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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Ballsy of them to release this trailer on Disney+ day.
  2. Another thing that grinds my gears with the post T2 sequels is their weak soundtracks, though T3 was valid attempt. Brad Fidel isn't a musical legend when it comes to movie soundtracks but he did get it right with his T1 and especially T2 work.
  3. Finally got it working, stupid issue with their password system. Anyways, glad I signed up for $4/month for 3 years back in Labor Day because I don't think its worth it full price or for those without kids for long term due to lack of original and mature content. For example the first thing I'm watching is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cause my five year old daughter likes it and it doesn't melt my brain like some of the crap she normally likes to watch on YouTube.
  4. Are you happy now?!? Looks OK, classic Jim Carrey which is better than creepy Jim Carrery.
  5. Anybody having login issues? I'm able to login to their web portal on my PC but not through their app on nVidia Shield. Changed password too. Update: Looks like its not just me. I'm sure they will figure it out but when? Disney has been hyping this up for almost a year now. https://www.theverge.com/2019/11/12/20960956/disney-plus-unable-to-connect-error-streaming
  6. When Drew Barrymore licked that steering wheel...
  7. Just saw it. It was good but... wasn't better than T3 IMHO. I doubt we'll see a sequel but my love for all things Terminator was pretty much terminated after the FOX series cancellation and weak films after T3. If there is going to be another Terminator film it should be a reboot, no more rehashed sequels. That being said Mackenzie Davis and other actors from the film have a bright future ahead of them.
  8. Jeff Goldblum is the new Christopher Walken. Not a bad thing.
  9. PSA digital copies of the TERMINATOR films are on sale on VUDU. I bought 1 through 3, watching 2 right now. It's the film that has held up the most over the years, hard to believe it's almost 30 years old. Yes, the original is a great classic but hasn't held up as well because of its dated SFX and very 1980s styling.
  10. One thing missing from the new Terminator films is the scare factor the original first film had. He was practically Jason from Friday the 13th. Remember this scene? I remember some in the audience jumped when the Terminator tried to grab Sarah. I also remember my nanny who took me and my brother, I was ten years old in 1984, to see it was covering her eyes most of the film. I had a great time!
  11. Looks like the film is doing poorly at the box office. Not surprised for different reasons, namely recent crappy sequels. I do plan on seeing the film but my love for the franchise died when the FOX series was cancelled. https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2019/11/02/box-office-james-cameron-and-tim-millers-terminator-dark-fate-starring-linda-hamilton-and-arnold-schwarzenegger-bombs-with-apocalyptic-11-million-friday/#6046f9515a3e
  12. No flying cars but we don't have to use a payphone to make a video call that costs you $1.25 If I had to choose between a smartphone and a flying car I think I'd choose the smartphone.
  13. I think OP meant this for BLADE RUNNER only, the other titles already had their special times pass by.
  14. My company held a Halloween contest for best costume and best office/cubicle decoration. My team won best office decoration, I took home the prize of a $50 gift card since I did all the work. Thats me in my costume in my office. Didn't win best costume though, lol.
  15. No flying cars or replicants but Los Angeles did devolve into a sh*thole as predicted, lol. That being said, Blade Runner is one of my favorite films so this month is is a big moment for me too. I have more to post on this later when I get home later tonight.
  16. I got a $5 coupon from Fandango so I may go see it just to get out of the house for a couple of hours. I don't expect much, probably won't be better than T3 which was a good movie IMHO.
  17. You guys shouldn't overthink the sci-fi logic in Star Wars, especially the recent films. I try not to think about the stupid Starkiller base in TFA as I get brain damage if I do.
  18. Back when Vin Diesel had 'hair' and before he went full action star. You never go full action star.
  19. Re-watched the teaser, would it kill their budget to add some tire smoke when the vehicle skidded to a stop? Cheap cheap!!
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