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Everything posted by TangledThorns

  1. My wife has never seen THE CROW so we watched it together for the first time last night. Some of the 1990s goth is showing its age but still a great film with an awesome soundtrack, wife was humming along to some of the music by NIN and STP.
  2. Pretty ballsy of Disney to attempt that. There are other things I could say on this but its probably NSFW
  3. My wife put up the decorations already, nothing fancy but its pretty with the purple and orange lighting. Anybody plan on having their kids go Trick or Treating this year? Some neighborhoods aren't but ours will. We'll give out treats using tongs. And its Halloween so you should be wearing a mask anyways, lol.
  4. I'm hoping this can be a learning lesson for Hollywood that they'll have to resort to releasing only high quality movies for a significant amount of time if they expect the audience to ever return to the cinema.
  5. Dang, another shock cancer related death. RIP
  6. I'm forever happy that Netflix bought this series. Its a real gem in their collection.
  7. Ron designed a lot of stuff that we bought as collectibles. RIP
  8. I had no idea he was still alive. RIP.
  9. My wife is a huge Harry Potter fan so I wonder if she'll want a PS5 for Christmas
  10. Agreed though my daughter has discovered Phineas & Ferb and is now obsessed with it! I still have no idea what the show is about, lol.
  11. US companies talk big when it comes to human rights but I guess to them the Chinese aren't humans.
  12. You're thinking of the strongest Avenger. That was Hulk
  13. I'm suddenly nostalgic for the original DUNE and all things David Lynch right now. Lynch was such an awesome director back in the 1980s that made weird cool. Wild at Heart is one of my favorite movie of his. Couldn't find it on streaming (VuDu, Google, etc) so I had to order the blu-ray.
  14. Diana was great in GoT. RIP
  15. Reminds me too much of the original film which tells me how good David Lynch did with it. Either way... I expect this film to do poorly because of COVID and the audience is derp.
  16. Saw Tenet this evening. It's good though it's as close as we'll get to Nolan directed James Bond film. That being said Nolan should look at making a sequel with the Protagonist's character.
  17. See! Masks don't work!!
  18. We just finished the first season of BOSCH on Prime. It's a really good cop series that holds our interest. Lots of good actors and characters too.
  19. I'm not upgrading at all since I quit gaming, LOL. Though if I was still gaming the new cards look mighty tempting for making Cyberpunk 2077 look extra pretty.
  20. I wonder if AMD has an answer to this? It seems AMD is only interested in demolishing Intel these days.
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