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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. That plus the storyline is pretty deep, more so than the movie. My five year old daughter who likes the movie was bored with the series after five minutes.
  2. Second episode in... yeah, not for little ones. This is Game of Thrones lite which is a good thing.
  3. Then again... it could kill my love for all things Yamato. Seriously, I sometimes wonder if folk in entertainment purposefully destroy beloved franchises just so we don't ask for more sequels or reboots.
  4. IGN gave it a 10/10 score... https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/08/31/joker-movie-review
  5. I saw. Just hope it's better than 2202, way better.
  6. First episode in. Looks great and way more deep than I expected.
  7. Still looks good but I'm not interested in TERMINATOR like I used to. I think that ended when the FOX television series was cancelled
  8. This movie looks to appeal to non-fans.
  9. New trailer. Looks OK.
  10. Just when I was about to cancel my Netflix service, lol. Dark Crystal series was a big factor too.
  11. Looks more like Rogue One than the new trilogy and that's a good thing. We may just cancel Netflix for Disney+ since we have small children, especially a five year old girl that loves princesses!!
  12. What if your life in the Matrix already sucks? I don't think Neo enjoyed his shitty apartment and cubicle life as Mr. Anderson so I'm sure that was a factor in taking the red pill. This goes back to Morpheus confessing to Neo on why they don't free minds after a certain age. On that note... My wife and I discussed a hypothetical 'what if' we were in a Matrix and would either of us take a red or blue pill. We both agreed we would take the blue pill because of our young children. Even though we couldn't physically hold them our love would be still there for each other through the Matrix
  13. Can we get a Jack Bauer movie instead?? Please!!
  14. RAMBO killing Mexican bad guys? Sign me up!
  15. I liked Reloaded but Revolutions was such a let down. Revolutions made no sense and the acting was very wooden. That being said, check out this old GE ad. https://youtu.be/DJ7GxfpZ2Vg
  16. Hmm, sequels. Breathtaking news that The Matrix 4 is gonna be made and I hope the Wachowski brothers don't f*ck it up. No idea how Carrie-Anne Moss is making a return though... On a side note its been 20 years since the first film. The Matrix 4 Officially Happening with Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/08/20/matrix-4-officially-happening-with-keanu-reeves-carrie-anne-moss
  17. Sony's Spider-Man films, namely Spiderverse, were better than Disney's so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. I have children so I'll be signing up for Disney+. When it comes to streaming services someone gave me the neat idea of just signing up on a streaming service for a month to binge whatever series that has your interest. I'll be doing that with HBO for Watchmen later this year.
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