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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. I think a TV series would be more interesting but what the heck, I'm in!
  2. Agreed, great episode from REBELS. I told my wife if we hadn't settled on our son's name so quickly we would have named him Kanan and she agreed it would have been a good name too
  3. This pretty much applies to much of the forum members here, LOL. Ugh...
  4. I expect it to be really well made but bomb at the box office Hope I'm right on the first part and wrong on the last
  5. The only prequel that stands out is ROTS and its better than the sequels IMHO. The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise scene is one of my favorite scenes in most of cinema. Real shame though. ROTS's theme and maturity is how the prequels should have started.
  6. I'm wearing my first watch in over 15 years. The larger watch you see on my wrist is a Mobvoi Ticwatch Pro 4G/LTE and the smaller is my old Citizen WR 100 that I wore throughout my 8 military years in the Coast Guard and Army. I stopped wearing a watch mainly because I was able to tell time with my mobile phone and the watch battery replacement was too much of a hassle. Anyways, the smartwatch is cool but its nowhere near a good replacement for a mobile phone. I'll mainly use mine for telling time, playing music through bluetooth on my Samsung Galaxy Buds+, and emergency phone calls.
  7. That last episode was better than all the sequel movies combined. NOT SARCASM!
  8. I never thought about it like that but I think you nailed it.
  9. Heh, look what Vasquez is up to these days. Good for her. https://jenettebras.com/about
  10. Damon Lindelof is to blame for all the stupid changes. Just had to inject religion into it, the prick. If you truly desire more ALIEN then play ISOLATION. Still looks and plays great to this day.
  11. Shaak Ti is an odd character due to the many ways she has died in Star Wars.
  12. For that money I'd get a real gun, again! LOL. Still, their items are very nice looking. Especially the Blade Runner pistols which makes me want to buy a revolver someday.
  13. Its HBO so expect lots of nudity and F bombs
  14. Who knew Ahsoka Tano would turn out to be one of the most interesting characters in the SW universe?! She deserves her own movie. You listening, Disney?
  15. Good actor for his time, made his presence known in every movie he was in. RIP>
  16. Be careful on the treadmill as there are times I was laughing pretty hard!
  17. Though the docuseries series may be interesting Disney+ is hurting for any kind of new content these days. I bet they regret not making that TRON series now!
  18. My wife and I are binging all 9 seasons of THE OFFICE on Netflix. We never got into the series when it was on the air but holy crap its funny!
  19. Pandemic or not I expect this film to very well made and bomb in the box office just like the first DUNE film and BR2049. The f'ing stupid audience won't go for it, ugh.
  20. Easy Allies was created by former Gametrailers.com folk and I love their video reviews. Easy to listen and to the point. Though I quit gaming I still like watching their game reviews.
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