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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. Speaking of Ralph Bakshi... Prime has Fritz The Cat as well. First time watching recently and it was raunchy AF, crazy for its time. Seriously non-PC which was pretty cool!
  2. Yeah, I saw this too. Doesn't seem final but Disney is hurting for content for Disney+.
  3. Another 1980s animated classic on in PRIME!! ROCK & RULE! It has music by Cheap Trick, Iggy Pop and Debbie Harry. Though it looks like Prime's IS NOT the remastered version
  4. You want a good ALIEN experience? Play ALIEN: Isolation. You're welcome
  5. I blame poop writing than the director. Ridley Scott is an amazing director, Prometheus and Covenant just needed better writing and zero religion BS injected.
  6. I'm so excited for season 2 that I can't wait for season 3. Seriously, I bet season 2 will be awesome AF!
  7. We finished watching THE HANDMAIDEN on Prime last night. It was really good!! Big thanks for recommending it
  8. This series is great but when it comes to TRANSFORMERS has there yet to be anything better than the 1986 movie? Discuss
  9. I pay the $7.50 for the theater experience so I don't have to watch it with my family, ie my kids!!! Mine won't have any interest in watching Mulan as they are still very young. It was hard enough to keep my five year old daughter from leaving half-way through FROZEN 2, ugh. DISNEY is screwed. Wouldn't surprise me if they buckle and make the film free for Disney+ as their current content is getting old and dry.
  10. This series reminds me of GOTHAM where it obviously takes place in current modern times but avoids high tech by ignoring smartphones and computers altogether. Is there a name for this I wonder?
  11. $30? Um, no. https://www.ign.com/articles/mulan-will-be-released-in-theaters-and-on-disney-plus-in-september
  12. Yes! Thank you. I see its on CBS All Access. Looks like its time to give their free trial a go. On a side note I watched BASIC INSTINCT and Eyes Wide Shut on Showtime streaming and Eyes Wide Shut was only in 4:3 aspect ratio, WTF? Same with other movies I found in their library too. Good thing it was only a free trial with Showtime because they suck.
  13. Agreed on Jamie Lee Curtis but looking for films in the rated-R section Agreed 100%!
  14. Don't forget the diabeetus memes. RIP
  15. Wife and I watched another sexy movie last night. EYES WIDE SHUT. We only seen parts of it but never sat through the whole thing. I remember how controversial it was at the time, not just for the sex but also Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's marriage being on the rocks at the time too. Anyways, it was good movie with a creepy AF soundtrack but not something I'd watch again like BASIC INSTINCT. Besides Fatal Attraction any good recommendations, old or new, for sexy thrillers?
  16. Damn, didn't expect it to be that short. Oh well, can't wait for more
  17. Watched the first episode, well written and better than expected. 'You mean that hand?'
  18. Interesting and intense. Looks like a good 'ride' when it comes to streaming.
  19. I have yet been able to finish part 3, its so damn awful when compared to the first two. Especially the second OVA which I think is the best of the trilogy IMHO.
  20. I see one of the daughters is played by Samara Weaving who is... wait for it... Hugo Weaving's (Agent Smith in THE MATRIX) neice!! Whoa! FIXED
  21. My wife likes watching sexy thrillers but never saw BASIC INSTINCT so we watched that tonight on Showtime (trial) streaming. The film is almost thirty years old and still holds up very well.
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