have to. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/venom-2-andy-serkis-direct-1228724
  4. Finished the first season and can't wait for whats next! What a wild show.
  5. Wow, this looks good! Yeah, reminds me of DUNKIRK but thats a good thing!!
  6. 3 episodes in and just gets better!! Karl Urban is an ironically interesting casting choice as I thought he would have made an excellent Batman.
  7. Released today and first episode in. Its good and Karl Urban is awesome.
  8. Just realized Rutger died this year, 2019. The same year his character, Roy Batty, died in Blade Runner.
  9. He was great in so many other movies too. Ladyhawke, Blind Fury, The Hitcher and Hobo with a Shotgun. RIP.
  10. The movie is six years old and this TV series, though looks well made, brings nothing new. Kinda pointless IMHO. On a side note. Will someone please feed Jennifer Connelly a sandwich!!
  11. My daughter watches the new version, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood on Prime.
  12. I made a general movie thread. See you there!
  13. Discuss any movie that is coming soon, new or old that doesn't deserve or need their own thread. Similar to the general TV thread. I'll start with...
  14. Gonna be hard to top Wesley Snipes, especially if they don't make it rated R. He brought real street to the role.
  15. Looks good but I can't expect this lasting more than a few seasons, tops. Keep it short and sweet.
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