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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. When I was a kid I wanted to a astronaut, Jumping out of planes in the US Army made he hate flying so no space for me. Ugh.
  2. Forgot he was in the V series. I think he's more recently better known for Seinfeld. On a side note V was an amazing series, way ahead of its time for the 1980s. The reboot was decent but was sadly cancelled.
  3. Finished GOTHAM on Netflix last night. It was a fun series. Robin Lord Taylor as Penguin made it even better, he owned that role!
  4. CBS should have made a Star Trek series starring Wil Wheaton , especially when he regained popularity from their BIG BANG THEORY series. Another opportunity lost. Just like the George Takei Sulu/ Excelsior series that should have been made but never was.
  5. Can't we just have a general, ahem, admiral thread for all things Yamato?
  6. I'm 47 in September and grew up with TMNT 1980s cartoons and movies, good times! I also like the new films and series, who knows if my young children will ever be into TMNT though. I suspect a majority of the forum members here are over 40.
  7. I just finished that second episode and Filoni is THE GUY that should be running Star Wars, especially after Lucas departs this Earth. He gets it, better than most fans. Filoni explaining Anakin and family made me rethink my appreciation for the prequels. Also, KK is bad. Just bad. Her rudely injecting herself into the conversation the way she did and watching Jon Favreau's body language to her said it all.
  8. Did anybody else see THE CLONE WARS movie in the theaters when it was released way back in 2008? My wife then girlfriend took me to see it on my birthday. We were the only ones in the theater but it was a great birthday and I got misty eyed thinking about how much has happened with us since
  9. I'm hoping there willl be a theatrical release of the final episodes when cinemas reopen. Found this music on Youtube. TFW...
  10. Love my RED-MX mechanical, been rocking it for several years now. I think Best Buy has keyboards on display, try 'em out when they re-open.
  11. Hadn't thought about it like that, but yes, only Filoni should make that happen. I learned a lot about Filoni and Lucas in this video and what made CLONE WARS succeed so well.
  12. Just finished the final episode. Wow. Like I said before Ahsoka Tano deserves her own movie.
  13. +1 for TRUTH! Kathleen only cares about making money so her formula is hiring (and firing) directors that previously made bank on a film franchise. Gareth Edwards - Godzilla Colin Trevorrow - Jurassic World JJ Abrams - Star Trek Lord & Miller - LEGO Only exception is Rian Johnson but I think he was hired because of JJ Abrams who had praise for his work with LOOPER.
  14. Watched RoS last night for the first time on Disney+ and holy F it about killed all my love for Star Wars. I'm glad I didn't pay to see it in the theater. The story was glorified fan fiction. The biggest sin was the cheap way they brought back Palpatine, gave him a grandchild and turned him into a Weather Dominator.
  15. Just because it sounds like a good idea it doesn't mean it is. No faith in Star Wars movies till Kathleen is fired. The Filoni work (Mandalorian) will be fine though.
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