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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. That sucks, sorry that you and many others are going through that. Though I should be thankful for being able to work from home I miss the gym and I know it's at a cost of my own health plus the employees who can't work there too.
  2. Glad I got Disney+ so cheap when I did as we hardly watch it as the lack of original content is its weakest feature. Disney should be more like Netflix and take some risks on new content. Netflix is killing it with a documentary series about crazy big cat owners right now. Whodthunkit??
  3. Yeah, my five year old daughter only like Youtube crap. I tried Star Wars and anime I like but nope, she has no interest. Ugh...
  4. I picked a heckuva time to quit gaming, lol. At least I'm getting lots of stuff done in the house.
  5. More like the year without a year... UGH!
  6. Hope I don't sound like a pretentious downer so after decades of video gaming I officially quit my favorite hobby almost three weeks ago with not a single game played since. It's given me back money and time to my health and family and I'm doing great plus my wife is happier for me doing it too. Way happier if you know what I mean *wink, wink*. It's different from when I quit smoking several years ago but I think the health and relationship benefits are there as I'm not sitting for hours on a game and away from my family too.
  7. Agreed. Disney's content is lacking when compared to Netflix and Prime.
  8. Fine actor. Will be missed.
  9. Loved the original series. Sucked there was only 2 seasons. It was way ahead of the crap that was on primetime television back then.
  10. Mark Hamill's SKELETOR will sound great!
  11. They were all good as Batman. It's the director and script that sucked.
  12. The graphics seem dated and reminds me of Deus Ex.
  13. 103 years old. Last of the Silver Screen Legends. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/kirk-douglas-dies-spartacus-670526
  14. Thought I'd post this here since this Superbowl ad references many classic movies,
  15. Yeah, very dated but it does look and sound like a Blade Runner game should. I just re-played it last October as I still own the original CD-ROMs, had to download a separate program to make it playable and it worked!
  16. Here! Came out over 20 years ago too. https://www.gog.com/game/blade_runner
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